The Mario Strikers series, also known as the Mario Football series in Europe and Australia, and the Mario Soccer series in South Korea, is a series of Mario games in which Mario and his friends play Association football (commonly known as "football" or "soccer"). It is a Nintendo-exclusive series that launched its first game in 2005. The series only contains two games to date: Super Mario Strikers and Mario Strikers Charged. The game can be played from one to up to four players at one time. Mario Strikers Charged also features Wi-Fi capability.
Title, Original Release and System
Synopsis and Ratings
Super Mario Strikers
Super Mario Strikers (Mario Smash Football in the PAL version), the first game in the series, was released on the Nintendo GameCube. It featured basic rules of soccer, although having its own playing style as implied in several sport Mario games. One specialized rule was Super Strikes. Only the team captain could execute a Special Strike, and if done so perfectly, the shot would always make the goal, and be worth two points. There are a total of eight different playable team captains, four different sidekick players, and two different goalies.
Template:Releasedate Nintendo Gamecube
Mario Strikers Charged
Mario Strikers Charged (Mario Strikers Charged Football in the PAL version and Mario Power Soccer for South Korea), the second and most recent installment in the series, was released on the Wii in 2007. Wi-Fi capability was a new addition to the game, allowing players to compete across the world over the internet. The game featured four new team captains: Bowser, Bowser Jr., Diddy Kong, and Petey Piranha, as well as four new types of sidekicks (Boos, Dry Bones, Monty Moles, and Shy Guys). The game included ten new fields to compete, many of them containing certain gimmick that would modify the situation of every match. For this second mainstream, the characters would have special kicks to score, like sidekicks' skillshots or the powerful Mega Strikes of the captains, which Kritter proves his potential to stop the soccer balls, under the control of the user. If successful, then they will receive up to six points for each ball in the goal. Also, new power-ups had been added for each team captain, known as Super Abilities.
Template:Releasedate Wii
Playable Characters
Team Captains
European Logos
North American Logos
Mario Smash Football Logo.png
Mario Strikers Charged Football
- It is one of the two Mario sports series next to the Mario Baseball series to not be released on a handheld.