Washroom (2F)
This article is about the Washroom on the second floor of Luigi's Mansion. For the Washroom on the first floor, see Washroom (1F)
As Luigi entered the Washroom, he noticed the toilet tank above the toilet was leaking. When he approached it, a Water Elemental Ghost emerged from it. When Luigi sucked it up into his Poltergust 3000, a Temper Terror popped out of the toilet, catching the plumber off guard. Luigi quickly doused this ghost with Water Element and captured it. The room was illuminated and Luigi received a treasure chest with some extra money inside.
The Washroom on this floor is largely similar to the one on the first floor, the only differences being the abscence of a Toad, and a "Monsters" poster replacing the medicine cabinet. The sink will also contain a Heart, further comparing the two rooms.
Luigi can pull on the Monsters poster to change it into a Boo poster. However, if Luigi holds the suction too long, he will lose 5 HP.