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< User:Megadardery
Revision as of 10:27, September 16, 2022 by PorpleBot (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "<span +class="?explain"? *(style="?color: *inherit;?"?)? *title="([^"\n]+)" *>([^<\n]+)<\/span>" to "{{hover|$3|$2}}")
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  For Megadardery (talk | block log | uploads | logs)

Megadardery (talk [+] • contribs [13,962] • signaturetutorials1 (a) - 2 (a) - 3 (a) • [WGs] • CSSJS)

All Tutorials found by me are provided here.

Test any image Transparency

  1. Add a bookmark/favorite and set the url/target to
    javascript: (function(){ var Background, styles='* { background: black ! important }'; {Background=document.createElement('link'); Background.rel='stylesheet'; Background.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(Background); } } )();
  2. Optional: change 'black' to any color you want. You can use hex codes.
    • You could even assign a picture as the background, just use url(URL) (replace 'URL' with image url)
  3. Open the url of the image you want to test, and then click on the bookmark button.

Open Mii Channel and make miis in Dolphin Emulator

  1. Open Dolphin, Right Click on any Wii Game, Select "Properties".
  2. Select the tab "Filesystem" and expand "Partition 0"
  3. Expand the "_sys" and search for "RVL-NigaoeNR-v?.wad.out.wad" (the ? may varies)
  4. Right Click on it and choose "Extract File..." choose a location then click on "Save"
  5. Close the properties windows then open the file you just extracted (using File --> Open, or any other way)
  6. The Mii Channel is set to use an Wii Remote, either connect one or set controls manually via 'Emulated Wii Remote'

Find and Replacing

The Find and Replace function found in this wiki is very helpful and powerful. To use it, once you start editing, make sure that the advanced tab in the edit toolbar is expanded and then click the button to the far right.

You can then type the term you want to search for, and the term you want to replace and voila! It does all the work for you. It can be kinda slow at times, but in all cases, it is certainly faster than doing it manually. You can also activate the Match case option which does just that, in case you want to replace only words with specific case. I rarely use it but it can provide to be helpful.

You can also do searches with Regular expressions. It's a bit complicated, and explains it pretty well. After enabling it, here is a list of common codes you might want to use:

  • X* - Matches zero or more occurrences of the letter X. If you want to use more than one letter in place of X, put brackets leading and following the letters.
  • color|colour - it's just an example here, matches the first or the second term.
  • [^ \r\n\f]* - Matches anything (except newline breaks), pretty helpful if you want to search for any linked articles, just add \[ before, and \] after.
  • \n - Matches the newline break, that is the Enter press on your keyboard, helpful if you want to get rid of a specific set of lines.
  • $N - A very helpful tool in replacing, when used in the replacement box, matches the Nth brackets-expression that was added in the search for box. For instance, use "(Hi|Hello)" in the search box, and $1 in the replacement box to remove the quotes from around all the Hi and Hello words. Nifty, right?

Note using regular expressions has it downsides, namely you need to "escape" some characters to be able to search for them, for instance, to search for "(Hi)" or "(Hello)" without the quotes with active regular expressions, you need to escape the brackets by adding a \ slash before them, i.e search for \((Hi|Hello)\) (to avoid unwanted actions, you better always encase the | codes by using un-espaced bracket).

The characters that need to be escaped are {}[]()^$.|*+? and \ itself, meaning that to search for "\?|" for instance with out the quotes, type \\\?\| in the find box (or disable Regular expressions altogether)

Helpful links