Dino Piranha

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The Dino Piranha is a large boss enemy in the video game Super Mario Galaxy. The boss lives in the Egg Planet Galaxy. It is inside an egg when Mario first encounters it. It's egg cracked when Mario crashes into it with the power of a Boost Star. The Dino Piranha then starts moving around from inside the egg, thus starting a battle.


File:Fiery Dino Piranha.PNG
Fiery Dino Piranha.

It is quite notable that the Dino Piranha's head looks like the popular boss Petey Piranha's head, though the body is much different. The Dino Piranha's body beneath the Piranha Plant head is that of a dinosaur's, with a green hue. Its tail has a brown orb at the end of it with texture like some sort of seed. Interestingly, when it first breaks out of the egg it's head is purple, but when enraged it turns red with anger, and when it is defeated it turns sickly pale. The creature (or a similar creature) is fought once again at the Melty Molten Galaxy. This time Dino Piranha is now called the Fiery Dino Piranha. This time the beneath the head is again that of a dinosaur's but with a red hue. Its tail still has a brown orb with the texture resembling a seed. Unlike the previous egg, this egg is black with red spots. On the head, the petals now redish-yellow with rips. It's tail lites on fire occationally the first time, then it leaves a fire trail (that eventually goes out) the second time, and the tail still leaves a trail, but now it shoots fireballs the third time. It is unknown if Dino Piranha and Fiery Dino Piranha are the same, or if they are different creatures.


Mario in a clash against the Dino Piranha.

When Mario smashes into the egg containing the Dino Piranha the egg cracks a little and the tail pops out. The bottom of the egg breaks open so the Dino Piranha can move about while still in the egg. Mario must run up to it's tail as it is walking around and do a star spin. This will cause the tail to fly back and smash the rest of the egg open. The Dino Piranha is now fully revealed and starts running around the planet. Mario must hit it's tail again so that some petals are knocked off it's head. Now enraged, the Dino Piranha stomps around the planet, but it is hit by Mario one more time. With no more petals, the Dino turns a sickly color and explodes, revealing a star.
