The 'Shroom:Issue 102/Awards Director Election

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Awards Committee Director Election


What does the Director do?

The Director of the Awards Committee...

  • ...Shall determine the method by which individuals are to be able to join the Committee.
  • ...Shall be the official Host of the Mario Awards Ceremony.
  • ...Chooses one individual in the community to be the Sub-director (and can either invite this individual to be their runningmate in this campaign or can appoint this individual at the beginning of their term); also appoints the Hosts of each other Ceremony. The Director can then delegate various tasks to these individuals as seen fit.
  • ...Directs the Anniversary Planning Meetings that are held during the year and determines the schedule for said meetings.
  • ...Decides the date of the Awards and maintains a schedule of events for the celebration.
  • ...Maintains a sign-up list for presenters and enforces the rules that are established for presentations.
  • ...Creates the polls for the Awards via the PollDaddy software and tallies the results of each poll after one month has passed since the voting period has begun.
  • ...Sends the presenters the results for their Award.
  • ...Receives presentations from those who have agreed to do one.
  • ...Makes the topics for each Ceremony on Awards Day.
  • ...Closes the Ceremonies upon the completion of the celebration.
  • ...Along with the Awards Committee, considers and permits Special Events held in conjunction with the Anniversary and collaborates with other Super Mario Wiki Community projects.

If you think you might be a suitable candidate for this position, you can enter this election as a candidate.

How do I become the Director?

In order to become the Director of the Awards Committee, you need to be elected by a plurality of voting members of the community. You may become a candidate at any time during this election, except during a potential runoff voting period (which occurs when there are ties).

===Your Name / Potential Runningmate===
Your reasons why you should become the Director.


  • You can enter your campaign into the election by filling out this form and posting it below. New campaigns must be listed at the bottom of the page.
  • Should you become a candidate, you may opt to have a runningmate (who, should you be elected, will become your Sub-director). However, this is not requisite for a campaign. Should you enlist a runningmate, they must specifically agree to be your runningmate. You may not list somebody without obtaining their permission to do so.
  • You can only nominate yourself and a runningmate. Entering another candidate into the election is not permitted, nor is listing a runningmate that has not given consent to such.
  • It is suggested that campaigns are designed neatly and with proper grammar, spelling, and coding.
  • After your campaign is set, people might add their votes to the Vote section of your campaign. As a user of the Mario Wiki, you have a vote as well, and you are allowed to vote for any candidate (including yourself).
  • If you have the plurality of votes at the end of the election period, you will become the new Awards Committee Director. If there are two or more people that tie for having the highest amount of votes, then a runoff election between said candidates will occur. This procedure is called Overtime. If there is still a tie by the end of the new deadline, the election will once again be extended by one week. Overtime continues until one candidate has the highest amount of votes.
  • Please take this matter seriously! Joke campaigns and profanity will be removed without warning. Additional steps might be taken against violators of this rule.

How do I vote here?

You can vote by going to the Vote section of a campaign and add this form to it. Remember to replace “Name” with your actual user name.


Alternatively, a user may cast an anonymous vote by using the form below. Note that people may see who voted anonymously when viewing the page history.


You can only vote for one person at a time. If the election reaches Overtime and your candidate gets eliminated, you can cast another vote for any of the remaining candidates if you like.

If there are still questions left, feel free to ask one of Mario Wiki's admins.

It is currently 22:56, March 23 (EST/EDT)

This election ends October 17th 20:00 (EST/EDT)


Anton and Edo / 2257

Heyho guys, and thank you for checking out our campaign.

To start things off: We are Anton, Edo, and 2257, three people who have been around this community for a decent amount of time. If you’re familiar with the ‘Shroom or the MarioWiki chatroom, or are active in certain parts of the forums, you might already know us.

The coming year is going to beget a very important instance of the annual Mario Awards. It will be the tenth time the awards are celebrated. For this special occasion, we all will do our best and strive to make the tenth Mario Awards as memorable as possible. To this end, we have composed this team of three, with valuable expertise in multiple fields between us, including chat, wiki, forums, and anything that encompasses our community and makes it whole.

We want to make sure the awards will keep going strong in 2016. We are looking forward to your support if you wish to give us that chance.

Below you will find a summary of our qualifications, as well as a general outline of what we are planning to accomplish in the coming year.

Relevant Experience (Co-Directors)


  • Awards Co-Director (2015 (Mario Awards IX)).
    • Experience with running the whole awards show start to finish; everything that needs to be done and how to do it.
    • Familiar with Google Docs in regards to all of the regular upkeep and records maintained for the awards.
  • Awards Committee member (2011 – 2015 (Mario Awards VI – IX)).
    • Familiarity with the internal structure and working practices of the awards committee.
  • #mwchat Founder (mid-2014 – present), Admin (late 2010 – present).
    • Experience with moderating chat rooms; relevant for organizing chat meetings.
  • Current Userpedia Sysop (2 March, 2012 – present), Bureaucrat (18 Nov, 2012 – present), and Steward (18 November, 2012 – present).
    • General knowledge of administrative processes.
    • Experience organizing meetings and various community projects.
  • Userpedia Awards Host (2012 – 2015 (Mario Awards VII – IX)).
    • Intimate knowledge of community aspects to the entire anniversary event and how to be inclusive.
  • ’Shroom Contributor.
    • Experience with creating banners and other assorted drawings and photo edits.


  • The ’Shroom sub-director for 3 years.
    • Experience with coordinating a team and supporting, managing, and realizing various projects.
    • Knowledge of how to assure quality control.
  • Awards committee member (2010, 2015 (Mario Awards IV, IX)).
    • Familiarity with the internal structure and working practices of the awards committee.
  • Long-term backup-presenter.
    • History of writing and executing multiple well-received awards presentations on very short notice.
  • Veteran ‘Shroom writer/artist.
    • Contributor of entertainment-oriented material on multiple occasions; relevant for handling and substituting presentations when necessary.
  • Current Userpedia Sysop and Bureaucrat, former MarioWiki Sysop.
    • General knowledge of administrative processes.
    • General understanding of how to use Mediawiki.
  • Hobbyist artist/designer.
    • Experience with creating art assets like banners and other web decorations.

Relevant Experience (Sub-Director)


  • Unofficial programming advisor in multiple branches of the community.
    • Familiarity with many aspects and parts of the community.
    • Coding expertise is applicable in multiple situations.
  • Awards Committee member (2011, 2013, 2015 (Mario Awards V, VII, IX)).
    • Familiarity with the internal structure and working practices of the awards committee.
  • #mwchat Admin (late 2010 – present).
    • Experience with moderating chat rooms; relevant for organizing chat meetings.
  • Current Userpedia Sysop and Bureaucrat, former MarioWiki Sysop and Bureaucrat.
    • General knowledge of administrative processes.
    • General understanding of how to use Mediawiki.
  • The ’Shroom sub-director for 1 year.
    • Experience with coordinating a team and supporting, managing, and realizing various projects.
    • Knowledge of how to assure quality control.


For the most part, the way things have been going the last few years has been working out great, so we will be maintaining and improving upon some standards:

  • The midway checkpoint to gauge progress and catch early dropouts was very useful so we plan on doing that again.
  • A suggestions box at the beginning and end of each awards year has been a good source of insight and ideas, so it will be used again.
  • 65 awards are currently planned again (30A, 15F, 10U, 10S) but we are open to discussion on amounts while keeping in mind proper balance and maintenance.
  • UP and ‘Shroom dossiers with the polls located on the page have helped maintain voter quality so these will be maintained.
  • Meetings will be scheduled on alternating days to avoid conflicting meeting and release dates of The ‘Shroom, as well as other potential factors. All other scheduled dates and times are free to be discussed by the AC unless already predetermined.

There are some improvements that could be made, of course, which we plan to work with the AC to develop and implement:

  • Tournaments:
    • Better deadline enforcement to ensure people will not be waiting for their tokens and prizes for longer than necessary. This has been a problem this year.
    • More controlled token amounts to maintain balance and fairness among the rest of the tournaments, as well as slowing/stopping the inflating token economy.
  • Work together with the Poll Committee to ensure award poll visibility and higher turnouts.
    • One may idea we’ll work on is having July’s poll slot filled with just the awards polls rotating.

If this sounds good to you and you trust us with the handling of the Mario Awards X, we will be delighted to have your vote!

Thank you very much, and here’s to another successful awards celebration in 2016!


  1. Turboo (talk)
  2. Count Bonsula (talk)
  3. PowerKamek (talk)


This is where comments go. I'm just putting this here so that the {{Shroomfooter}} template doesn't go directly below the header (which looks weird). — Super Mario Bros. (talk) 20:54, 19 September 2015 (EDT)

The 'Shroom 102
Staff sections Opening Statement
The 'Shroom SpotlightAwards Director Election
Sub-teams Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing
Specials Ultimate Character Tournament
Closing Statement