Killer Axe's Userbox Tower
This user is part of the Super Smash Bros. PipeProject.
This user is an expert gamer.
This user listens to video game music.
Ulti Fav
This user believes that Paper Mario is the best videogame ever.
Ulti Hate
This user believes that Superman 64 is an abomination of mankind.
Hey, I found this wiki while bumming around on the Internet. Glad I found it! I joined in May, 2010.
Who Dat?
Neglected Mario Characters
My favorite webcomix, they deserve a whole setion on my userpage. This is actually the first sprite-based comic ever put on the internet.
Less notable webcomics
Less notable, but I still think their hilarious. Also note that most of these comics use explicitives, if that bothers you, skip this section.
Doctor McNinja: [2]
Bob and George: [3]
Articles I've Created
- Color-Full
- Finger Flex