This page is an appeal system for Reminders, Warnings, and Last Warnings. If you feel you have wrongly received a reminder or a warning, follow the instructions below to appeal the reminder/warning to the administrators. Please keep discussions civil.
Archived Appeals can be found here.
This page observes the No-Signature Policy.
If you feel that you have been wrongfully given a reminder and/or warning, you can have your case heard here. Please read through the "How To" and the "Rules" carefully. Please note that both the users appealing the reminder/warning and the users who issued the reminder/warning are given a chance to present the administrators with reasons to rule in their favor. However, said comments can only be edited once; this will not expand into lengthy, back-and-forth arguments such as the ones found in proposal comments and talk page discussions.
- Reminders and/or Warnings given by an administrator cannot be appealed.
- No case can be heard more than once. Once a decision is made, that decision is final.
- If the reminder or warning you issued is overturned, do not re-add it, or it will be removed immediately, and you may be reprimanded yourself if the administrators feel it is necessary.
This is an example of what your appeal should look like; improperly formatted appeals will be deleted. If you are inexperienced or unsure how to set up this format, simply copy the following template and paste it into the fitting section. Then replace the "[subject]" variables (including the squared brackets) with information to customize your proposal.
===[Your username here]=== *[Insert link to reminder/warning from your talk page] ====[Your username here]==== *[Insert your comments on why the reminder/warning was unnecessary] ====[The issuer of the warning's Username here]==== *[Insert your comments on why the reminder/warning was necessary (this section is for the issuer only)] ----
Important: After posting your appeal, make sure that you use {{AppealNotice}} to inform the issuer that his or her warning/reminder is under dispute.
Fawful's Minion (talk)
Fawful's Minion
- What did I do to deserve this warning, all I did was just talk to a few inactive users and here comes BabyLuigiOnFire. She just gives me a warning for no good reason. It isn't mentioned anywhere in neither The Courtesy Policy nor the The Warning Policy I checked both of them thrice and there is no mention saying you cannot message the inactive, but it does say that you cannot remove any comments even if the don't contribute as said on Section 10 of the Courtesy Policy the only comments you can delete are flames, vandalism, and mine were none of the above. And she just gives me a warning for that. Seriously a warning was way too out of line. I actually have seen quite a few users do this and they haven't got any warnings for it so why should I get a warning for this. Wrong I didn't know there was a rule against that, BLOF was just being harsh Mario jc didn't give me a warning for sticking my nose into admins' business so. Also I was banned for sharing the same IP as vandals not for that said reason. I seriously didn't know there was a rule against that I am still new here. You can't revert comments bottom line.
Baby Luigi
- I didn't give you a warning for no good reason. It's pure common sense to just not leave comments to users who have been inactive for literally years, as they literally cannot get back at you in a time-frame appropriate for a response. Doing so is a waste of editing user space, and it therefore falls under nonconstructive edits, which is, in fact, the default parameter when you give anyone a reminder in the first place. You've been told informally multiple times (this one you reverted a user edit without any explanation, which by the way, Toa95, a sysop, approved of the user's revert of your edits) in fact, to specifically not do this, this is the sole reason you received a Warning instead of a reminder, by the way. And sure, maybe the Courtesy and Warning policy doesn't talk about literally everything bad, but we've banned users for general incompetence before, that includes you, Fawful's Minion. One last note, I will bring up this particular policy page which serves an important purpose and perhaps why I felt you were deserving of a warning in the first place. Also, seeing other users do this is NOT an excuse for repeating bad behavior. Other users should not be replying or talking to older discussions. However, considering that you're a regular user who has done this multiple times in fact, after being told to do so, you ignored our advice and continued doing it. Ignoring advice actually falls precisely under the Warning policy you cited, where you repeated an infraction after you're told to stop. So in fact, you did technically break an official guideline, so the warning should therefore stay. Saying "I didn't know" isn't an excuse to forgo common sense by the way.