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It's-a-me Mario! Wario!
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 SMW's MEGA Wario and Meat Loaf Fan
About MeHey hey everybody! I'm Chris, "WarioLoaf". By my name you can tell i like the character Wario. Wario Land s 1 - 4, Super Smash Bros. Brawl , and Super Mario 64 DS are my favorite games of all time. and I love to listen to Music by Singer Meat Loaf (where the other part of my name is derived).
My top 8 favorite Characters of the Various series
King Boo.jpg
King Boo - very cool and adorable
Wizpig - BEST VILLAIN EVER BESIDES WARIO! (and he's fat)
King K. Rool - 2nd BEST VILLAIN BESIDES WARIO (he's also fat!!!)
Luigi - He's my second Fav. Plumber and he's so cool
T.T. - i've liked him since childhood
Pianta - great right fielder in Baseball
Read these!
Reading time:
This user plays the Wario Land series.
Ulti Fav
This user believes that Super Mario 64 is the best videogame ever.
This user Loves Playing the Super Nintendo at his cousin's, for he doesn't own it :(
game dev
This user is interested in video game development.
Ulti Multi Fav
This user believes that Mario Party 2 is the best multiplayer videogame ever.
This user is a Super Smash Brother!
File:Aim symbol.png
This user uses AOL Instant Messenger. His screenname is WarioLoaf. You saw that coming, com'on!
This user is addicted to the Internet.
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
User:WarioLoaf/Template:MKDS Lovers
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