Nintendo World Championships
Nintendo World Championships is a special cart used in the Nintendo Campus Challenge. There were two different cartridges produced for it: a NES and a Super NES cartridge.
NES Game
The NES game was used in the 1991 Nintendo Campus Challenge that toured fifty cities. The top prize was an all-expense trip to Florida for the next tournament, which took place in 1992.
The NES game was a combination of Super Mario Bros. 3, Dr. Mario, and Pinbot. It's unknown whether Pinbot or Dr. Mario were modified, but it's known that Super Mario Bros. 3 was. In Super Mario Bros. 3, your goal was to collect twenty-five coins.
After you played around of each game, your scores were totaled. Each scored was adjusted. Your score from Super Mario Bros. 3 was multiplied by ten and your score from Dr. Mario was multiplied by a hundred.
Super Nintendo Game
In 1992, the Nintendo Campus Challenge visited thirty-five different campuses including Central Michigan University, Arizona State University, and Texas A & M University. The prize for winning at a university was a Super Nintendo with Super Mario World, F-Zero, and Pilotwings. Second, third, and fourth place winners got $100, $75, and $50, respectively. The overall winner got $10,000.
The Super Nintendo game was a combination of Super Mario World, F-Zero, and Pilotwings. Like the NES game, it too was modified. In Super Mario World, you have to get fifty coins. In F-Zero, you have to complete two laps. In Pilotwings, you have to parachute from two planes and land on a certain target.
The Super Nintendo version also adjusted your scores. The F-Zero score was multiplied by 100 and your Pilotwings score was multiplied by 10,000.
This game is very rare.