User talk:King Mario

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Revision as of 13:12, December 27, 2007 by DanteNM (talk | contribs) (→‎and...)
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Well Lookey Here King Mario Talk Archives



Congrats King Mario! your gif is here! ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png The story tells everything I want to say :P.

Can I use it since I'm in it?Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png Well that won't be my sprite anymore cos I'm changing my name to Storm Yoshi!

Re: Help

Next time, please write simple and without all-caps. It won't help you to enforce your point. Also, you're asking the wrong person, I'm not an operator in the chat, I've never been one. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 13:41, 16 December 2007 (EST)


While looking at it, could you please make your sig fix the borders of the sigbox?

This also applies to temporary sigs like the one you just used on my talk page. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 13:45, 16 December 2007 (EST)

Still, you're exceeding the borders by far. And your "regular" sig is out of them as well. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 14:04, 16 December 2007 (EST)

You might need to know

Just so you now Its me SY10 but I renamed myself so now I'm Storm Yoshi Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png|Just letting you know =)

My sprites are being made by DP and there going to be a silver Yoshi with Lakithunders cloud and Boshi's sunglasses...I've also got some ideas for his abilities that come out of the cloud!Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png|e.g HURRICANES!! to make a sprite of me use 3d sprites and put them on paint make the t shirt red just red and the shorts blue and i do not know how to spam its a me dantenm


Please stop Flaming Fly Guy 2 in Chat regarding the page FLAMING FLY GUY 2 IN CHAT on the Super Mario Wiki. This isn't a warning, and it's possible that you made a mistake by accident or without realizing it; this is simply a reminder for your information. If the action continues, then a warning will be issued. Thanks for reading and keep contributing.
If you feel this reminder was undeserved, you may appeal it.


I don't believe that he flammed at you. From what I saw is that King Mario was questioning at Fly Guy 2, you questioned that why he was spamming. Fly Guy mentioned that he tends to spam, therfore; it is not directly flamming, but rather reasoning of Fly Guy's action. The warning is officially canceled. RAP.pngRAP... You are hereby innocent. *bangs small wooden mallet*

Thanks RAP :) King Mario f_KMThumbm_38614a2.png :O I'm righting on my page

DUDE CHAT IS NOT WORKING I MEAN CHANSERV KICKED ME OUT I DON`T KNOW WHY!!!!!! Ohhhh and i am coming to ur house for X-mas and i am canciling the christmas comic AND CHAT IS NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!. that is all... Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers. IT`S NOT WORKING THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD!!!Please reply on my page. *PB is in shock and had to go to rehab for eating to much cookies

Fly_Guy_2 isnt an op. u dont need to listen to him. he just hates u, since u hate him.

Boop Explosive Pants Modifier What a stupid name!

Merry Christmas!

Merrychristmas.gif May your new year be a good one! — Stooben Rooben

why did you say no!!!!????!!!!?!?!? Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers.

that was the bombdigedeshiznet that is awsome hey can you teach me how to use gimp when i come to your house on monday? Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers.


BTW, i got other sprites.


Boop Explosive Pants Modifier What a stupid name!


a thing for Yoshi's emotions:

Light Blue: When Yoshi is light blue, that means he is curious.

Boop Explosive Pants Modifier oops, forgot the nowiki

<span style="color:cyan">Light Blue: When Yoshi is light blue, that means he is curious.</span>

hey man whats up hey have you read the pm`s i sent you you better merry christmas and tell chistain i said hi.Not bryan i hate him but don`t tell him that ps. the pm`s are on the fourms Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers. hey can you teach me how to make sigs cause i want another one

cus i got some advice for you CHANGE YOU NICK NAME ON HOTMAIL!!! I MEAN I GOT SCARED WHEN YOU SENT ME THAT MESEGE THAT HAD THE NAME VIC NEZNER OR WHATEVER I STARED TO GET A HEART ATTACK SO CHANGE IT!!! Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers.

how bout this you email your password and i will change and i PROMISE i will not login on your email okay just email me your password i will change your name and then your done!!!! come on pretty please with a wii in your room???!!!???!!! Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers.

okay fine but hey can you teach me how to make sigs please? Yoshi, as seen in Super Mario Strikers.Princess BirdoBirdo as depicted in Super Mario Strikers. i love it if you made me a sig dantenm i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo clueless what you mean