User:Stumpers/Stumpers's Wiki News
This page is an archive of postings from "Stumpers's Wiki News."
18 June 2007
You can see a partial Stumpification of the Donkey Kong article. My edit effects the article up to, but not including, the Donkey Kong Country section. Also, the images haven't been edited, so don't blame me!
17 June 2007
I've recently been throwing around the idea of taking a vacation from the Wiki. If this happens, I would definately plan to return. I just wanted to post so I would feel like I could take the vacation if I wanted to. I just have so much I want to get done, including resuming working out. Nothing like a family members having heart problems to make you want to hit the track. So, this probably wouldn't be a very defined vacation, as I'm very much into playing life by ear during summer break. Just know that if I don't update for a while, you shouldn't worry... yet.
16 June 2007
Please view the recently "Stumpified" Rollout article!
14 June 2007
Today I continued to add more information to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection article. Really, check it out. The history section is pretty sweet.
On a side note, the Great Gonzo is a fan of the black bear pic! This means someone actually checks this page! Sweet! For those wondering what I'm talking about, check here.
11 June 2007
I've "Stumpified the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection article. Check it out.
I fell into the Abyss article, and I was forced to Stumpify it to stay alive. I must remember to carry more 1-Up Mushrooms. Remember this when you vote for "most addicted user".
Oh, and if anyone who owns Super Paper Mario could edit the article to reflect the addition of Underwhere into the series, that would be appreciated. I'm sorry, but I refuse to spoil a Paper Mario game.
10 June 2007
I've uploaded lots of nice images for the Tetris DS article... and had some naming and deleting issues... Yeah, I'm expecting to get reemed out pretty soon... a moderator went ahead and did everything I told him I was planning to do out of the goodness of his heart... but I mentioned the wrong file name. Ugh. What an idiot I can be!
Oh, yeah. Remember, kiddies! Vote for Uncle Stumpers in the Wiki voting whenever the user awards come... you know you want to see more of my bumbling!
9 June 2007
Awards voting starts TOMORROW?! Whoa! I hope people think of me! That means you! :) Drop me a line if you want my vote. Just convince me by showing me your articles.
8 June 2007
Pictures have been added to the Tetris DS article by your's truly. However, the article still has some problems. If you'd like to help, even if you don't have the game, check out the game's Talk Page or read through part of it for grammatical or spelling errors. If anyone knows how to rename picture files, please comment on my talk page. I accidentally uploaded one as its original file name, a bunch of letters and numbers, instead of one that makes sense.
In related news, I don't have the game either... oh, what you can find on the Internet these days!
7 June 2007
Please check out the recently "Stumpified" Tetris DS! Images coming soon.
6 June 2007
Please excuse my lack of updates! No one seems to be on the Wiki lately anyway, and I was busy. So be quiet. It's not like anyone actually reads these. Anyway, I'm working on a "Stumpification" (total rewrite) of the Tetris DS article. It's going pretty good, but I have to hurry before the game becomes just another part of that silly Game Sightings article. I mean, come ON! We're a specialty Wiki! We don't go combining articles like a full blown Wikipedia! Gah! Oh, yeah. And it should be "Cameos in Other Games", thank you very much. Grrrr... I'm in fight mode. Hiya!
4 June 2007
I created the Super Mario Bros. Stamps article. Take a look. I think you'll like what you see.
3 June 2007
Recently created a signature. Let's see how it looks, shall we? Stumpers! 19:11, 3 June 2007 (EDT)
Gentlemen (and all one of the ladies out there), that took way too much time.