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“Every story has an ending...”
Charley, Waves
Welcome to my page. Ed's, beware! >:D
I am his only friend :(

Welcome to the non-official Kyons Sister fan-page. This whole page is dedicated to Kyon's Sister.

Kyons Sister

This is Kyons Sister. Beware her awusmness.

She is in 5th grade, and is 10. Not much is known about her, as she has'nt even been givin a name. She is seen in very little episodes, and doesnt even have much lines. She was once in a commercial featuring all of the characters from the show, however.

Who the heck is Kyons Sister?!?

Kyon's Sister is a very minor character in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. She acts as the 10 year old sister of Kyon, a major character in the series. Even in the Light Novels, she is very minor (She is even more minor in them then in the anime).

What is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya?

Look it up on Wikipedia. >:O

Is she really that minor?

Believe it. She only made like 3 appearances (And the anime had only 14 episodes)

Whats her real name?

Her real name is unkown, shes so minor that she doesnt even have a name. I guess the people who made it were to lazy to make her a name. :(

How do they Referr to her then?

The characters referr to her as Mikuru's little sister, which is wrong, as she is actualy Kyon's. Kyon referrs to her as She, her, and you.

Role in the SOS Brigade?

She isnt even in the SOS brigade. In the one episode where she joins the SOS Brigade to an island, she isnt informed about anything.


Kyon's Sister appeared in a japanese commercial for "Swiss Care". In this commercial, it is shown that Kyon's Sister plays Baseball. At the end, she is seen running towards the ball afte being hit, only for it to hit her and to make her fall to the ground.


It might be that, since Mikuru is a time-traveler, that Kyon's Sister actualy IS Mikuru. Mikuru of the future (and the past) taps her head slightly and sticks her tounge out, which Kyon's sister does most of the time. They also act in a similar way (As in later episodes, Mikuru gets less shy). If, in fact, Kyon's Sister is in fact Mikuru, then Kyon would be in love with his own sister in a perverted way. Eww.

Why she pwnz

She is just so cute! She's so mysterious and stuff liek that (Which is plainly what the show is about, strange an abnormal things...) She ia also cute. =P

Some Facts

  • Her last name would be known, if she didnt keep callign her brother Kyon, which is then spread aroudn and now everyone calls him Kyon.
  • She is the youngest character in the show.
  • She usually wers pink, but in the episode where they all go to a "Deserted Island", she wears a yellow shirt.
  • She is friends with Mikuru, and an Aquatance with Haruhi.
  • She doesnt like Bell Peppers.

Kyon's Sister pics

KyonsSister-1.png - I dont know about this one... kyonandmikuru.png - With Mikuru KyonsSister.png - My fav. :P Kyons_Sister.jpg - Praying Scizzorz.png - Scissors! Playinmahbaseball.png - Baseball Travelwithu.png - Hiding in suitcase whatchareadin.png - Asking what Yuki is reading. kyonssistermad.png - Mad at Kyon

kyonssisterkitty.png - Kyon's Sister (Left) in the opening sequence, with Haruhi on the right. lol-1.png - Kyon's Sister on the beach 250px-The_Rashness_of_Haruhi_Suzumiya_cover.jpg - Appearing on the cover of one of the novels along with Tsuyura.

Light Novel appearances

  • I stuck the bookmark in my jeans before dashing out of my room and down the stairs like a swift rabbit. I came to the house entrance to see my sister coming out, carrying a popsicle and asking, "Where are you going, Kyon-kun?" I answered "The station." hopped on my bike, which was tied by the door, and rode off to my destination.
  • I opened the door and placed my bag by the entrance room. Then after telling my sister, who had just come out, that I was going to be a bit late tonight, I went back to Koizumi.

Imouto Wasurecha Oshiokiyo: Kyon's Sister official song


Imouto Wasurecha Oshiokiyo's Lyrics

Doko doko o-dekake sutakora o-dekake? Kyon-kun Kyon-kun! Tsuretette

Doko doko o-dekake sutakora o-dekake? Kyon-kun Kyon-kun! Tsuretette

Aisu no daburu poteto ni baagaa Iei iei Yurushichao ka

Dareka ni moteteru kanji ja nai shi Mada ne anshin Watashi no oniichan tehehe

Asonde yo tama ni ha gakkou Omoshirosoo na hito-tachi misete Asobitai o-ningyou yori mo Shigeki-teki na koto oshiete oshiete Haayaku!

Asonde yo tama ni ha gakkou Omoshirosoo na hito-tachi misete Asobitai o-ningyou yori mo Shigeki-teki na koto oshiete oshiete Haayaku!

Zurui yo itsumo tanoshisou da mon Pun pun Nakama irete!

Manga ya geemu ranobe ni anime Mou mou Chigau mono ga buumu

Tatoeba totsuzen hen na jiken okite Makikomaretai no dokippo �Eamp;ocirc;

Jibun kara nanka tsukuroo ka na Tehajime ni hasami kashite yo ne Jibun ni ha booken tarinai Otona-teki na koto shiritai shiritai Mootto!

Asonde yo tama ni ha gakkou Omoshirosoo na hito-tachi misete Asobitai o-ningyou yori mo Shigeki-teki na koto oshiete oshiete Haayaku!

Doko doko o-dekake wasurete o-dekake? Kyon-kun Kyon-kun! Tsuretette

Kyon's Sister version of the ending song, Hare Hare Yukai


Me sprites

If you are thinking of using me in a comic, then use these two sprites. But give permission to the one who ripped them, as I didnt make/rip them.


Use this is you want me to be Tia from Zatch Bell. tia.gif

Link: display.php?file=tia.gif


Pretty self explanitory... You can use any Moogle sprite form any game, as they apear in more games then the FF series. Theyre pretty easy to find, so I'm not putting any links/picture down.