This is about the Mariowiki user. For the late Luigi see Luigi. For this users clone see user:LuigiDude17
- “It's a me, Luigidude! Sorry, I am no longer that active on this wiki!”
- —Super Mario Wiki
Yello! It's a me! Luigi Dude! I a love all things Luigi!
Why did the year of Luigi have to end, I ask?
If makes me as sad as a sandwich with no mjstard.
So here's my story! I am a Luiginoid, who, during Mario & Luigi: Dream team, somehow found my way to the earth! Then one day, while I was battling a dog, a Mariowiki user came to me and told me about Mariowiki. So, I joined. Personality wise, I am the oppisite of Luigi. I am heroic and have had skills!When Luigi tragically got hurt in a Mario Kart 7 race, I filled in Mario Kart 8 and Invented the Luigi Death stare.
This user is a fan of the
Mario AND Luigi
This user also likes Super Paper Mario! (Do you know why?...
This users Pikipdia account is PikPik18
This users wiki bound account is Something New.
I made this page: Prisma Cardware