
From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 15:18, June 22, 2007 by Waluigi Freak 99 (talk | contribs) (→‎Comments: comment)
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Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
  • Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
  • "Vote" periods last for one week.
  • Any past proposals are archived.

A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed with the signature code ~~~(~).

How To

  1. Actions that sysops feel are appropriate to have community approval first can be added by anyone, but they must have a strong argument.
  2. Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
    1. Monday to Thursday: 5pm
    2. Friday and Saturday: 8pm
    3. Sunday: 3pm
  3. At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has strong reasons supporting it. Every vote should have a reason accompanying it.
  4. "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
  5. At the deadline, the validity of each vote and the discussion is reviewed by the community.
  6. The original proposer calls the result of the proposal and takes action(s) as decided if necessary.

The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after school, weekend nights).

So for example, if a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is indeed a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.

CURRENTLY: 22:11, 28 March 2025 (EDT)

New Features

Welcoming Committee

I propose a Welcoming Committee that will be run by yours truly. The welcoming comtiee will make sure Every User gets a welcome, welcoming will not be restricted to just Committee members everyone can help. The Committee will also help users with user stuff and mariowiki stuff, a Committee member will have had to be aroud for a while, be able to handle stress, and great knowledge of WikiSyntax. I see how this Committee will do no harm, besides all it will do is help.

Proposer: Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Deadline: 15:00, 24 June


  1. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
  2. f_wikiimagem_a663437.pngBean Let's help them!
  3. Hk -- Erm... Yeah. Newbies are important. We all go through that stage.
  4. 3dhammer.gif 3D, newbies need help. Let's help them! 3dhammer.gif
  5. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – wasn't sure at first, but the continual help afterwards convinced me.
  6. YELLOWYOSHI398 – Although a lot of the committee goals seem like simple user duties, newbies do indeed need help and a team dedicated to answering their questions seems like a pretty good idea.
  7. Master Crashn00bs are the future of our wiki! with SOS gone we need more users contributing.
  8. Max2 (talk)


  1. Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif


Bean, you need a better reason than that, and I already said we could help newbies without a committee, Hk. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

I end up helping everyone, it'd be nice to have some guys that can help too, and if we have an "unofficail Comitee" why not make it offical, this will end up helping the wiki and making it better. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Well, I don't think it should be run by anyone. A committee is usually run by everyone. And if everyone can participate, it isn't really a commitee. Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif
But they don't, and now they'll ask the people in the Committee. Mario riding YoshiXzelionLike the user fairness, it will do no harm.ETC
Why do you need to be in charge? Something like this won't benifit from having a ruler. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif
Everyone comes to me anyways >_>, and besides there has to be someone in charge. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Why does there need to be someone in charge? Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif

So I can add comittee members, cause you don't want a new user showing up and asking someone for help but they don't know what to do. all I'm saying is I want people who know what their doing to be the comitttee. And the leader (Me) make sures that they know what their doing...You don't members who can barely help themselves on it. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

But you said anyone can be on the commitee. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif 17:39, 17 June 2007 (EDT)
No I believe I said anyone can welcome ;)...Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
PLUMs, when I first got here, I was really confused. Help pages? Didn't know where they are and I still have to request help because there are still so many topics not covered by those pages, but are instead on Wikipedia in "wikispeak". I dunno. Basically, if I had gotton one of those nice templates when I came, it would have helped somewhat. But, yeah. Stumpers! 23:10, 17 June 2007 (EDT)
Oh. Well, I still don't see a reason why the commitee can't vote on new members and needs a leader. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

Well if this get added, I'd certainly consult the other guys before adding new members...Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Oop. I was assuming the idea would get fleshed out as it was implimented. Maybe what we should do is have a trial period? Stumpers! 00:18, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


5 Links

I propose to remove the Only 5 links in sig rule. It doesn't seem to make any sense.

Proposer: Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif
Deadline: June 25, 18:33 (EDT)


  1. Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif
  2. Strong Support Max2 (talk) Wayoshi, just because you only need 5 doesn't mean everyone else only needs 5. I, for example, need 6 really.
  3. SaudyTalk!--This is a silly rule.
  4. Stumpers! 00:20, 19 June 2007 (EDT)I'm for this only if six is the new maximum. I'm looking at Wayoshi's list there, and I could see where someone would want one more if they had a website and were very active on the Wiki. But yeah, more than that is probably too much.
  5. Master Crash come on! i mean you should be able to have more than that!


  1. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – User, user talk, and any 3 out of the following: user comic, user story, contribs, email, external link. 5 is a perfect amount.
  2. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
  3. Gofer
  4. YELLOWYOSHI398 – Five links is enough, if not too much; any more is just annoying.
  5. Cobold (talk · contribs) – It is quite hard to click on the links which are only a single character wide. Pretty pointless if you ask me.


Most people don't look at all five links so they're useless, and its annoying when i try to respond to someone and I have to llok through all the links. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

It should be no more than 10, but 5 is too little. Tadaa!2.gifPlumber, darkgreenTadaaa!.gif

And ten is too much. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Yeah, 9 seems about right. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

7 is OK, right?

  • 1 for userpage
  • 1 for talk
  • 3 for subpages (these 3 are wayoshi's plan)
  • 2 links to other pages (these are what most people want/need)

Max2 (talk) That's fair, right?

Maybe 8 to play it safe. Actually, just leave the links alone if you don't want to click them. And just click their userpage one, and go to the talk tab, Gonzo.Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

2 "Other" pages usually = other userpages or articles, which are either banned or useless. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 18:51, 18 June 2007 (EDT)

again. Just because you think they're useless doesn't mean they are. Max2 (talk)

Yeah. Max's plan seems good, but he left out contribs. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

Take SLS for example i have to hover over all his links to reply to him, and even his userpage is annoying to find. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

well, that's a different story. How about at least 6 links? Max2 (talk)

The userpage is almost always the first one. And SLS's one is the first one. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

Why do you need more than five links anyway, 1 for userpage, 1 for talk, one for contribs(maybe) and then three(or two) for subpages. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

For Fantendo. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

What he said. and article links. and about... 2 users actually have 3 or more subpages. Max2 (talk)

why exactly do we need article links? and if only a few users have 3 Subpages then there really is no need to have more than 5. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

because, it's convinient... and it's helpful... and just because You and washi don't need them doesn't mean we don't. Max2 (talk)

and cause you and pumber need them doesn't mean everyone else does. Mario riding YoshiXzelionHow is having an article link Helpful?.ETC

Well, we'll see how many do at the end of the week. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

I feel very strongly that is a silly rule. Just because one or two people find something useless doesn't mean it is.SaudyTalk!

alright after looknig over all the sigs Heres the stats: 51 Sigs = Less than 4 links, only 19 = have More or around that number. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

I think 5 is a perfect number. Userpage, talkpage and subpage, nothing more, nothing less. I hardly see the point in linking wiki articles, I can see why people link them, but geez, why adding even more slot for something tottaly pointless? And that signature check was a godsend for me, when you fear that Plumber send you a message because his sig will lag your computer, you know there's something wrong. Gofer

lol, I'm sorry... I use a pretty good computer. But, I will admit that Banana-Plumber is a little annoying to see 10 times on a talk page... but it is cute. If this is a lag problem I would say that you should be the deciding factor.Stumpers! 00:23, 19 June 2007 (EDT)


UnMario Wikia: Worth Keeping?

Normally, I'd post this on the UnMario Wikia, but it's basically a nearly deserted site. The problem is that it's severely lacking in any redeemable content, and a lot of it is spam crap that simply isn't funny. There are a few redeeming articles to it, and Teh Game is a good idea, but on the overall the site is headed for death.

I've come up with a pool of four options that are listed below. Take your pick.

Proposer: -- Waluigi Freak 99.
Deadline: 20:00, 29 June

Leave It Like It Is; It's Fine

  • No votes currently.

Clean It Out and Start It Anew

  1. I see the potential here, but we need a fresh start. -- Waluigi Freak 99.

Get Rid of It and Create a Special Place for the Few Funny Articles

  • No votes currently.

Dump It All and Forget It Ever Existed

  • No votes currently.


What should we deem "funny"? I've come up with a short list of stuff that I appreciated there, if we're going for the second or third option. My list includes: Blah blah blah, Mario Kart: Quadruple Dash!!!!, Mario, Teh Game, Super Wario Bros. Wah-wah Show, SMK TV, and Yoshi's Island Scandal. Of course, it's all up to your opinion, and we'll probably need another vote to determine which articles are funny or not. -- Waluigi Freak 99.

Um... Is this really proposal-worthy? I always figured a proposal would have to be directly related to the MarioWiki... I may very well be wrong, though. YELLOWYOSHI398
I really can't post it at the website itself. It's deprived of almost all activity. And posting something on this website's talk page didn't get anywhere, really. There was a vote here to bring it into existence, there should be a vote here to take it out of existence. -- Waluigi Freak 99.