List of trophies in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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# Name Image First Game Description
Character Trophies
1 Mario Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
A familiar overall-clad figure who is Nintendo's flagship character. His courage and jumping ability have seen him through countless adventures. He's a multitalented plumber with the knowledge of a physician, a top-notch golfer, and a veteran tennis umpire. Is his jumping prowess a boon from his girder-climbing days?
2 Mario
(Final Smash)
Mario with a Smash Ball, unleashing his ultimate attack. The twin dragons of flame he releases wallop all characters in range. The flames spread up and down, so it's best to release them from the edge of the screen at an appropriate height. His flaming eyes are proof of his excitement for this explosive attack.
3 Donkey Kong Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
A carefree jungle dweller with the charisma of a natural leader. He keeps busy by foiling the plans of the Kremlings and their boss, King K. Rool. As his physique suggests, this ape is a powerhouse. He's got speed to match too, and his love for bananas is second to none. His famous necktie is adorned with his initials, DK.
4 Donkey Kong
(Final Smash)
DK about to go to town with some bongos! His performance is so magnificent and upbeat that it creates damage-inducing sound waves. Press the buttons in time to the music, and the sound waves may grow stronger. DK's invulnerable when launching this attack, but he's also immobile, so be careful using it on scrolling stages.
5 Link The Legend of Zelda
A young man who emerged to rescue Hyrule from peril. He's the bearer of the Triforce of Courage who fights to keep Ganondorf from conquering the world. His green outfit is a constant throughout the series. He's a skilled swordsman, horseman, and archer. He's also proficient with bombs and boomerangs.
6 Link
(Final Smash)
Link with a Smash Ball, releasing his ultimate attack. Light flares from the Triforce symbol on the back of his hand and rushes out to meet the enemy he faces. The enemy gets trapped within the glittering Triforce, is quickly cut to shreds, and is launched by the last strike. The attack works on one enemy at a time, so it's best to go after the character in first place.
7 Samus Aran Metroid
The intergalactic bounty hunter named Samus Aran. Orphaned at an early age, she was taken in and raised by the alien race known as the Chozo. The Power Suit she wears is a product of their technology. Her unique combat skills combined with her athleticism and Arm Cannon have seen her through countless missions.
8 Samus Aran
(Final Smash)
Samus's Final Smash. The beam emerging from her Arm Cannon is dreadfully powerful and causes great damage to enemies. The beam travels slowly but can be swept up and down. The recoil of the beam is so great that it tears off her Power Suit, revealing Zero Suit Samus. The pieces of her armor can be picked up and thrown as weapons.
9 Yoshi Super Mario World
A creature that hails from Yoshi's Island. Yoshis come in a variety of colors, and all possess gentle personalities. No matter what problems they face, they always look like they're having fun. Yoshis use their long tongues to grab and swallow fruit and enemies. They can convert what they swallow into eggs, which they then lay. They also give Mario rides.
10 Yoshi
(Final Smash)
Yoshi with wings on his back that give him the power to fly freely across the sky. In this state, he can spew giant fireballs. He is more mobile and powerful, but the inertia makes movement quirky, so it takes some skill to master flight. Yoshi returns to a normal state after a set period of time has passed.
11 Kirby Kirby's Dream Land
A round, pink ball of cuteness from a distant, peaceful star. He can swallow anything with his gigantic mouth, then spit it out as ammo. He has the handy ability to copy powers and use them as his own. His hovering ability lets him fly through the air with ease. He's so round, he's sometimes treated like a ball.
12 Kirby
(Final Smash)
Kirby in chef's garb. When Kirby throws on his chef's hat, a giant pot appears in the center of the screen. All characters, items, and even long-distance weapons are sucked into the pot. Once they've simmered a bit, food items equal to the number of things in the pot appear. Characters in the mix get blasted straight up out of the pot.
13 Fox McCloud Star Fox
The leader of the commando unit for hire known as Star Fox. He uses both the team's mother ship, the Great Fox, and his personal Arwing fighter to challenge the evil scientist Andross. He made his name as an ace pilot but has lately shown himself also to be an adventurer with a knack for hand-to-hand combat.
14 Fox McCloud
(Final Smash)
Fox's Final Smash. Climb aboard the Landmaster tank, the ultrahigh- performance, antiair, rolling combat vehicle of Team Star Fox. Just like in the Star Fox series, the cannon can be used to blast foes, and the tank can roll over enemies. The jets beneath the main body can be used to hover. Between its firepower and mobility, this tank knows no equal.
15 Pikachu Pokémon Red and Blue
A Mouse Pokémon. Its lightning-bolt tail and round cheeks are its trademarks. When danger draws near, it uses tiny electric pouches within its cheeks to discharge electricity. When it's really fired up, it unleashes thunderbolts on its rivals. It's said to recharge when it's sleeping. It evolves into Raichu.
16 Pikachu
(Final Smash)
Pikachu, transformed into a ball of light that can slam into foes. It can also fly to chase down those who try to jump out of range. Sparks get stronger when you press the attack button. However, its increased inertia makes midair movement tough. If you get carried away flying, the effect will end, and you'll destroy yourself. Be careful it doesn't happen to you.
17 Bowser Super Mario Bros.
The king of the Koopas and Mario's eternal rival. He breathes fire, hurls hammers, attacks from vehicles like the Koopa Clown Car, and uses all sorts of weapons in hopes of taking out Mario. As his size suggests, he's immensely powerful. His son Bowser Jr. is a chip off the old block who spends his time creating trouble for Mario.
18 Bowser
(Final Smash)
Bowser, transformed into the terrible and brutal form first seen in Super Smash Bros. Melee. While in this form, he's invulnerable--he takes no damage and cannot be budged. His appearance is so fierce, it's as if he doesn't even belong in the Smash Bros. universe. He cannot maintain this form for long, so dealing out damage efficiently is key.
19 Peach Super Mario Bros.
The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Her long blond hair is a perfect match for her pink dress. Regardless of the number of Toad retainers she has, she's often kidnapped by Bowser. Though she's usually the damsel in distress, she got a starring role in Super Princess Peach, where it was her turn to rescue Mario and Luigi.
20 Peach
(Final Smash)
Peach's Final Smash. Images of the princess border the screen and a rain of peaches falls. While this is happening, all the other characters fall asleep. So, Peach's dilemma is this--does she eat the peaches to lower her damage, or does she smack around her dozing enemies? Take stock of the situation and choose the path that leads to victory.
20 Zelda The Legend of Zelda
The princess of Hyrule. In other games, her role changes between titles. In Ocarina of Time, she was hunted by the would-be conqueror, Ganondorf. She deceived him, however, by adopting the persona of Sheik. In Twilight Princess, she surrendered to Zant and was held as his prisoner.
21 Zelda
(Final Smash)
Princess Zelda's Final Smash. She wields a mighty bow of light with which she can attack from afar. Her arrow travels in a straight line and flies through all characters unlucky enough to be in the way. This attack cannot be blocked. The more enemies there are, the higher the chances to get them all with one shot. More is always better!
22 Sheik The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The persona Zelda adopted to escape from Ganondorf. She completely hid all traces of her Zelda identity and appeared to Link as the last member of the Sheikah tribe. She taught Link essential ocarina melodies and then vanished in an instant. She didn't appear very often--rather, she would show up to support Link in crucial situations.
23 Sheik
(Final Smash)
Sheik's Final Smash. After grabbing a Smash Ball, Sheik will be able to wield a bow of light. The arrow fired from this bow has the power to pass through multiple targets, so it will damage all enemies in the direction it flies. This, coupled with its shield-breaking power, makes it even more terrible. Even in Sheik form, Zelda's ability as an archer is undiminished.
24 Ice Climbers Ice Climber
The one in blue is Popo, and the one in pink is Nana. They use their incredible jumping powers and hammers to break blocks and climb to the summit. They grab veggies, and if they can catch the condor at the end, they conquer the mountain. Other than breaking blocks, their hammers are good for sending foes flying, climbing down from blocks, and destroying icicles.
25 Ice Climbers
(Final Smash)
The Ice Climbers' Final Smash. This giant ice mountain appears in the middle of a stage--it's incredibly slippery, so it's hard to control yourself when traversing it. In addition to being slick, this ice is also COLD, so opponents will take damage just from touching it. Attack the ice, and it will take damage and slowly shrink. Is it actually useful? That's a mystery.
26 Meta Knight Kirby's Adventure
The head of the Meta-Knights, and something of a rival to Kirby. He's quite an accomplished swordsman.

Following his code of knightly ethics, he once delivered his sword to Kirby and demanded single combat. His giant cape transforms into wings, giving him the power of flight. He's shown his face briefly before, but his relationship to Kirby is still a mystery.

27 Meta Knight
(Final Smash)
Meta Knight's Final Smash. He flips his cape, and the darkness within envelops his foes and plunges the world into shadow. He then unleashes a series of sword strikes that do terrible damage and launch his foes. In the darkness, Meta Knight can also reach and attack distant enemies. One can imagine Meta Knight zipping back and forth at high speed to accomplish this.
28 Pit Kid Icarus
The captain of the royal bodyguards of Palutena, goddess of light and ruler of Angel Land. The dark goddess, Medusa, conquered the underworld, the surface world, and the heavens, and imprisoned Palutena. Pit escaped and, armed with Palutena's magical bow, set out to free her. Along the way, he gathered Three Sacred Treasures with which he challenged Medusa.
29 Pit
(Final Smash)
Pit's Final Smash. An image of the goddess Palutena appears, heralding the arrival of Pit's legions, the Centurions. These flying warriors proceed to attack all enemies with fierce savagery. Once a Centurion strikes an enemy, he falls from the sky, never to fly again. Centurions are so fast that dodging them is very hard. Take heart, Centurions! Your deaths are not in vain!
29 Zero Suit Samus Metroid Fusion
Samus Aran without her mighty Power Suit. In this condition, she does not have the firepower she's famed for but is in full possession of the agility and athleticism she gained through her childhood training with the Chozo. Without the armor, she's also much, much faster. The weapon she carries is a self-protection device known as a Paralyzer that stops enemies cold.
30 Zero Suit Samus
(Final Smash)
Zero Suit Samus's Final Smash. Samus loses her Power Suit when she fires the Zero Laser, but she can restore it--that is, she can return from her Zero Suit form to her familiar armored form. That being said, Zero Suit Samus is very quick with great reach, so there are tactical reasons to fight as is. If that's your preference, don't pick up any Smash Balls.
31 Wario Super Mario Land 2
Mario's self-styled rival. He loves money and gross humor. He often sets out in search of hidden treasure. His bold moves come from his superhuman strength and are completely different from Mario's moves. Aside from adventuring, he's also the chairman of game maker WarioWare, Inc. Its franchise game is WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$.
32 Wario
(Final Smash)
Wario's Final Smash. He chomps on his favorite food, garlic, and transforms into Wario-man! His mobility goes way up. His attack power doesn't change much, but he scampers like a cockroach, using moves like crazy! He can jump over buildings and use midair attacks to fly. Oh, and he doesn't flinch from attacks. Think twice about bringing out his motorcycle at this time...
33 Ike Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
A member of Crimea's top fighting force, the Greil Mercenaries. He's a man of few words whose blunt manner gives the impression that he's uncaring, but he's actually a passionate hero. He was crucial to the reconstruction of Crimea. In Radiant Dawn, he continues to show his deep sense of honor and leads the Greil Mercenaries to the aid of the Laguz Alliance.
34 Ike
(Final Smash)
Ike's Final Smash--a powered-up version of his signature move, Aether. Ike faces a foe and swings his sword up for a hit, then tosses his sword into the air, performs multiple nasty strikes, and finally unleashes a mighty overhand blow to send his opponent plummeting down. It's a very impressive sight, but if Ike misses with the first upward swing, he can't use the move.
35 Pokémon Trainer Pokémon Red and Blue
A person who raises Pokémon and trains them as partners in battle. In battle, a Trainer gives orders to the Pokémon and uses items. It's not an exaggeration to say battles can be won or lost on a Trainer's single strategic move. Trainers pour their hearts into their Pokémon and share anger, sadness, and joy as they adventure in hopes of becoming Pokémon Masters.
36 Pokémon Trainer
(Final Smash)
The Final Smash of the Pokémon Trainer. Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard join forces to simultaneously use Hydro Pump, SolarBeam, and Fire Blast. This is the only time all three of them appear on the screen together, so this move boasts the strength of three in one. A window will appear on the screen, but don't worry about it.
37 Charizard Pokémon Red and Blue
A Flame Pokémon. Its fiery breath is hot enough to burn up rocks, and its wings let it fly up to 4,600 feet into the air. It's a proud Pokémon that will never use its flame breath on an opponent weaker than itself. The flame on its tail is a barometer of how much vitality it has remaining. Its signature move, Flamethrower, is a reliable technique.
38 Squirtle Pokémon Red and Blue
A Tiny Turtle Pokémon. In times of danger, it pulls its arms and legs inside its shell to protect itself from enemy attacks. When it conceals its neck, it also shoots a powerful stream of water from its mouth. Its shell not only protects its body, it also reduces water friction when it's in the water. When it levels up, it evolves into Wartortle.
39 Ivysaur Pokémon Red and Blue
A Seed Pokémon that is the evolved form of Bulbasaur. It has a flower bulb on its back, the weight of

which has made it develop strong legs and hips. If the blossom gets too big, the Pokémon can't stand on two legs alone. At a certain level, it evolves into Venusaur. When this happens, the bulb absorbs nutrients and blossoms into a large-petaled flower.

40 Diddy Kong Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong's little buddy. He's famous for his quickness and his long tail. He usually plays second banana to DK, but he teamed up with his girlfriend, Dixie, to rescue DK when he got captured. He's spent some time playing music and competing in races, and he's also an expert at using barrels.
41 Diddy Kong
(Final Smash)
Diddy Kong's Final Smash. Equipping his rocketbarrels and dual peanut popguns, Diddy can fly around attacking opponents in rapid-fire fashion. He can tilt the barrel jets left or right to control his flight and shoot peanuts straight down, too. This is a technique that tests one's ability to control both movement and attack direction.
42 Lucas Mother 3
Japan only
The younger of twin brothers living in Tazumili Village in the Nowhere Islands. He's a kind boy who can communicate with animals, but he's shy and never really got over the tragedy that struck his mother. He fights a warped dictatorship, hunts the Seven Needles, and crosses swords with his missing brother, Klaus. In the end, the young boy with psychic PSI powers grows up.
43 Lucas
(Final Smash)
Lucas's Final Smash. He pulls a large group of stars from the sky and sends them smashing down among his enemies, causing damage to one and all. In Mother 3, this move was used by Lucas's traveling companion, Princess Kumatora. As Ness learned this move from Poo, Princess Kumatora taught Lucas when he learned he would appear in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
44 King Dedede Kirby's Dream land
The self-styled king of the amazingly peaceful Dream Land. He continually does things unbecoming a king, like stealing the kingdom's food supplies or all the stars from the sky. He's not all bad, though, and sometimes performs good deeds. While he and Kirby often battle, they've been known to compete good-naturedly at speed-eating contests and minigames.
45 King Dedede
(Final Smash)
King Dedede's Final Smash. He whistles, and an army of Gordos, Waddle Dees, and Waddle Doos rain down and rampage, pummeling all in their way. After a bit, they'll pack it in and hit the road. Any left can be forcibly removed. They are fast and numerous, which makes it difficult to get through their ranks without taking any damage.
46 Pikmin & Olimar Pikmin
Veteran spacefarers in the employ of Hocotate Freight. After crash-landing on an enigmatic planet, Olimar met the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. He enlisted their aid to find his spaceship parts and help him escape. Once home, he found his employer on the verge of bankruptcy. He was sent back to the Pikmin world with his partner, Louie, to repay the company debt.
47 Pikmin & Olimar
(Final Smash)
Olimar's Final Smash. Dusk falls, and his spaceship makes a landing. Olimar takes the Onion, with all his Pikmin aboard, and blasts off for the stars. In Pikmin, native life-forms grew active and violent at night, making it lethal to remain on the surface--this is why Olimar would take his Onions and leave at night. This technique breaks the framework of the game.
48 Red Pikmin Pikmin
A type of Pikmin--which are odd beings who grow like plants yet are as mobile as animals. Red ones are heat and fire resistant and are strong attackers, which makes them valuable when facing dangerous foes. Purple Pikmin are also tough fighters, but since it's difficult to increase their numbers, red Pikmin are easier to manage. Red Pikmin have distinct pointed noses.
49 Blue Pikmin Pikmin
A type of Pikmin, which are curious creatures that follow and obey the person who picks them. If you take advantage of this trait, you can get them to help Capt. Olimar and Louie. The blue Pikmin are at home in water and cannot drown. Need to retrieve an object underwater or cross a water hazard to disarm a trap? Blue Pikmin are just the allies you need.
50 Yellow Pikmin Pikmin
A type of Pikmin. Take a nutrient- rich pellet to a flying saucer known as an Onion, and it will produce the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. Yellow ones fly higher than other Pikmin when tossed by Olimar or Louie. Unlike other Pikmin, they're also highly resistant to electricity, which makes them invaluable when battling enemies like anode dweevils.
51 White Pikmin Pikmin 2
A type of Pikmin. White Pikmin are resistant to poisons and are themselves toxic to creatures that eat them. Their low weight makes them very speedy, and they can also dig up buried items. White and purple Pikmin do not live inside Onions, so you must change other Pikmin into them by tossing them into ivory candypop buds and violet candypop buds.
52 Purple Pikmin Pikmin 2
A type of Pikmin, much heavier and slower than other Pikmin. When thrown, they impact with such force that they may kill or stun enemies. They're also incredibly strong--one of them can carry an item that normally would require ten Pikmin. While they're more powerful fighters than their red cousins, their slow speed hampers their effectiveness.
53 Ness Earthbound
An average boy whose life changed when he found a meteor and an alien on a nearby mountain. The alien warned him of a future threat, and adventure ensued. He can use psychic energy known as PSI and also wields a bat and yo-yo. This brave youth gives his all to defeat the evil Giygas.
54 Ness
(Final Smash)
Ness as he calls down a host of damage-dealing stars in his Final Smash. Everyone on the screen must dodge like crazy to avoid getting hurt, but that's no easy task. This attack appeared in the Mother series, but it was Poo, not Ness, who wielded it. Perhaps Poo taught Ness the secret of the attack for use in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
55 Marth Fire Emblem
Japan only
The prince of Altea, in whose veins the blood of heroes runs. He and a small group of stalwarts fought to free Altea after it was invaded by the kingdom of Doluna and the dark dragon, Medeus. With his divine sword, Falchion, he fought and defeated Medeus. However, Altea was then invaded by King Hardin of Akaneia and eventually destroyed.
56 Marth
(Final Smash)
Marth's Final Smash. He thrusts his sword skyward, then rushes to meet his targeted enemy with furious speed. The blow he strikes is so powerful that his foe is instantly launched off the screen. As in Fire Emblem, a window appears that shows the character's hit points dropping rapidly to zero--but this is just for effect. Smash Bros. does not use a hit-point system.
57 Luigi Super Mario Bros.
Mario's younger twin brother. He's shy and quiet and overshadowed by his sibling, but he's actually quite talented. His jumping ability surpasses Mario's, and his all- around skills let him overcome any problem. He's a bit cowardly and really afraid of ghosts. Even so, in Luigi's Mansion, he was charged with cleaning up a whole house full of spirits.
58 Luigi
(Final Smash)
Luigi's Final Smash. As exotic music plays, he performs a dance befitting a sorcerous incantation. A barrier envelops him, negatively impacting all in his area. Random effects include getting launched, sleeping, moving in slow motion, tripping, fainting, and losing attack power. This technique is a reflection of the dark side he embraced in his brother's shadow.
59 Falco Lombardi Star Fox
A Team Star Fox pilot whose real name is Falco Lombardi. He once roamed the starways as the head of a galactic gang, and his piloting skills are superb. He affects an air of cool disdain and is sometimes uncooperative, but in reality his passion for the Star Fox team is second to none. He once left the team to fly solo for a time.
60 Falco Lombardi
(Final Smash)
Falco's Final Smash. He jumps aboard the Landmaster high-spec, antiaircraft tank. With the tank's powerful cannon blasts and rolling ability, it's possible to take out all enemies at once. The Landmaster is based on actual production vehicles, but Team Star Fox's Landmaster was customized by the team's mechanic, Slippy Toad.
61 Captain Falcon F-Zero
A skilled F-Zero pilot and resourceful bounty hunter. All that's known of his past is that he hails from Port Town. He's won fame and fortune outracing his opponents in his beloved Blue Falcon. His incredible athleticism and never-say-die attitude makes him the pilot to turn to in times of trouble.
62 Captain Falcon
(Final Smash)
Captain Falcon's Final Smash. His beloved ship, the Blue Falcon, roars onto the screen once he touches a foe in front of him. The enemy gets sent to a racetrack, at which point the Blue Falcon screams down at a ridiculous speed and launches the unlucky victim. What track is it? Where did the machine come from? This is one technique that's an utter mystery.
63 Lucario Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
An Aura Pokémon. It can track energy called Aura, which is given off by all living creatures. It's a unique combination of both Fighting- and Steel-type Pokémon. Lucario evolves from Riolu during the day if its happiness has reached a certain point. It specializes in attacks that use Aura energy, like Dark Pulse and a can't-miss technique, Aura Sphere.
64 Lucario
(Final Smash)
Lucario's Final Smash. After flying off the screen, Lucario reappears in its center. He then launches a powerful Aura attack against all foes within a certain distance. The key to this attack is the ability to change its angle--it's a must to sweep slowly left and right to hit selected enemies multiple times. The last blow will send the victim flying away.
65 R.O.B. Gyromite
R.O.B. sporting his Famicom colors. R.O.B. debuted in Japan as Robot in 1985 as an add-on for the Famicom. He could be combined with a "gyro set," etc. for two types of play. The player controlled Professor Hector, the TV emitted light, and R.O.B. responded to the light by moving. At the time, it was epoch- making game play. Recently, R.O.B. appeared in Mario Kart DS.
66 R.O.B. R.O.B.'s Final Smash. He emits a beam from his eyes that spreads across the spectrum and undulates in great variety as it travels. What makes this technique different is R.O.B.'s ability to move while using it. This allows him to use it in combination with his other moves to increase his Final Smash's effectiveness.
67 Mr. Game & Watch Ball
The monochrome hero of the Game & Watch series, a fellow who oozes personality. First appearing in 1980, the series were the original portable game systems. The first games in the series were quite simple, but as time passed, technology evolved. The multiscreen series featured game play on dual screens. As the name states, the games also kept time.
68 Mr. Game & Watch
(Final Smash)
Mr. Game & Watch's Final Smash. He turns into the huge cephalopod that made its debut in the Game & Watch game Octopus. Of course, you can damage enemies by running into them, but you can do more damage by pressing the attack button to extend four arms and launch foes. In the original Octopus game, you had to avoid the octopus while salvaging treasure from the sea.
69 Ganondorf The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A man who wants to use the power of the Triforce to conquer the world. In Twilight Princess, he gives strength to the Twilight King, Zant, and tries to change the land into a world of darkness. He possesses Zelda, transforms into a magical beast, and attacks Link. In the end, however, Link deals him a finishing blow and defeats him.
70 Ganondorf
(Final Smash)
Ganondorf's Final Smash. When he grabs a Smash Ball, he transforms into a repulsive, evil beast. He'll vanish momentarily from the screen, then rampage from one side to the other in a straight, headlong rush. When he begins the move, any character before his eyes will flinch, so try to start the move near other characters.
71 Jigglypuff Pokémon Red and Blue
A Balloon Pokémon. It invites opponents in close with its big, round eyes, then puts them to sleep with a calming song. The secret to the song's unfailing efficacy is Jigglypuff's ability to sing on the wavelength that will make its opponent the sleepiest. It also uses Attract to infatuate opponents who touch it. It uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Wigglytuff.
72 Jigglypuff
(Final Smash)
Jigglypuff's Final Smash. It wills its body to get bigger and bigger and bigger. It can't move, and it can't attack--all it can do is get bigger while everyone else looks on. However, it's invulnerable, and it overpowers all attacks to gradually push its opponents off the screen. It's a very simple technique, but how it's used determines its effectiveness.
73 Toon Link The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Link as he appeared in The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, with big eyes and an expressive face. He lived peacefully on Outset Island until a bird captured his little sister, and he came to her rescue. In The Wind Waker, he had to crawl, press up to walls, and the like. His green clothes were worn on his 12th birthday and are the lucky outfit of the hero of legend.
74 Toon Link
(Final Smash)
Toon Link's Final Smash. Hit an enemy with the light emanating from the Triforce mark on his hand to initiate the move. The enemy will be trapped within the Triforce and be unable to move--Toon Link will then rush in close and carve up his foe at lightning speed. The final blow will break the Triforce prison and send the opponent off the screen.
75 Wolf O'Donnell Star Fox 64
A pilot whose real name is Wolf O'Donnell. He leads a group of mercenaries called Star Wolf. He's crossed paths with Fox many times, and each acknowledges the other as a competent rival. Wolf's constant interference with Fox is a result of Wolf's history with Fox's dad, James. Wolf's long history of criminal enterprise has resulted in a large bounty on his head.
76 Wolf O'Donnell
(Final Smash)
Wolf's Final Smash. Wolf analyzed Fox's Landmaster and built his own improved version, which he now calls out and boards. He's increased the output of the onboard generators and upped the vehicle's firepower. However, this has substantially decreased the time the Landmaster can appear on the screen. It sports the same colors as Wolf's Wolfen.
77 Snake Metal Gear
A former member of FOXHOUND with an IQ of 180 and mastery of six languages. He's an infiltration specialist whose ability to carry out missions under any conditions has made him a legend. He's saved the world three times from the threat of bipedal, nuclear-armed mechs called Metal Gear. Currently he's working with the anti-Metal Gear group known as Philanthropy.
78 Snake
(Final Smash)
Snake's Final Smash. He grabs a ladder hanging from a helicopter and appears in the foreground, then fires a grenade launcher at foes. The grenades explode on impact and damage anyone in the vicinity. Each clip holds six grenades--empty one, and Snake reloads. He can fire a total of twelve shots, but with such limited time, it's better to shoot 'em all.
79 Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog
The world's fastest hedgehog, who can run at supersonic speeds. Generally speaking, he loves being able to do what he wants and loathes being constrained. Holding still is something he would never consider. He's got a bit of an attitude but can't pass by someone in trouble. When he collects the seven Chaos Emeralds, he transforms into the mighty,

gold Super Sonic.

80 Sonic the Hedgehog
(Final Smash)
Sonic's Final Smash. The Chaos Emeralds give energy to all living things, and Sonic's gathered all seven of them, then used their power to transform into Super Sonic. His abilities in this form far surpass his normal ones, and he's even able to fly. He uses a lot of energy in this form, so he can only remain in it for a short time.
Subspace Emissary Enemy Trophies
81 Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The common soldier of the Subspace Army. It seems pretty harmless, but alas, it's stuffed with Shadow

Bugs that leak from its forms. This Primid has no weapons--it will challenge you man-to-man. There are six different Primid types, but all of them are based on this basic form. There are also several different face types.

82 Sword Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Primid with a sword, as the name suggests. A Sword Primid will generally attack with slashes, but that's not all! It'll also make charging stabs at you, so watch out even when you're a good distance away. It might just be because of the way its sword lights up, but doesn't it remind you of a tarmac worker at an airport?
83 Boom Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Primid with a boomerang--hence the name. This Primid will use the boomerang to attack from afar (which is pretty much what you'd expect) and adds to its arsenal with close-quarter combat strikes. These two attack patterns may lead you to believe that it has no fun with boomerangs, but no! Boom Primids are just a little on the shy side.
84 Scope Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A bazooka-wielding Primid. A Scope Primid uses weak, three-shot attacks and powerful, single-shot surge cannons. Due to its ability to also fire at targets above its position, you can't play it safe when a Scope Primid is down below you. Probably because of the weight of its weapon, it won't use its bazooka for direct strikes.
85 Big Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The biggest Primid of all. Its attacks are the same in form and function, but considerably more powerful than a normal Primid's. Watch out for its smash attack--it will launch you far. It also has jump and roll attacks. The bigger size means an increase in Shadow Bugs--does that mean it takes more Shadow Bugs to move bigger Primids?
86 Metal Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Primid covered from head to toe in metallic plating. It cannot be knocked around with conventional attacks due to its hard and heavy nature--we're talking ALL metal, including the frilly feather on its head. On the flip side, the weight of the metal inhibits this Primid's movements. Like a normal Primid, a Metal Primid will also rely on hand-to-hand combat.
87 Fire Primid Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A specialized, fire-breathing Primid with two flamethrowing attacks. Primids with weapons are just normal, armed Primids, but Fire Primids are a whole new species with a whole new color. Although no more special than the others, they may feel slightly more superior with their red-hot color. Dealing with these guys in a group can be especially tricky.
88 Glire Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy shaped like a tire. It's protected by three black shells, but they're not so hard as to be impenetrable. The outermost shell is covered in mucus that lets it stick to surfaces as it rolls along walls and ceilings. The eye in its center is creepy. When it spots the player, it stops, sheds its outer layers, and spouts fire from its inner recesses.
89 Glice Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A soldier in the Subspace Army that moves easily up walls and slopes alike. Like a Glire, it sheds its outer shells to attack, but it releases waves of bitter cold instead of fire. This attack will freeze the player in a lump of ice if it hits. To escape quickly, move the Control Stick rapidly back and forth. This combative enemy will attack whenever it can.
90 Glunder Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that separates into three parts, then blasts enemies with a high-tension current it produces within its body. When it's ready to attack, it will make a "Bzzt!" sound and produce a lightning flash. When this happens, approach with caution. This enemy type is color coded--Glires are red, Glices are blue, and Glunders are yellow. It's a family of destruction!
91 Poppant Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A creature with a uniquely shaped lower body, where it carries boxes that look like gifts and candies. The boxes are even carefully tied with ribbons. It demonstrates its generosity by scattering its boxes as it wanders, but if it's seen, it will immediately flee at top speed. It redefines the word shy. No one knows why it spends its time scattering presents.
92 Bytan Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A spherical creature divided into two colors. There's a big, staring eye in the colored section, and the white part contains the creature's gaping mouth and exposed fangs. It rolls along and smashes into all enemies it meets. After a short time, it will pop another Bytan out of its eye, so if you leave it alone, it will continue to produce one Bytan after another.
93 Roader Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace Army enemy that looks like a motorized unicycle. It features an off-road motorbike helmet as a head, revealing creepy eyes that peek from under its visor. It attacks using three head spikes and its wheel and is clearly unconcerned with environmental conservation, since it wheels around freely spouting exhaust from its muffler.
94 (name unknown) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy with a bomb for a head, as subtly suggested by the name. It hurls its own bomb head at you-- at least it's kind enough to reveal the bomb fuse, which will light up when hit with a fire attack like Mario's fireball. Then...BOOM! This is an easy way to take it out. It's this weakness that sometimes makes them sad that, regrettably, they were born with bomb heads.
95 Greap Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A terrifying enemy with two giant sickles. It uses these well- sharpened, slice-'em-and-dice-'em sickles for a fearsome attack. With a handle on its back, it almost looks like a baby carriage. Combining horrific qualities with this precious imagery gives the Greap a somewhat conflicted disposition, exuding both creepiness and cuteness.
96 Bacculus Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace Army enemy found firmly planted in the ground, with only its lips showing. These lips, by the way, are covered with spikes that stick in its victim to... (Get this!)...suck out vitality. Basically, this results in serious damage. The torso area has a poison zone where it stores vitality. The Bucculus not only looks offensive-- boy, it's rotten to the core.
97 Towtow Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A giant, ramlike enemy and member of the Subspace Army. A Towtow looks adorable while sleeping, but when it's awakened, its angelic face changes dramatically. The features turn to demonic nastiness, and the Towtow's body turns bright red as it readies to ram you. Perhaps a result of its tantrum- hindered fashion sense, the Towtow sports a pompadour when angry.
98 Floow Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that might be described as a ghost patched with strips of darkness. A Floow will float in the air and attack nastily from behind. Harboring pent-up resentment, a Floow's cries reveal one part sadness, one part madness. This especially hits home when gazing into its ghastly red eyes. After taking a certain amount of damage, a Floow will disappear.
99 Auroros Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A unique enemy characterized by a long beak and rainbow-patterned wings and tail. Like most birds, the Auroros flies through the sky. Once one has you in its sights, it will dive in for the attack. Since it has a sharp beak, dodging its attack will leave it stuck firmly in the ground. Fortunately, you can pull it out of the ground and throw it like a javelin.
100 Buckot Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy with arms and a propeller attached to its head that it uses itself through the sky. It has a justified reputation as a dangerous dude with a bucket filled with red-hot iron chunks for dumping on folks. Some say that the phrase "Drop it like it's hot!" came from Buckot's firm belief in dropping scalding metal chunks. Good thing it has thick gloves.
101 Jyk Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A six-spiked enemy. Attacking a Jyk will do no damage, as they can't be defeated. But you'd better believe that a Jyk will deal out damage to you if you get too close. This foe epitomizes player-hindering obstacles--it gets in your way... and it hurts. It definitely isn't thought fondly of by the characters in the game. It may have something to do with its SHARP SPIKES! Ouch.
102 Gamyga Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace Army enemy that looks like an avant-garde work of art from some young art-school grad. And its size is nothing to scoff at--sitting on top of a four-level Gamyga base is a huge Gamyga mask. You can eliminate the Gamyga base simply by beating the Gamyga mask. A Gamyga faces the screen, but it never takes its eyes off you. Ooh, an artsy kind of way.
103 Feyesh Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that, at first glance, looks like a goldfish, with a tail and dorsal fin. It turns out to be more crazy-eye-creature than fish. (And what's with the funky dangling tentacle thingies?) Floating lazily through the air, a Feyesh usually looks like it's sleeping. BUT! When it spots you, its eye opens, and it attacks with its five tentacles. Gaahh! Attack of the Tentacles!
104 Trowlon Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that, despite a mechanized look, is made up of a soft, specialized material that allows for smooth, undulating movement and flight. A Trowlon will not attack directly but will instead slip under the player and suddenly ascend. It will try to put players on its back and carry them off the screen.
105 (name unknown) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy with a skeletal face at the center of its inner section that deals damage with a rotating attack. Despite a 360-degree attack range, it has a blind spot between its two cannons. It spins toward characters and shoots three shots at a time, spraying spent shells and occasionally reloading. This foe is pretty smart--it'll cease fire when you put up your guard.
106 Spaak Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace Army member who is mostly cloud but also reveals mechanical parts, like electrodes and batteries. In most cases, a Spaak is white and fires lightning, but it turns into a dark cloud after taking damage and chases you with fast lightning strikes. Its weak point is the battery on its back--attacking that should make it pretty easy to take down.
107 Puppit Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A marionette enemy, suspended from above by piano strings. A Puppit proves vicious with long, sharp claws and a mysterious beam emitted from its eyes. You would think, based on the exterior wood pattern, that it's made of wood, but no one is sure. More importantly, who is the one manipulating those piano strings?! What an enemy! Mystery abounds!
108 Shaydas Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An odd enemy with two heads. Its legs might suggest that it's a beast of some sort, but in actuality, a Shaydas is formed by swarms of Shadow Bugs. Maybe that's why recklessly attacking it will do no good--you must strike its pink core to defeat it. Just watch out for the giant blades that it brings to the party. Mind the blades, and pick your attacks wisely!
109 Mite Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Pitiful little enemies that carry the Subspace Army symbols right there on their heads--rather, the symbols ARE their heads! They're paper thin--nope, no depth at all. There are three different colors-- red, green, and yellow--and all have white hands and feet. Their moves can best be described by the phrase "try really hard." They're weak, but they...try really hard.
110 Shellpod Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy reminiscent of a horned beetle. A Shellpod can exhibit extraordinary destructive power thanks to the strength generated in its beefy front legs and its threatening long horn. Taking a hit from this bad boy spells trouble. But what's the deal with the color difference between the Shellpod's legs and shell? Hmmm... Therein lies a seeeeeecret.
111 Shellpod Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Extensive damage to a Shellpod will reveal its true form and uncover the big secret--it was the ARMOR that made the Shellpod look like a beetle! Well, no wonder the shelled creature had such funny-looking legs! But even without its armor and horn, this weaker Shellpod will still bring the thunder, just slightly less threatening thunder.
112 (name unknown) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that might be considered sumo-wrestler shaped, with a funky, decorative twirl on its head and a cute little mouth. As it takes damage, its body increases in size through three distinct levels. Wow, it's almost like a sumo wrestler climbing the ranks to become Yokozuna! Along with the size increase comes a change in color as well--blue, yellow, and red.
113 Cymul Super Smash Bros. Brawl
First, notice the metallic sheen--a specialized coating that allows the Cymul to reflect beams and other long-range attacks. The reflected attacks are said to be as strong as a Reflector's, so it's believed that the coating is based on Reflector technology. Coating aside, the four blades attached to its body cannot be neglected--they will slice and dice and slice.
114 Ticken Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that looks like a chicken--quite a hefty chicken. But despite its weight, it can indeed fly. After taking a certain amount of damage, a Ticken will open up to reveal a little chick enemy. Notice the two bolts on its belly? And what's the deal with the four missing bolts? It probably hasn't even noticed they're missing.
115 Armight Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace enemy. Look at the arms on this thing. It's also got an awfully fancy mustache! Without much of a body, Armight floats softly in the air--all arms, legs, and head. Resplendent in a nice armored helmet, Armight attacks with its arms and swords and will sometimes throw the latter at you unexpectedly.
116 (name unknowon) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A Subspace foe. Although humanoid in form, it's characterized by a head that resembles a wind instrument decorated on top with trumpet valves. It can be quite annoying--when it spots you, it'll blow you off balance with some serious wind from its mouth. And where does it get off, skipping around so cheerfully? I mean, who skips these days? Seriously.
117 Autolance Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enemy that moves on caterpillar treads and uses the giant lance attached to its front to ram and sometimes shoot you. Looking for a weak spot? It's inside that armored-helmet head in the form of an emergency light. But... Autolances aren't Subspace Army emergency vehicles--why would they need an emergency light? Aah, the mystery!
118 Armank Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A brutal enemy in the Subspace Army or mobile construction equipment? Yes, it moves on treads and has a functional construction arm, but that arm is also capable of brutal attacks. Continue attacking the arm to reveal the Armank's weak spot. Wait... It looks like there's mud on the end of the arm! Maybe the Armank IS just a construction vehicle for the Subspace Army!
119 R.O.B. Sentry Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A robot with a two-armed shot. This R.O.B. uses the booster on its base to propel its jumps. Often used in the Subspace Army bomb factory in defense or labor roles, the R.O.B. Sentry also works as a detonator. Its emotional capacity is unknown, but it has utter trust in the Ancient Minister and obeys him unwaveringly. This production model has been made in great numbers.
120 (name unkown, type of R.O.B.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An upgraded R.O.B. model with a missile-launcher head that bolsters firepower. The standard coloring has also been refinished with a green and brown military motif, stylishly accented with a blue cord connecting the arm sections and base. This R.O.B. does not use its arms--attacks are limited to the missiles fired from its head.
121 (name unknown, type of R.O.B.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A R.O.B. model boasting robo-beam-blasting eye lenses suited for long-range combat. There are two types--one acts like a stationary gun, sitting in place and lining up targets, and the other is mobile. Actually, the R.O.B. Sentry also features beam-firing capabilities, but because the roles of the R.O.B. Squad are so well defined, there's no conflict between the ranks.
122 Mizzo Super Smash Bros. Brawl Within the battleship Halberd, there's a display room where a number of enemies are on display. On the way there, a number of different enemies obstruct your path, but one enemy appears only in this display room. That enemy is Mizzo. With a round body sprouting arms and legs, its appearance and swimming motions make for an extremely bizarre being.
123 Galleom Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An enormous, transforming robot and Subspace Army warmonger. Galleom is characterized by various attack threats, including jump stomps, beefy arm bludgeonings, and even missiles fired from its back. It also has a Subspace Bomb set in its head, which it can use in times of desperation to blow itself up and drag the player into the darkness of Subspace. It's one tough robot!
124 Galleom (2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Galleom with its arms and legs neatly compacted into tank form. In this form, it can get around the combat field at high speed. It can quickly change into humanoid form to take advantage of awesome combat capabilities. Its last defense and most threatening trait is a built- in Subspace Bomb. In tank form, Galleom can still attack with body slams and missiles. It never runs.
125 Duon Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A robot with two upper bodies sharing one set of wheels. The blue-bodied half uses sword attacks, while the pink one uses lasers from its head and arms for offensive power. Whichever side is facing you will attack. Duon also threatens with homing missiles and the blade on top of the blue half.
126 Tabuu Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The ruler of Subspace and master of operations. Tabuu controls Master Hand with chains of light to excise this world and build up his great maze. He used Shadow Bugs to form Subspace and manipulates the servants of Master Hand to his heart's content. Born in a vastly foreign realm, he also possesses great leadership powers. Tabuu... No name is more suitable.
127 Tabuu (2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Tabuu with wings extended. The dreadful energy surges cast from these wings instantly turn all fighters back into trophies. Knowing this, King Dedede assembles all able-bodied troops and sets a timed device on each of them. This device is a brooch that, after the designated time runs out, revives all fighters wiped out by Tabuu.
128 Master Hand Super Smash Bros.
A being tied to the link between this world, where trophies fight, and the world beyond. The meaning of his existence is unknown, as are his goals, but he seems to have obtained (and kept hidden) a power that borders on absolute. He also seems to feel a certain joy in challenging chosen warriors who've claimed many victories. He waits even now in Final Destination.
129 Crazy Hand Super Smash Bros. Melee
A seeming manifestation of the destructive spirit in direct contrast to Master Hand, who is the manifestation of the creative spirit. Crazy Hand appears out of nowhere when Master Hand's power begins to ebb. His repeated attacks evoke the bizarre. Those who must face Master Hand and Crazy Hand at the same time face a long and painful battle to the death.
130 Dark Cannon Super Smash Bros. Brawl
In this world, those who fall in battle return to their forms as trophies. This Dark Cannon is powerful enough to turn a fighter back into a trophy with a single shot. Originally created by the Subspace Army, they were then given to Bowser and Wario for the purpose of collecting fighters who exist in this world.
131 (name unkown, type of freight) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A hovering carrier that can carry any and all freight with ease. Flying it is very simple, since it only uses one stick. There is the Bowser version (that went after Donkey Kong's bananas) and the Wario version (that King Dedede stole). The Wario version is outfitted with a magic arm.
132 (name unkown) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Embodiments of a primordial substance that can take the form of any number of lesser Subspace foes. They can also copy the forms of trophies to create evil doppelganger versions of them. The mysterious substance inside Mr. Game & Watch can be extracted endlessly. Once Tabuu discovered this, he used Mr. Game & Watch to create the Subspace Army.
133 Ancient Minister Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The commander of the Subspace Army who uses Subspace Bombs to tear up this world. He was once the lord of this world, living on the floating Island of the Ancients with many robots--but the robots were taken hostage on Tabuu's orders. Now that their home's a bomb factory, the robots carry out their functions while enduring deep sadness caused by the loss of their colleagues.
134 (name unknown) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Ganondorf made the Subspace Bomb factory self-destruct in order to draw this ultimate weapon out from Subspace. It's capable of infinitely rending space, and its firepower is greater than that of any weapon. It exists to draw all of this world into Subspace, but the last-ditch efforts of the fighters might prevent this.
135 Subspace Bomb Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A weapon that, when it explodes, draws every part of this world within its blast range into Subspace. The areas drawn into Subspace this way float about in bubbles as individual colonies. To detonate a bomb, two R.O.B.'s must be destroyed in the process. The Ancient Minister is bitterly aggrieved by this fact.
Important Items
136 Smash Ball Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A mighty item. Each character has a unique secret technique known as a Final Smash that can only be used when that character acquires a Smash Ball. Use it well, and you'll be one huge step closer to victory. It can turn the battle's tide, help you put the finishing touches on a complete thrashing, or even provide a chaotic finish that's sure to leave you laughing until you cry.
137 Assist Trophy Super Smash Bros. Brawl
A capsule that contains characters who will help you out in battle. You won't know who's in the capsule until you open it. It may be someone everyone knows or someone who's a bit of a mystery. The majority of these characters are invulnerable, so attacking them is not an option. You know what that means, right? RUN!
138 Pokéball Pokémon Red and Blue
An item used for capturing Pokémon and calling them out to battle. Pokémon live in these items which, despite appearances, actually contain a wide, comfortable, Pokémon-friendly world inside them. In Super Smash Bros., Pokémon give temporary support to whoever calls them out. You never know which Pokémon you'll get, but some of them are devastatingly powerful.
139 Trophy Stand Super Smash Bros. Brawl
An item that, when hurled at Subspace goons, will turn whomever it hits into a trophy. Trophies can be collected, then viewed in the gallery. To successfully get an enemy, you need to hit it when it's been sufficiently weakened. If you can skillfully manipulate your foe's damage, you can even capture a boss character.
140 Sticker Super Smash Bros. Brawl
In The Subspace Emissary, you can place stickers on trophy stands to augment the offensive and defensive abilities of your characters. But stickers must be applied neatly-- they must be fully on the stand and must not overlap. Sticker power generally corresponds to sticker size--bigger is better. But big stickers take up more room, so you must strike a balance.
141 Stock Ball Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Subspace Emissary is played in Stock mode. When you're defeated, your stock decreases by one. If your stock reaches zero, the game ends. However, you can increase your stock by one by picking up a Stock Ball when you come across one. There's a big difference between having a stock of zero and one, so be sure not to leave any Stock Balls behind.
142 CD Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Each stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl has several songs prepared for it. You can set the percentage chances for which songs appear in My Music. It's fun to choose songs according to your tastes. Each CD contains one song to increase your music library. Be sure to grab them when you see them. Once you've got all the music that's in the game, CDs will stop appearing.
143 Key Super Smash Bros. Brawl
In The Subspace Emissary, there are often locked doors. This key is the item you need to unlock these doors. You can touch a door while holding the key, or you can even throw the key at a door to unlock it. If you lose the key, it will return to the place you originally found it. This item is vital to your progress, so do your best not to lose it.
Mario Series
145 Strikers Mario Super Mario Strikers
A team captain in Super Mario Strikers, which features combat- style soccer that allows fighting and items. Mario proves to be a great all-around player, well balanced on offense and defense, and he wields a critical shot--the Mega Strike--that can chalk up a maximum of six goals! Mario is easily identified by the "M" marks on his spikes.
146 Princess Daisy Super Mario Land
The princess of Sarasaland and an upbeat and cheerful go-getter. She has appeared in titles ever since Mario saved her after her kidnapping by the tyrannical alien, Tatanga. Although her iconic look is a yellow and white dress, she goes with a sportier look in Super Mario Strikers to complement her spunky scoring strikes.
147 Paper Mario Paper Mario
A legendary hero whose adventure unfolds when he sets out to rescue Princess Peach from the nefarious clutches of Count Bleck. He has the ability to flip the world from 2-D to 3-D and back again. If he grabs a Mega Star, he'll transform into a pixelated giant Mario. In this state, he's invulnerable and capable of stomping through enemies and obstacles with ease.
148 Paper Luigi Paper Mario
The legendary hero Mario's younger brother. He's teased by Koopas and Goombas alike and is sometimes called "green mustache guy." He goes missing after Bowser and Peach's wedding. He's known for his jumping prowess--his special move is the High Jump. It's said he has a close relationship to the masked man brainwashed by Count Bleck and known only as "Mister L."
149 Paper Bowser Paper Mario
The great king of the Koopas who plots to rule the land with a firm fist. In a change of events, Bowser goes from being Mario's rival to adventuring side by side with him. Bowser's special skill is breathing fire and he has nearly twice the attack power of Mario or Peach, which allows him to take out foes from a distance or multiple enemies with a single blow.
150 Paper Peach Paper Mario
The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. With her sparkling crown and gorgeous blond hair, Peach always looks the part, even when flat as paper. Count Bleck kidnaps the princess and tries to force her to marry Bowser. While jumping, Peach can use a special umbrella technique that allows her to float down gently or reach otherwise inaccessible places.
151 Paper Bowser (2) Super Paper Mario
The great Koopa king in a sharp, white tuxedo. Bowser is forced into marriage with Princess Peach by Count Bleck, who plots to wipe out the universe with the Chaos Heart. Although it's all part of Count Bleck's plan, Bowser doesn't seem to be displeased with the prospect. This might just be the last time we ever see Bowser in a tuxedo.
152 Paper Peach (2) Super Paper Mario
The princess of the Mushroom Kingdom adorned in a pure white wedding dress rather than her usual pink one. Peach also has her long blond hair drawn up in a ponytail. And who might she be marrying? Bowser of all people, who was also forced into the marriage by the scandalous Count Bleck. Brainwashed by Nastasia, Peach is even forced into giving her vows.
153 Baby Mario Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Mario as a baby...a crybaby at that. Although he lacks overalls, we can see the trademark red hat even at this young age. Everyone's favorite hero was riding Yoshi and adventuring from his youngest days, and even as a baby, it's clear that Mario had quite the nose.
154 Baby Peach Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Princess Peach as a baby with a pink pacifier. Even though she's an infant, she wears her crown with all the charm and elegance you would expect from a princess. In Yoshi's Island DS, she rode out for adventure just like Baby Mario--on Yoshi's back. While riding Yoshi, she can use her parasol to extend their hang time.
155 Goomba Super Mario Bros.
A citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom who sided with Bowser when he invaded. Goombas slowly chase after Mario on stubby legs. They're not the toughest creatures and can generally be defeated by jumping on them, which makes them disappear. They have fierce fangs, but they don't seem to serve any purpose. Though a nuisance to Mario, they're decent at baseball and mah-jongg.
156 Green Koopa Troopa Super Mario Bros.
A henchman of Bowser. In the old days, they'd retreat into their shells for a short while to protect themselves after being stepped on. Recently, however, some have begun to immediately pop back out. You'll often find them marching straight ahead--if the path ends, they'll just march into the abyss. Surely there are no braver turtles to be found.
157 Red Koopa Troopa Super Mario Bros.
A turtle in the employ of Bowser. Koopas formerly traveled on four legs, but they've recently been spotted strolling on two. This has freed up their hands, allowing them to chase Mario with nets. Their adaptability must make Bowser very happy indeed. Unlike their green- shelled brethren, red ones do about-faces when they run out of road. They're a bright group.
158 Green Koopa Paratroopa Super Mario Bros.
A winged Koopa. These can fly to a degree, but in Super Mario Bros., it wasn't like they could soar wherever they pleased. In fact, they merely hovered, moving back and forth over set areas. Some Koopa Paratroopas don't even take to the skies, but just jump up and down. These become regular old Koopa Troopas when stomped.
159 Red Koopa Paratroopa Super Mario Bros.
A flying Koopa with wings. In Super Mario Bros., they possessed the same abilities as green-shelled Koopa Paratroopas, but the routes they flew were different--they flew up and down rather than side to side. There are no red-shelled Koopas who merely hop up and down. You'll often see them participating in two-person kart races and playing basketball.
160 Bullet Bill Super Mario Bros.
A shell fired from a special cannon known as a Bullet Blaster. Easily identified by their angry eyes, Bullet Bills fly across the land in perfectly straight lines. Though they easily shrug off fireballs, they can be stopped by jumping on them. A unique characteristic of the cannons is that they will not fire a Bullet Bill if Mario is standing right beside one.
161 Giant Goomba Super Mario 64
A giant-sized Goomba, as the name suggests. In Super Mario 64, punching and kicking had no effect on this brute. It could be stopped like normal Goombas--by jumping on it from above. A colossal Goomba appears as the boss of world four in New Super Mario Bros., but that's a Mega Goomba, not a Giant Goomba.
162 Piranha Plant Super Mario Bros.
A vicious, plantlike monster that typically hides in pipes. Piranha Plants emerge with mouths open, awaiting victims. A poorly timed jump means a chomping--hence the "piranha" name. While there have been exceptions--there are many Piranha Plants with unique traits-- they generally don't appear if Mario waits on top of or just next to a pipe. They hate fireballs.
163 Lakitu Super Mario Bros.
A particularly stubborn breed of Koopa. Lakitus chase Mario aboard clouds and attack by throwing Spiny Eggs down from above. More recently, Lakitus have taken over the role of cameramen, filming with cameras that they dangle from long rods. Spinies are Koopa creatures with tough, spiked shells. Jumping onto them has no effect, but fireballs can dispatch them.
164 Hammer Bros. Super Mario Bros.
A character who throws a seemingly endless stream of hammers. Hammer Bros. have also been known to jump every so often. Since they throw their hammers in a high arc, if you manage to get in close, the hammers can't hit you. Unlike Koopas and Buzzy Beetles, Hammer Bros. don't reduce to their shells when jumped on. As the name suggests, most Hammer Bros. are found in pairs.
165 Petey Piranha Super Mario Sunshine
A colossal Piranha Plant. Unlike its pipe-inhabiting cousins, it uses its legs to walk around. It can fly, too. As you might expect, it often appears as a boss character in Mario adventures. This may come as a surprise, but it also displays surprising dexterity in kart races and ball games.
166 Buzzy Beetle Super Mario Bros.
A Koopa underling with a heavy shell protecting it from fire. Stomping on Buzzy Beetles from above is the main way to deal with them, but spiked variations that cannot be stomped also exist. After saving Princess Peach in Super Mario Bros. and starting a new game, you'll find that most Goombas have turned into Buzzy Beetles.
167 Shy Guy Super Mario Bros. 2
A character in a white mask with black eyes and mouth that appears in a number of Mario and Yoshi games. Although Shy Guys' actions are varied--from flying to carrying objects--their true faces are still a mystery. If only for an instant, who wouldn't want to see an unmasked Shy Guy?
168 Boo Super Mario Bros. 3
A bashful ghost who draws near when your back is turned but shyly stops and disappears when you face it. Boos have been seen recently in activities like baseball and tennis, so it's thought that they may have conquered their fear of humans. Boos are also characterized by having a variety of different weaknesses between forms.
169 Cheep Cheep Super Mario Bros.
A round fish with big eyes. Although mainly aquatic, Cheep Cheeps sometimes attack above land like flying fish, at which point Mario can stomp on them. There are a wide variety of Cheep Cheep variations, including spiked ones and enormous ones.
170 Blooper Super Mario Bros.
A creature who's as squidlike as a squid can be. Bloopers patrol water stages, and with no notable weapons, their threat comes from their unique movements and speed. Some flying Bloopers display the same underwater movement above water. Blooper appeared for the first time as a playable character in Mario Party 8.
171 Toad Super Mario Bros.
One of the servants at Peach's Castle in the Mushroom Kingdom. Toads give off a strong sense of peace. Most feature white heads with red polka dots, but there are other colors as well. Toad's incredible uprooting speed in Super Mario Bros. 2 is unrivaled, adding to the rumor of his superhuman strength...however out of place it might seem.
172 Toadette Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
A girl who's adored as a star among the Toads. She looks much like other Toads, but her pink head and mushroom-themed accessories lend her an undeniable charm. She first appeared as a hidden character in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! With the Golden Mushroom, she could perform consecutive boosts to pull ahead of the field.
173 Toadsworth Super Mario Sunshine
An elderly, refined Toad steward of Princess Peach, with a white beard and small glasses. He advises Mario on his adventures and has appeared in many games since his debut in Super Mario Sunshine. Although he can get annoyingly flustered, it's only because he cares for Peach. In the Japanese mah-jongg game Yakuman DS, Toadsworth appears as a competitive opponent.
174 Goombella Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
A female archaeology student at the University of Goom. Goombella can be recognized by her ponytail and pith helmet that features a light that aids her archeological aspirations. With her wealth of knowledge, Goombella serves as Mario's tour guide and assists throughout his adventures.
175 Fracktail Super Paper Mario
A giant, red, robotic dragon built to be the protector of a Pure Heart. Fracktail has a long body with little arms and wings, and he shoots out of the ground into the air to attack Mario. The only way to beat him is to first jump on his back. You can then pick up the Frackles on his back and score damage by throwing them at his weak point--the yellow antenna orb.
176 Wiggler Super Mario World
A large caterpillar characterized by a flower on its head and a huge nose. Wigglers typically just walk around minding their own business, with no hint of malice. However, they lose their flowers when jumped upon and fly into a rage, turning bright red and chasing Mario. In Yoshi's Island, certain Wigglers appear as butterflies, with grown wings and flight capabilities.
177 Dry Bones Super Mario Bros. 3
A skeletal member of the Koopa Troopa family. Immune to fireballs, Dry Bones will fall apart when stomped upon, then reassemble moments later. They're typically found in dungeon levels in Mario games but have also been known to participate in various sports and activities such as baseball, kart racing, and soccer. They're likely boning up on the competition.
178 Chain Chomp Super Mario Bros. 3
A black, spherical character thought to be made of some metal, such as iron. Although usually tethered down with a chain, Chain Chomps will eagerly chomp at passersby, inflicting major damage. In Super Mario 64, a Chain Chomp appears in the first level. It cannot be defeated, but you can daze it temporarily by throwing bombs at it.
179 Perry Super Princess Peach A mysterious talking parasol Peach obtains from Toadsworth before heading out to save the captured Mario and Luigi. Perry provides a number of useful functions to assist Peach on her mission. Besides its obvious combat worth, Perry can also be used to sweep aside enemies, slide across ropes, and float on water. You can also buy upgrades for Perry.
180 Bowser Jr. Super Mario Sunshine Bowser's son, who appears in Super Mario Sunshine calling Princess Peach his mother--he feels so strongly about her that he kidnaps her. Somewhat spoiled by his father, Bowser Jr. comes off as being on the selfish side. His bib is decorated with drawn-on fangs and worn like a mask--it's most likely an effort to appear more menacing.
181 Birdo Super Mario Bros. 2
A pink creature of indeterminate gender that some say would rather be called Birdetta. A big ribbon on its head is its most distinguishing feature. In Super Mario Bros. 2, you can return fire on Birdo by jumping on the eggs shot from its mouth. Be careful not to get psyched out by fake-egg fireballs!
182 Kritter Super Mario Stikers
An underling of King K. Rool and the one and only goalie of Super Mario Strikers. In other words, it doesn't matter what team you play as--your goalie is going to be Kritter. Despite being at the very bottom of the Kremling ranks,

he's responsible for what many might consider to be the toughest AND most important field position.

183 Big Top and Ballyhoo Mario Party 8 The two emcees of the Star Carnival, an event held once a year to determine the biggest superstar. Big Top (on top) and Ballyhoo (on bottom) provide all Star Carnival commentary, and while Ballyhoo is energetic and over the top, Big Top provides a reserved counterpoint to his partner's antics. Despite their conflicting personalities, they're inseparable.
184 F.L.U.D.D. Super Mario Sunshine
A multifunction water cannon invented by Professor Elvin Gadd that Mario totes like a backpack. Since F.L.U.D.D. is able to converse with Mario, it's believed to be equipped with some kind of artificial intelligence. With special nozzles, F.L.U.D.D. can be used like a jet pack to reach high places or for high-speed swimming.
185 Poltergust 3000 Luigi's Mansion
A vacuum cleaner developed by Professor Elvin Gadd of the E. Gadd Science Corporation. He gives it to Luigi, who uses it to trap ghosts in a haunted mansion after stunning them with his flashlight. It also absorbs elements like water, ice, or fire that it can then shoot out. An optional accessory to this fine product is a machine that converts the trapped ghosts into portraits.
186 Luigi's Mansion Luigi's Mansion
A big, creepy mansion in the heart of a gloomy forest. It was given to Luigi, who found its many rooms (including a dining room, kitchen, rec room, projection room, music room, and tea room) were infested with ghosts. Luigi was supposed to meet Mario here, but his bro went missing. Not known for his bravery, Luigi gathered his courage and set out to explore his new home.
187 Ghosts Luigi's Mansion
Ghost variations that appeared throughout Luigi's Mansion. They don't have the spectral power required to manifest any truly unusual ghostly phenomena, so they rely on such pedestrian physical methods as punching Luigi to frighten him. There are also some rare varieties that are very rich and drop a lot of coins.