Love Bubble

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A Love Bubble is a strange pink spherical creature with wings and two round feet. This winged creature has two ‘X’s for eyes and a small smile. The four Mario Bros. encountered Love Bubbles in the Toad Town of the past.

In battle, a Love Bubble employs a variety of different attacks. First, a Love Bubble may fly high in the air then dive bomb into a Mario brother. However, before attacking, the Love Bubble with lift up one of its feet to indicate which Bro. it will dive bomb If it lifts up its right foot, the Love Bubble will attack Mario; if left, it will attack Luigi.

Instead of dive bombing, the Love Bubble may attempt to attack both Mario Bros. To do this, the creature will fly in front of the brothers, hovering either low to the ground or high in the air. If low to the ground, the Love Bubble will attempt to fly into both Mario Bros. Thus both Mario Bros. must jump to dodge this attack. However, if the Love Bubble is hovering high in the air, it will fly down into one Bro. then fly back up. Thus only the first Bro. should jump while the second Bro. remains still. If both jump, the second Bro will be hit during the Love Bubble’s ascent. Again, the Love Bubble’s feet will indicate which Bro. will be attacked first.

Additionally, a Love Bubble may turn into a glowing sphere and circle around the Mario Bros. Eventually, the Love Bubble will home in on one Bro. and strike. Counter this attack with a Hammer swing as the winged creature circles around the Mario Bros.

However, despite all these attacks, the Love Bubble’s signature technique is healing other monsters. As such, all Love Bubbles should be eliminated before they can heal their allies in battle.