Catchy Tunes | Bubble Brawl | Track & Yield | Fun Run | Cointagious | Snow Ride | Picture This | Ghost in the Hall | Big Dripper | Target Tag | Pokey Pummel | Take Me Ohm | Kart Wheeled | Balloon Busters | Clock Watchers | Dart Attack | Oil Crisis | Mathemortician 1-vs-3 mini-games La Bomba | Spray Anything | Balloonatic | Spinner Cell | Easy Pickings | Think Tank | Flashfright | Coin-op Bop | Pogo-a-Go-Go | Wheel of Woe | Boxing Day | Be My Chum! | StratosFEAR! Number Crunchers 2-vs-2 mini-games Buzztormer | Tile and Error | Battery Ram | Cardinal Rule | Bumper Crop | Hop-O-Matic 4000 | Sphere Factor | Wingin' It | Herbicidal Maniac | Pyramid Scheme | World Piece | Spider Stomp Battle mini-games Helipopper | Monty's Revenge | Deck Hands | Air Farce | The Final Countdown Duel mini-games Warp Pipe Dreams | Weight for It | Mad Props | Gimme a Sign | Bridge Work | Spin Doctor | Hip Hop Drop | Royal Rumpus | Light Speed | Apes of Wrath | Fish & Cheeps | Camp Ukiki 8-player mini-games Real Smoothie | Spin Off | Grin and Bar It | Hammer Spammer | Gimme a Brake | Bumper to Bumper | Synch-row-nicity | Rope a Dope | Duct & Cover | Bomb-onic Plague | Unhappy Trails | Shock Absorbers DK mini-games Peel Out | Bananas Faster | Stump Charge | Jump, Man | Vine Country | A Bridge Too Short Bowser mini-games Slot-O-Whirl! | Treasure Dome! | Tunnel of Lava! | Funstacle Course! | Funderwall! | Magmagical Journey! Rare mini-games Ice Moves | Stick and Spin