User talk:Do The Mario
Hello. Regarding your recent edits, please remember to use correct grammar on articles next time. For this one in particular, avoid using imperative language and "strategy guide"-style writing as if you're talking to the reader (e.g. "Be careful...", "Make sure to...") - as this is an encyclopedia, article content should be kept at an informative tone; and also avoid using the word "you" - on articles, we use the term "the player", or the character's name, instead. Please also remember to not leave untidy or unfinished edits like that.
Finally, do you have a source for the name "Cappy Capture"? Every mention of the move in the game has always simply been "Capture." Mario JC 11:07, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
Okay, I'm new to this so thank you, as for Cappy Capture, That's what I thought the game said...
Do The Mario (Talk)
- In regards to the amiibo section of the Dr. Mario page, that's the information given on the Dr. Mario amiibo on Nintendo's amiibo site (which is simply just a repeat of the Super Smash Bros. trophy):
12:42, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
Understood,could you tell me how to sign right for this thing? User:Do The Mario
- You sign your comments using three or four tildes (~~~~), which will automatically display your username and links to your userpage/talk page, and a time stamp if you use four.
12:50, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
Thank you Do The Mario (talk) 13:01, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
- (Yeah, that comment can be removed) Special:RecentChanges shows viewers the most recent changes made to the wiki, including talk pages. I didn't get notified, rather I just checked your revision.
14:02, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
okay, I thought it was Mario-related so... Do The Mario (talk) 14:29, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
- It is and it isn't. It's a group of Mario-based fan games, which shouldn't be advertised. However, if it's something you work on yourself, you can link to it once you're able to make your own userpage, like what I do. But otherwise, it counts as spam and shouldn't be linked to.
14:32, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
once again understood, I so wish I could create ir right now, Do The Mario (talk) 14:37, 8 June 2018 (EDT)
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