User talk:Glitchman

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Status: It's been a long time since I've edited my status. I'll still be inactive, but might be on every week or so.
If you want to sign up (you DO want to) for my AWESOME new comic, sign up now!
Glitchman's Archive.

Well, the old page was getting kind of long, and it was time to move on anyway. Now you can take up as much room as you want on the NEW page. By the way, if you're starting a new topic, be sure to make a new header on the bottom of the page. Thanks!

I couldn't resist bringing this back!


That sucks more than Shoveling the drivewway. Oh well... I'd berely have a chance to do anything, I'm going to lunch in, oh, 9 minutes. But I found this game I always loved on the Wii Shop channel! StarTropics, for the NES. It's so fun! Super-lame, but incredibly cool. You know what I mean, I'm sure. :P BLOC PARTIER. Nice new archive, BTW. Looks a lot like mine. :P

I'm replying. I'm on Wifi. BLOC PARTIER. I have to go do homework, though, but I'll stay on the "Searching" menu.



I'm a little allergic to Fig-8 course. It burns mah thumbs.

stupid blue shell. BLOC PARTIER.

AW, C'mon, disconnecting? Anyway, That was fun. You're good. BLOC PARTIER.


I let you win that Moo moo farm one... BLOC PARTIER.

Alright, I have to do homework. Good matches! BLOC PARTIER. BAI!!!

Yeah... It feels great to be playing online again. And my moderately great record still stands: 47 wins, 30 losses. Great game, great game... But There's 2 stages I hate: Figure 8 Circuit and Yosh falls. They are murder on my thumbs. BLOC PARTIER. They still hurt!


I use MS Paint. Download a sheet, right-click, then click Edit. Ask Paper Jorge for a walkthrough. 3dhammer.gif 3D, SO BUSY! AAAAAAAAH! 3dhammer.gif


PM it, if you posted it on my talkpage, the whole thing could be seen by the other users and then, posting it on the Srhroom would be kinda pointless. --Blitzwing 06:45, 23 January 2008 (EST)

Kirby Hat page

Hey, you seen my Kirby hat page? You really need to. If you have sprites, I'll make a Kirby hat of you! BLOC PARTIER. To go to the Kirby hat page, just hit this gray text.

Sprites, Eh?

Well... I consider myself a pretty goodd spriter. How would you like them? BLOC PARTIER. nice new status bar...

Alright then. I'll try my best. Ummm... So just a red Axem Ranger with a hammer? BLOC PARTIER. Sounds good!

Alright, red Ranger, Hammer, and a black cape. I'll get on it! BLOC PARTIER.

Yo, you seem to like User Fanon ;) You should come on over to Userpedia! And you may want to invite InfectedShroom, too. GrodenE T C El


Ahem, I do I do have sprites, but those aren't 8-bits styled. If you happen to find sprites that somewhat look like agiant robotor a tank, you can use 'em. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)

Glitchman, i did'nt say that i wanted to be a blue toad with a green vest!! that was KP Shadow.

Boop Explosive Pants Modifier i don't like toads :(


Yeah, I'll play you again. I'm equally as bored. Sooo... I'll be on the "Friend" search. Cya then! BLOC PARTIER.

Kcool. I'm not holding anything back. BLOC PARTIER.

Arrrgh... Why isn't it working??? BLOC PARTIER.

He is if he can find his FC... I'm D/Cing real quick... So just a sec... BLOC PARTIER.

I'm back on, just so you know. BLOC PARTIER.

LOL, I hate Rainbow. And yes, I let you win those two times. The first time, at Delfino, I felt bad that I hit you, and on DK Pass, I was trying to be fancy. I didn't expect you to arrive so early. :P But great races. BLOC PARTIER. It's always fun playing you.

I don't know why it kept selecting my choices... I lieked it though. :P And Delfino is where I almost always win in WiFi. Could you tell I liked it? BLOC PARTIER. I better get to work on your sprites. :P

A wiki about wiki fanon like comics, only more then that ;) GrodenE T C El

No, his is the only "real" game >_> GrodenE T C El

You should learn to snake. Meaning, using a light kart and using power slides all the way through the course. You know, what I do! :P BLOC PARTIER.

That's probably because you use ROB's kart. Try either DB's Dry Bomber or Yoshi's Egg 1. Those are AWESOME for snaking. BLOC PARTIER.

I'd practice first... Oh well. Anyway, do you want a red hammer or a black one on your sprites? BLOC PARTIER.

Kcool. InfectedShroom will not practise, cuz he's awesome. :P J/K BLOC PARTIER.

Lulz, looks like I'm not in. But how 'bout today, later? BLOC PARTIER.

Hmm.. you on? Cuz I'm home. BLOC PARTIER.

Lemme Help!

Glad you asked for help! This is what I'm best at (or so I like to think...). The first thing you have to do is pick a kart that has at least a 4 star in speed (better off with 5 though), but pick whatever characters you want. When you get a rocket start at the beginning, immediately start drifting across the bridge to get little turbo boosts. Even though drifting is meant for corners and turns, it helps to drift and boost on straightaways too. On the big spiral, you should be able to at least drift nine times. When you reach the area with the bowser statue that spits fire, jump across the gap (with the yellow/black striped borders on the edge) and start drifting the minute you land. Don't use a mushroom to get across the gap; you're more likely to fall off the edge if you do. Save the mushrooms in case you mess up, and if you don't, use them close to the finish for an extra boost. My record is 2:41. It took me about three weeks to do this one, so just remember to do it at your own pace. ;) I hope that helps. Feel free to come to me if you need more help! — Stooben Rooben A new friend! And (insert gender here)likes FTMV! Yay! :D

No problem. 2:41 is nothing on the world record (2:18)! Feel free to ask me for advice whenever you need it. ;) — Stooben Rooben SR likes your interview on The 'Shroom!


Just type out a few fake shows; the Image Maker will make images. 3dhammer.gif 3D, comics are hard to make! 3dhammer.gif

Bowser Castle World Record Video

Here you go.


This guy's cheating somehow, 'cause he's going about 100mph though, and the average cart only goes about 57mph. I hate cheaters. :P The uncheated world record is probably around 2:30 or something. — Stooben Rooben It might help you too!


I'm working as fast as possible! I do not have much time anymore, with my new classes at school. I'll try to finish them as soon as physically possible, though. I do demand one thing of you, however... Join Userpedia! It's awesome! ~~- Ah! Wait! I forgot to ask: which sprites do you want? I have 8-bit, SMRPG, and M&L sprites. Any others you want? And also: I can't edit in a cape so far, but Ive only tried it on the SMRPG ones. I'll try it on the others. Is that alright? Alright, let's try this again: BLOC PARTIER.

Alright, cool. I'm adding the M&L ones just in case, though. :P BLOC PARTIER.


You can't possibly imagine how much I'd love to do that...but I don't have wi-fi! :( It really sucks too. I'm hoping I'll be able to get it soon, 'cause I'd love to face off against somebody (other than my parents on DS to DS because they suck...LOL). I will do this though: if I ever get wifi, you'll be the first to know. ...Maybe you could tell me where I could get wifi, so maybe I can buy it? — Stooben Rooben I don't have wifi...or a Wii! Suckfest! :(

Thank you! I'll try going to Best Buy. Mom wants to get wifi for ACWW, so maybe she'll let me get it. :) — Stooben Rooben Can't wait!
I'll train too...'cause you're probably real good! ...You don't race as Yoshi do you? — Stooben Rooben Me likey Yoshi!
I haven't unlocked ROB yet, he's the only one I'm missing. I'll whoop IS for ya though if I race against him! ;) — Stooben Rooben At least...I hope I can...
I'm always up for a challenge. I RAWK at Airship Fortress though. Talk to you Saturday! :D— Stooben Rooben Gotta go now...Lost is on!

DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!! *Add heavenly soound effects*

Here are your sprites!


Not much of an edit, but those SMRPG ones are HAAAAAAAAAARD. Hope you're pleased! BLOC PARTIER.

No, sorry. That was really tough, 'specially on the SMRPG ones. Sorry. :( Have you joined Userpedia yet? BLOC PARTIER.

I could try the 8-bit ones, but I'll do those later... BLOC PARTIER.

JOIN USERPEDIA JOIN USERPEDIA!!! I'm even making a comic in my off time over there! SO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!! BLOC PARTIER. Lulz, I'll go try a cape real quick.

Alriiiiiiiiight... Well, you might have a little extra time, though, cuz Userpedia loads WAY faster and never does that stupid "MarioWiki has a problem" message. So yah. Oh, hey, you wanna be in my comic? Cuz I'll sign you up if you do. Hero or Villain? BLOC PARTIER.

Try cleaning up your cache and cookies, I think I had this situation around my early days somewhere actually. Zomis, one of my friends suggested this. ;) RAP.pngRAP... Oh yes, cookies. Not cookies that you get from a plate! :P

Yay! A villain is great! Then I can deal the final blow! >:D JK. But thanks for signing up! I'll be using one of the M&L sprites in the comic, BTW. BLOC PARTIER.

BC Record

Have you beat the Time Trial for Bowser's Castle? I'm just curious. — Stooben Rooben I hope you have!

Alright, cool. Lets do that tomorrow. BLOC PARTIER.

Alright, I made the proposal. You can add whatever you want to the description. Be sure to vote for it! BLOC PARTIER.

Cool. I'm gonna argue this to the ground. BLOC PARTIER.

Awesome. I might need it. BLOC PARTIER.

Why, Fi?

Unfortunately, mom and dad didn't take me to Best Buy this weekend, so I couldn't get wi-fi. They took me to Gamestop, but that's it. Hopefully by my birthday I'll have wi-fi. :( — Stooben Rooben That's three months o' leeway.

You don't have a DS lite? That sucks. I wouldn't get a DS 'till the lite came out. It's real great. :) — Stooben Rooben Muh b-day's May 6th.