New News
I have started making more constructive edits.
Please, PLEASE, come to Fantendo! We are in dire need of new users! Tell all of your friends too!
Userboxes: Here. Using to save space, should return to my page within 2 weeks About Me
My ImaginationIs very vivid and wild, which contributes to my lying skillz. Don't be offended if I say something mean, but sometimes, my Imagination kicks in, able to make lies appear as the truth instantly. Even I sometimes fall for my own lies, which make my moods extreme. So please don't be mad if I make up some huge lie or something. My Page is BelowKwotez"never say never. OMG, I just did!" - Me, somewhere. (read below quote) "Uh... I forgot. Gimme a sec, K? - Me, many times. "Pwnage!" - Me, many times "Move. Now. ... MOVE! fine, be that way." - when MTD was blocking the door. "Age doesn't matter that much online" -Plumber, the chatroom no other place to put this music. Intro
Hi! I'm Max2 anyway, I'm a HUGE 9-Volt fan, and I've played Every Mario Party game. Call me Max, though. I am on the forum so you can give me PMs there. 8( I'm most like Francis. (except the Peach part. yuck.) seriously! I collect cheesy action figures and video games! (do Pokemon Toys count as anime?) NO! I'm starting to sound like Nastasia with the K? thing. NO! She's ugly! I joined... I forget. End of February '07. My Goals
Wikis I'm on
FriendsThese are all of my friends. Note if you're not on this list, um... I forgot. Gimme a sec, K?
Respected Peoples
the new comic
3G... IFs
Stufzmy card. (too big for my page) Mr. 2! See the Everybody Pic at the Awards!
Final Form. Notice: I put a hidden sprite on here! If you can find the sprite and say who it is, I'll give you a quarter. |