Cranky's Kong Pad
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Cranky's Kong Pads are pads only available after learning the special move from Cranky Kong, the Kong pictured on the pad can preform a move by standing on this pad. Usually when a Kong sees a pad it means they must accomplish something in that area. Until now they have only appeared in Donkey Kong 64.
- Baboon Blast: is Donkey's pad that will blast him into the sky to account a Barrel Blast challenge.
- Simian Spring: is Diddy's pad that allows him to jump great hights off his tail.
- Baboon Baloon: is Lanky's pad that allows him to fill up with hot air and float to unreachable places.
- Monkeyport: is Tiny's pad that allows her to transport to another Tiny pad.
- Gorilla Gone: is Chunky's pad that allows him to become invisible.