
From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 13:06, September 17, 2017 by Camwoodstock (talk | contribs)
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File:SM64 ScuttleBug.jpg
But to answer that, we need to talk about parallel universes.

Hey, this is my page. You probably know me from other websites, but that's not exactly the most important thing in the world.

History nut who looks way too deep into the past to see if it can be used to learn things for the present and future. Edits wikis in his spare time, since he often learns otherwise useless information in the process.

A community man, often looking for just some decent people to be with. (Please tell me you won't be toxic edgelords. (And that you have cake. (I like cake.)))

Does not like Sticker Star. But then again, nobody likes Sticker Star.

I'll probably beef this up later. But, uh, this is what you're stuck with for until I can bring myself to bring out a full-on revamp of this page.


Things I've done

These are all pretty minor so far so bear with me.

The 'Shroom

  • Article 126: Nominated Skillit for Shroom Spotlight. It actually succeeded, and hopefully will be seeing improvements. #KillIt4Skillit