Howdy Ho there! This is the user page of Joey, or on the site known as PFVID. [This User Page is under construction. Please excuse its incomplete state.]
Etymology Of "PFVID"
After I lost the password to my old MarioWiki account I needed to think of a username for my new account, and so I thought of the first words that popped into my head: "Paulims Films" (name of my YouTube channle) and "Video" (because the YouTube thing) and then I acronymized those words into "PFVID".
Activity on MarioWiki
Usually I scout out pages relating to games that I like and/or have missing content and I improve them.
List of pages I created
A message to MarioWiki staff
I would like to thank the MarioWiki staff for politely giving me advice on to properly write articles on the MarioWiki if I ever did something incorrectly. They are very helpful with the way they give examples on the do's and the don’t's and general info.
Mario theories
Keep in mind, many of these theories may not be 100% appropriate and may be rather humorous than serious.
What actually is Birdo's snout?
When my siblings and I were el jovens playing Mario Party 8, we noticed a character unlike the rest: Birdo. She had a distinctive gaping snout pertruding from her face; and she has no ordinary snout. Hers was cavernous, pitch black and infinite as far as you could see. So, what’s the mystery behind this odd snout? Well, we came up with a few theories:
- It's a mouth, although is would be a highly inefficient one since it doesn’t have teeth and is forever gaped open.
- Its a black hole, ready to devour and tear apart anything that enters into it. There are some problems with this theory however, such as the fact that a black hole that big would tear apart Birdo's body and eventually grow to a size big enough to annihilate the Mushroom Kingdom.
- It’s an infinite void that can stuff any amount of stuff in it. Yet again however, there is a major problem with this theory: Birdo's anatomy is not infinite in volume, so neither can her snout.
- Her snout is actually her female genitalia. This would make since Birdo can dispense a ton of eggs from this "snout". Also, her boyfriend Yoshi is almost always very happy, and can you blame him? What kind of guy wouldn’t be happy to have a girlfriend with a giant vagina on her face?
Gooigi is a homunculus!
During my play through of Luigi's Mansion 3, I have come to the realization that Luigi's gelatinous sidekick Gooigi may be a semi-sentient product of Luigi's semen. My theory is that E. Gadd, on his quest to quickly make a cost-effeciant and powerful friend to help Luigi, secretly harvested some of Luigi's penile extract (which is green instead of white because Luigi’s color is green, duh), combined it with some other materials, and the let it develope under his care until it was a fully matured homunculus. Unfortunately for my ambitious thinking, this can be easily disproven as their is already an official canon story for Gooigi's existence and the goo in the game is not "goo".
Mario games
My thoughts, opinions, and reviews of games in the Mario franchise.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: One Of the first 3D platformers and the first Mario 3D platformer I’ve ever played. It was great then and it’s epic charm still glows intensely today. My most favorite game of all time. It had fun stages, an epic story, and perhaps the best soundtrack I’ve ever heard in a video game. There is just so much good I can say about this game.
- Super Mario Galaxy: This game too, is amazing, and for many of the same reasons as its sequel. I never 100% truly completed this game because my stupid TV suddenly broke the very moment I unlocked the final level in the game, The Star Festival.
- Super Paper Mario: Homestly, I didn’t enjoy this one very much. The design of the environment and characters are trash, the games' gimmick just doesn’t work well with the slow pace and design of the levels. It was the first Paper Mario game I’ve ever played though.
- Mario Party 8: The first Mario Party game I’ve ever played. It has very fun and unique boards to play on, catchy music, and cool characters. This game is for some reason very nostalgic for me.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns: The first Donkey Kong game I’ve ever played. It has crazy, creative level design that gives life to the environment and fun-value to the game.
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon: The first Luigi's Mansion game I’ve ever played. Each mansion in the game was super unique and full of life... or should I say death! (because of all the ghosts).
- Luigi's Mansion 3: Like the predecessing game, this one had a lot in it to keep you interested. I liked the edition of being able to destroy almost all the furniture in The Last Resort.
Mario characters
My thoughts, opinions, and reviews of characters from the Mario Franchise.
- Mario: He's the main character of the franchise. He may not be my first pick in any Mario Party game, but I’d still gladly play as him in any game. His personality is known reluctantly among many Mario fans to be a bland damsel-saving main character, however in more recent titles he has been portrayed as highly energetic, skilled, athletic and at times, naïve, yet heroic and brave nether the less. I love this direction Nintendo is pushing Mario; not very talkative, but still certainly a character.
- Luigi: Some say Mario is the better brother. A far greater amount say Luigi is the greater brother and still say he’s underrated and outshined by Mario. I however, believe both brother are equally epic in their own ways.
- Blue Toad: My preffered playable character of choice in any New Super Mario Bros due do blue being my 2nd favorite color and due to toads being fun little creatures to joke around with.
- Yellow Toad: He's a cool character to play as in any New Super Mario Bros. game for similar reason to Blue Toad.
- Toadette: She exists and that’s fine. However, in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, she is the most annoying, stupid character ever! Whenever someone’s playing as her, Super Crown power ups appear so frequently and it’s unnecessary because that power up makes the game stupidly easy.
- King Boo: I love Boos and King Boo has been an easy first pick in any game he’s playable in ever since I first saw him in Mario Kart Wii.
- MC Ballyhoo: One Of my all time favorite characters, appearing prominently in Mario Party 8. He is known for his party clothes, n!6$@ lips, life-Of-the-party attitude, and of coarse, his boisterous laugh. HAR HAR HAAARR!!!
- Gooigi: Before Luigi's Mansion 3 even was officially released, Gooigi was a character I thought was awesome simply because of his ingeniously clever design and name. In Luigi's Mansion 3, he was an extremely fun second character to have and the game utilized him very well.
- Polterpup: Isn’t he just the most adorable pooch in the entirety of the Mario franchise :3 ? It’s such a joyous occasion whenever he makes an appearance.
- Professor Elvin Gadd: He’s a pretty cool character, but he has such a typical boomer haircut.
- Koopalings: They’re some of my favorite villains of all time. Back a long time ago when New Super Mario Bros. Wii was still new, Iggy was my favorite Koopaling because his color was green, which also happened to be my favorite color. Much later though, once I was trying to unlock all the gold parts for the Gold Standard in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and I tried using Roy for change and I do quite well with him, turning him into a higher ranked Koopaling on my nonofficial hyrarchy of Koopalings. I even have video on my YouTube channel called Why Roy is the BEST Koopaling!. Additionally, one of my favorite YouTubers, FreezeFlame22 (shoutout to him) has a series on his channle, Bowser's Children, which incorporates the Koopalings and Bowser as the main characters.
Enemies & Species
- Boo: When I was a little boy, I was really interested in ghosts, which is the reason Boos are my favorite Mario enemy. My favorite variants of Boo are the Bomb Boo because they look awesome and their fun to explode at Bouldergeist, and the Pink Boo because pink is the most ledgendary of colors. On my YouTube channel there was a recurring Boo character named Doctor Death.
- Fuzzball: They’re adorable, friendly, and rare creatures appearing in one of my favorite games of all time. What can I say; they’re epic.
- Fuzzy: They look kinda weird and don’t serve that great of a function, but other than that, they exist and they’re fine. They’re Ceave Gaming's favorite Mario enemy, so that’s got to be worth something.
- Cooligan: They’re Penguins, except they wear shades, which is really just badass.
More about me
Personal Info
I was born in the January of 2003 (age 16) in Boston, MA, where I still live. I am an American with some Irish and French-Canadian ancestry.