Blizzaurus is a boss in the game Super Princess Peach. It was battled at the end of world 6, Gleam Glacier. It appeared as a giant dragon-type boss, but it was revealed to be just a Sprite.
After reaching the frozen Toad, Blizzaurus pops out of nowhere and knocks him away. As soon as the battle begins, Blizzaurus will charge at Peach. Jump over her and as she gets into the corner, jump onto her force field. She’ll create glaciers in the ground and also shoot beams of freezing ice at Peach. If Peach gets hit by the beam, she will turn into ice and immediately press various buttons in hopes of shattering the ice. If she doesn't, Blizzaurus will smash into the player. Once the coast is clear (or Blizzaurus charges up her attack), stand right next to her and use Rage to destroy her barrier and take away an HP.
When Blizzaurus’ HP reaches 2, she’ll reveal her true form. She’s actually an evil fairy, and she flies around in the air while the player runs around and dodges her icicles. When Peach gets the opportunity, use Rage and dodge Blizzaurus’ ice blast, which sends bolts of ice at Peach in all directions. Rage will damage Blizzaurus and eventually destroy her force field. Peach will probably have to jump in order to hit her. Keep doing this until Blizzaurus is nothing but a memory.
Once Blizzaurus suffers defeat, Peach is able to make her way to Giddy Sky.