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Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
  • Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
  • "Vote" periods last for one week.
  • All past proposals are archived.

A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed with the signature code ~~~(~).

How To

  1. Actions that users feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
  2. Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
    1. Monday to Thursday: 17:00 (5pm)
    2. Friday and Saturday: 20:00 (8pm)
    3. Sunday: 15:00 (3pm)
  3. Every vote should have a reason accompanying it.
  4. At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has no merit or was cast in bad faith. However, there must be strong reasons supporting the invalidation.
  5. "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
  6. At the deadline, the validity of each vote and the discussion is reviewed by the community.
  7. Any proposal that has three votes or less at deadline will automatically be listed as "NO QUORUM." The original proposer then has the option to relist said proposal to generate more discussion.
  8. All proposals are archived. The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it. If it requires the help of a sysop, the proposer can ask for that help.

The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after school, weekend nights).

So for example, if a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is indeed a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.



CURRENTLY: 19:42, 4 October 2024 (EDT)

New Features


Poorly Written Articles

Now and then, certain users (usually noobs) will sit down and write up a poorly written article. Sometimes these articles aren't about valid subjects, and get deleted quickly, but what should we do if the subject is valid? Take the article In the Clouds for example. It's a level in Yoshi's Island DS, and qualifies for its own article, but the article itself, while not a stub, is atrocious. It makes the wiki look like a joke, and it amazes me that the author has the reading skills to even navigate the internet and come here (no offense). I can't bear to actually read it, and it's just gonna sit there and rot with a rewrite tag until someone comes along and does a proper write up.

What I'm wondering is if we should delete these poorly written articles. This sort of thing is different from stubs, which may actually contain decent grammar, and may just need expanding. Even if they do get a rewrite, poorly written articles will likely be started over from scratch, and the original context would be lost regardless.

Proposer: Booster
Deadline: April 10, 2008, 17:00

Delete Poorly Written Articles

  1. Booster: Per my statement above.
  2. Huntercrunch Per Booster. The articles tagged for a rewrite always rot and no-one ever checks them out/ attempts to make the article look better.
  3. ~PY Purpleyoshisig.PNG-Per all. No one looks at rewrite pages!
  4. My Bloody Valentine Per Booster. I've always wanted these kinds of articles deleted. About time someone stepped up and said something. No one ever, EVER checks the Rewrite pages, and never even bothers to try and rewrite them... As the above three have already said...
  5. 3dhammer.gif 3D, yeeeeeaaaah... They're better off in Edit Heaven. Let's let someone CAPABLE rewrite them. 3dhammer.gif
  6. HemuI Agree someone better should write those articles.
  7. Glitchmansig.PNG Glitchman (talk · contribs) Glitchmansig.PNG - Yeah, nobody's doing anything about the articles in bad shape. Why not just remake them??

Keep Them

  1. People DO check the rewrite pages, and improve them greatly. Look at Stumpers (talk) edits on Donkey Kong, for crying out loud! Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 11:46, 4 April 2008 (EDT)
  2. Stumpers! Way to generic of a proposal for my taste. The point of a proposal is to create a guideline to prevent the problem from coming up again in the future, but this will just lead to more discussion and individual proposals regarding specific arguements, which will happen anyway. This would be much more efficient if you'd had made a series of proposals, each about one article individually. Please give us a list and we can look at each of them.
  3. BLOC PARTIER. Per Stumpers and Plums. This proposal has too wide of a range. There are a lot of poorly written articles tha are also very long. Do we want those deleted? And I agree, someting that's only one line sucks. But this proposal is including the long articles as well. And anyone can edit those articles if they just get up off their lazy butts and do it. (No offense to anyone in particular. Really.)
  4. Ghost JamShyghost.PNG per my statement below.
  5. Time Questions: Per Ghost Jam. Who decides what is poorly written? And if we're talking about specific articles, we don't need a proposal.
  6. Stooben Rooben Per all. Every article has poor grammar or punctuation at some point which could be considered "poorly written" to some. People (like Stumpers) visit the rewrite categories quite often; a lot of times the articles get awesome rewrites too. There's a reason we have the categories rewrite, rewrite-expand, rewrite-you, rewrite-wikidump, I really need to go on? THEY CAN BE REWRITTEN CORRECTLY!
  7. Per all. We don't want to lose good articles. -Canama
  8. Then be a big boy and re-write 'em if you don't like 'em. -Girrrtacos
  9. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work) - I didn't have an opinion up until I saw that ginornomously stupid "IF YOU OPPOSE THIS PROPOSAL, YOU NEED TO REWRITE THOSE ARTICLES OR ELSE YOUR VOTE IS VOID" comment. I do look at the Rewrite page - Infact, I rewrite quite a few articles in need. Anything is salvageable, provided you know the subject.
  10. Walkazo - Per all, especially Girrtacos.
  11. Per all SJ derp :P
  12. Per all Green Guy
  13. Jdrowlands (talk) - The person who wrote In the Clouds probably spent an hour or two writing it. We don't want to put possible new users off the wiki. Also, Per All.
  14. Per all.There's actually some articles that are good "poorly written".You're being alittle harsh.Redflyingyoshi.pngGoldguy
  15. Per All HyperToad


I feel that it would be better to delete articles like these on a case by case basis. Many could be saved and many shouldn't be saved.

If there is an issue with the article improvement categories, it might be worth trying to bring more attention to them. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 01:21, 4 April 2008 (EDT)

I agree. If this proposal passes, we'd still have to decide for every article individually whether it is "poor enough" to be deleted or not. Plus, some might be poorly written but could contain information which would be missing when the article is deleted and later re-created by someone else. Time Questions 07:09, 4 April 2008 (EDT)

Hmm... I'll have to wait and see where this proposal is going, and I would like to see both sides' main points before I vote. My question is this: How do we decide if an article is "poorly written?" Because Spiny used to be terrible, before I started editing it. But it was big. Would we have deleted it? BLOC PARTIER.

No. I think only small ones, like stubs with bad grammar or that are obviously idiotic, like "world 2-1" which was coposed of simpy "world 2-1". 3dhammer.gif 3D, AND MY HEART IS AS LIGHT AS THE WIND WHICH IN TURN BLOWS THE BROWNED DEAD LEAVES OFF THE TREESES, OOOOOHHH! 3dhammer.gif

Plumber: The Donkey Kong article isn't exactly a candidate for deletion because it's poor. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 15:01, 4 April 2008 (EDT)

Yeah, it would have to be a case-by-case basis for this sort of thing. If anyone's unsure about the quality of an article they can always ask. I also think we should also do something about one-sentence stubs, but that's another issue at the moment. -- Booster

I think there's already an (unwritten) rules for deleting one-liner. Heck, I think there was even a proposal about it. - Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)
I remember something like this as well, but the only thing I could find in the archives is this one - not about deleting one-liners, but against the deletion of new stub articles. Time Questions 16:27, 4 April 2008 (EDT)

Hey, Plumber! I appreciate the support! Cobold: while I'm on the topic he was discussing how it was a long time ago... go check out the history. It was long, but poorly written. Of course, now that the proposer's specified that he only meant short articles I'm not sure if it's a good example, but whatever. Instead of having this generic proposal, I'd rather the proposer come forth with a list of pages he's talking about, and then we can take care of the stinkers one by one. (seriously, who wouldn't vote yes to, "Fix Something Bad" proposals? Only people who don't like the vagueness...) Stumpers! 17:13, 4 April 2008 (EDT)

Here's some of the really bad articles (not so much stubs) that I'm referring to. -- Booster

Um, guys, look above... Those are the kinds of articles Booster meant, he didn't mean poorly written articles (like Donkey Kong was) in general. :\ My Bloody Valentine

I don't think I get this proposal. Pages with only "World 2-1" or "Pirate goombas are pirate goombas" should definitely be deleted. Badly written stubs can be deleted. But non-stub articles that are badly written are fine, as long as there's a rewrite tag. What side should I vote on? Sprite of the Ruby Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door CrystalYoshi Yoshi Egg Sprite.png 08:28, 5 April 2008 (EDT)

Everyone who is opposing, you need to rewrite all these type of articles, or there's no point putting your name here. And if no one does this, I'm going to bring this up again.~PY Purpleyoshisig.PNG

PY has a point. Everyone who is opposing this Proposal automatically has the responsibility of rewriting those poorly written articles. My Bloody Valentine

What? No. Everyone who is opposing doesn't agree with Booster's proposal. The proposal says to delete poorly written articles. Now my question is what is poorly written. Because if we don't have a clear definition (e.g. a rewrite tag plus bad formatting), this proposal makes no sense imo. Sorry. Time Questions 13:10, 6 April 2008 (EDT)
Opposing the deletion of the articles doesn't mean we're gonna rewrite them; it merely means that we think they should stay. Users come across these articles and fix them. I'm sure a lot of articles started out like crap and turned out pretty good after a while. — Stooben Rooben Overkill, Mr. Sysop; overkill.
Woah now, calm down... I see a flame war in the near future if you don't. Anyway, why are we fighting about this? Everyone has the responsibility to rewrite crappy articles. But most of us (me included) are usually just too lazy to do it. So please, stop fighting about something we should all do. :| BLOC PARTIER.
Yeah, you're right IS. Didn't mean to get so worked up. — Stooben Rooben

Well, the articles we are talking about are articles that hardly make any sense whatsoever. Articles that look like they were written by a two-year old. The articles Booster showed as an example. Not articles like Spiny or Donkey Kong before their rewrite, those were at least written in a way that could be understood, it was just the way the article was organized that was the problem. My Bloody Valentine

And how do you define "articles that look like they were written by a two-year old"? That's my problem with this proposal, basically. Time Questions 06:24, 7 April 2008 (EDT)

For the last freakin' time, look at Booster's examples! My Bloody Valentine

I can't derive a definition of "poorly written" from the examples. The proposal says to delete "poorly written" articles. It does not say to remove the articles Booster listed, which would indeed make sense as a proposal. But automatically deleting articles through a rule does not make sense if there is no definitions we can use for deciding whether an article is poorly written or not. Time Questions 06:34, 7 April 2008 (EDT)
Uh, the "Hunky Chunky Barrel" article in Booster example doesn't appear to be "written by a 2-years old". Sure, it's full of unnecessary details and the past tense is quite annoying, but it's still perfectly understandable. --Blitzwing 06:42, 7 April 2008 (EDT)
Then that's what I'd define as poorly-written - an article that is hard to understand. --Pikax 16:46, 9 April 2008 (EDT)

Splits & Merges


None at the moment.


None at the moment.