White Lightning's Userbox Tower
This user is a native speaker of English.
It looks like we don't have support for this language yet. Why not head over to {{BBL-UBX}} and set it up? If you need help, contact an admin.
.משתמש זה יכול מדבר עברית עם כמעט שמלדה רמת בקיאות
Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
هذا المستخدم يستطيع المساهمة بالعربية بمستوى متقدم.
Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
이 사용자는 한국어를 유창하게 할 수 있습니다.
Người dùng này có thể đóng góp với trình độ tiếng Việt trung cấp.
Cet utilisateur parle français à un niveau comparable à la langue maternelle.
Hello and welcome to my profile!
About Me
I have been here since April Fools day, but I have been on the forums longer. I am a GameFAQs member since March 2017, in fact it was my second forum after the defunct Miiverse forum. I am a republican, fan of the Country Music artists John Denver, Alan Jackson, and George Jones. I am a Republican and I am a Christian. I like Country, Gospel, Rock, and Ragtime, Swing, and Bluegrass when it comes to music.
Music videos and personal images
Note: currently under construction.
My purpose on this wiki
My purpose on the wiki is to fix grammar, upload images when possible, and participate in proposals.