User talk:Billy-Luigi
Welcome to Billy-Luigi's Talk! You are allowed to write anything to me and I'll reply ASAP. (Well, sometimes)
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Uhm, first header!
Just wanted to say... I'll reply at everything after we have those Sm4sh matches at 19:00. By telling this, I'll wait impatiently to show you my stupid moves >:) TSUNAMI
- I know, and I'm sorry. I HAD to do homework (and I had still to download v1.0.4, wonder how much it would have taken). Tomorrow I'll give you my friend code. Tomorrow at 19:00 is OK? You don't know how sorry I am... It's over level 9000... anyways, it's not a total catastrophe (semi-catastrophe?), and tomorrow I'll give my word at 19:00 I'll be here. (you can be angry)
- Never read it. I thought Mewtwo was an experiment.
- Tomorrow... Levels of laziness reaching infinity and above...
- I know, I know. That's probabily why I decided to buy a Wii U.
- I'll tell you when I've made enough stuff for a game. Takes like some months.
- I don't think that trick (of which I didn't yet see anything) works for everything. Also, I used to cheat, but I lost all my Action Replay copies... cheating is sometimes fun.
- Thanks for what?
- Everything seems to work fine.
- Lakitu + Luma: Feeder and Dropper? Toad + Toadette: BTFF (Best Toad Friends Forever)? Baby Wario + Baby Waluigi: Baby Wario Bros.? Can't think of a lot right now.
Late reply!
Yes, both bought at lauch. For Pokémon, I instead chose Omega Ruby, and I'm getting dejà vu vibes from Emerald. Yep, I own it (one of two GBA games of mine (don't own any Game Boy), both Pokémon), and... I got stuck to the second medal. '^_^ Starter: Torchic, I played about 1 hour (or less) and it's already at level 11. I now got Pokédex and Poké Balls, then I stopped. Probabily stop for today. I still prefer games such as Platinum and Black/White 2, which is another step to confirm my theory that some DS games are better. Take BIS and MKDS as other examples. As of Sm4sh WiiU, I didn't yet play it. I want to play it with mum for the first time I ever turn it on. amiibos: Yoshi + Kirby. I should definitely update my userpage... TSUNAMI
- Instead, I have full generation 4-6, though I didn't much in Diamond/Pearl. I've played it for 2:56h, and other than random LV 5-6 I've got a Combusken LV 21 and a LV 15 Taillow. Can't get how I encountred a wild LV 15 in a LV 6-8 zone... instead, never played Smash Tour since 1) you have to play in 4, so 3 CPUs 2) no custom controls. I use the GamePad, notabily Zl to jump, Y to shield and X to use specials. I'm also not good at designing so no custom stages for me. And that name stuff bothers me a lot too. I'll give 9.5/10, since Geno, Starfy and Climbers are missing as playable characters (weak oppose to 10/10). Also, have you got amiibos? Both mine (Kirby AKA Pufbreaker and Yoshi AKA Muncher) are at LV 50, but Pufbreaker tends to beat Muncher with ease. I once beated both of them as Kirby, though most times Pufbreaker beats me. When I have more, I'll make FP tournaments. Since I want to fight versus you, I'll try to link to Internet around 6pm.
Currently searching for header name
Yes, I went inactive. With all the games I played Christmas (Wii Party U, Pokémon Art Academy, Super Paper Mario, Brawl...), I did not have time to check MarioWiki. What's funny is, I didn't complete anything :P (unless the fourth Pikachu, last non-Bonus lesson, is counted to be the "beaten" requirement. I still have to do 8 Pokémons, 3 of them will probabily be the most complex Art Academy lesson I ever did. GOML) And now, I hope to go active again. About LoZ game, I got Wind Waker HD, and uhm, I spent a lot of time in the first three lessons, I just did Windmill Island. The gameplay, at the beginning, seems so slow... for holidays, I started the 24th (first time ever) and finished the 6th. Total, 14 days. TSUNAMI