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I M teh 1337 Hamm3r Br0. I wa$ $3nt h3r3 to pwn 411 n00b$. 70u R 4 n00b. 1 h4v3 t0 pwn 70u. Th3n 1 ROFL. 1 t41k 1n ch4t $p34k. 1 M 1337 b3c4uS3 1 t41k th1$ w47. 70u R 4 n00b b3c4u$3 70u d0n't t41k th1$ w47. H4 h4. 1 41r34d7 M ROFLing!

Just kidding. My name's John. My username used to be superduperyoshi, but that changed when I moved to San Francisco on Dec 27, 2007.

By the way, post what you think this 1337-$p34k m3$$4g3 means on my t41k p4g3.

If ya wanna speak ta me, go here.