Proposals can be new features (such as an extension), removal of a previously added feature that has tired out, or new policies that must be approved via consensus before any action(s) are done.
- Any user can support or oppose, but must have a strong reason for doing so, not, e.g., "I like this idea!"
- "Vote" periods last for one week.
A proposal section works like a discussion page: comments are brought up and replied to using indents (colons, such as : or ::::) and all edits are signed with the signature code ~~~(~).
How To
- Actions that sysops feel are appropriate to have community approval first will be added by a sysop.
- Users then vote and discuss on the issue during that week. The "deadline" for the proposal is one week from posting at:
- Monday to Thursday: 5pm
- Friday and Saturday: 8pm
- Sunday: 3pm
- At any time a vote may be rejected if at least three active users believe the vote truly has strong reasons supporting it.
- "# " should be added under the last vote of each support/oppose section to show another blank line.
- At the deadline, the validity of each vote and the discussion is reviewed by the community.
- The original proposer calls the result of the proposal and takes action(s) as decided if necessary.
Archive sub-pages will be made eventually. The times are in EDT, and are set so that the user is more likely to be online at those times (after school, weekend nights).
So for example, if a proposal is added on Saturday night at 11:59 PM EDT, the deadline is the next Saturday night at 8:00 PM. If it is indeed a minute later, the deadline is a day plus 15 hours (Sunday), as opposed to a day minus 4 hours.
CURRENTLY: 00:49, 15 March 2025 (EDT)
New Features
No proposals here yet.
User Fairness
We keep a strict line on user behavior here, but should we set it in stone as a policy? Would contain:
- No personal attacks: punishable by ban
- No edit warring: punishable by warning if excessive
- "Assume good faith" – already on Wikipedia, assume a user is here to help the project unless (s)he shows malicious behavior
Proposer: Wa TC@Y
Deadline: 17:00, 5 June
Set in Stone
- Wa
TC@Y – couldn't hurt.
Plumber, darkgreen
- Dinosaur bob – I think it's better that way- it gives more incentive to play nice.
- YELLOWYOSHI398 – I doubt these are reeeeally necessary, but, as Wayoshi said, they wouldn't hurt.
- Shyster- I totally agree
- Why not? No harm can come from it. Hisak 19:20, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Phoenix Rider See comment
- Gives them no excuse to do it. Heh, I recommended Good Faith here.
Sorry, but I am Confused 21:36, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Rules are rules, and they're usually for the betterment of all. Eggbert
Leave it Unsaid
- Hk-We aren't idiots. No need to set it in stone. The policy was suggested by someone who uses condescending statements and insults every other line.
- Cobold (talk · contribs) - no need for a guidline for everything. I'm with unwritten rules.
- No need to make a rule for what is essentially common sence.Gofer
All I'm saying is that we aren't stupid, people should have enough common sense to understand that if they are rude, they have to go home.SaudyTalk!
Can we define "personal attacks" before implimenting the policy? Otherwise, I wasn't aware that this wasn't written down... I guess it's really an extention of the "final judgement" of moderators... or whatever we refer to it as here. Anyway, on absolutely every online community I've ever been to, moderators are allowed to do whatever they feel necesary to keep the peace, but maybe this will help community newbies understand better. I'm in favor of the edit wars thing to. I think if an edit war arrises, however, we need to move right to the talk page of that particular article and vote on the edits, returning the next day. If we say, "No edit wars," I feel it is too open ended. Hmm... I wonder what recent events triggered this proposal ;) Oops. --Stumpers
This might sound cruel, but if you don't have enough common sense, you deserve to be banned. I have yet to see how this would affect anything for the better not making it a rule. Phoenix Rider
I have heard this issue in chat. We have ended up battling vandalism very well after a bad rash, so patrollers have become obsolete. The only patroller who has used his powers actively was Great Gonzo, who I promoted to sysophood two days ago.
So is it time to remove the patroller group? Currently Confused (talk) and Aipom (talk) are patrollers.
Proposer: Wa TC@Y
Deadline: 17:00, 5 June
- Wa
TC@Y – Never know when another bad rash will come along. I'll find more active users to replace the original four if necessary.
XzelionWe should always have 4 Patrollers..ETC
- Maybe we just need more patrollers...
Sorry, but I am Confused 23:37, 29 May 2007 (EDT)
Bean Yep, never know...
- Phoenix Rider Never know.
Plumber, darkgreen
Get Rid Of
- I really don't think they're needed. Even with patrollers, the administrators are still doing most of the anti-vandal work. No offense to the current patrollers, but they haven't done much vandal fighting since their promotion. I feel we have enough admins at the moment to withstand another vandal attack even without patrollers, anyway. (that's just my opinion, though). --KPH2293
- Really I mean, instead of being patrollers isn't it easier to make them sysop or something? Silent but deadly! SuperLuigi821 You lost everything. Way to go genious.
- Agree, we have than enough sysop, and there hasn't been a big vandal attack for long. Sorry, dudes.
- Patrollers no longer seem necessary to me for reasons already given by other users; if a user really deserves promotion, he should be a Systems Operator (not that we don't already have enough of even those, too). YELLOWYOSHI398
- There are thirteen sysops, about 10 of those are on some type of active basis. I think that's more than adequate to counter spam attacks. Eggbert
What does it mean to "use patrolling powers properly"? Plumber 20:47, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Don't abuse them. Also: "We should always have 4 Patrollers." – Why, exactly? " Ya never know when an Early Saturday mornin' and sysops are sleeping in..." – What exactly makes you think patrollers would be up at that time, yet not sysops? --KPH2293 20:58, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- They might be up, they might not, but it's better to have extra hands around. Why decline some willing to help you with your work?
Plumber, darkgreen
- True, but why patrollers? Why couldn't we just make active and trustworthy users sysops if we need more guards against vandalism? They can fight vandalism more efficiently, since they can delete pages that are created by vandals, protect frequently vandalized pages, and permanently hide obscene revisions. --KPH2293 21:27, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- I don't think Wayoshi wants too many sysops here. I would change my votes if there was a higher chance of more users becoming sysops, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
Peer Reviews
So far, they aren't working out well and people are ignoring them.
Proposer: Plumber
Deadline: June 6, 2007
- Cobold (talk · contribs) - I'd say, better less feature articles than many bad ones.
- The old system sucked, people were voting for theirs favorite characters rather than for the qulality of the article itself. I might review some...
- Dinosaur bob -I've done a few edits to Yoshi already. Just point me towards the other articles and I'll see what I and my meager talents can do.
- Hk-Even if it was ALttP's idea, it still might help. I'll review article everyday if it helps.
- Stumpers - Well... He really has a lot of good ideas. This is one of his best ideas, IMO. I think we need to create an article on the front page that asks for input on the articles, though. That would be sweet.
Get rid of
Plumber 00:21, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- No one is really reviewing the articles
- Full Metal Moogle

Bean 17:49, 30 May 2007 (EDT) I don't really like this proposal thing, and not many users rate the articles.
- Phoenix Rider I don't think it's really working out.
- I agree. Peer Reviews aren't working out so well, our old system was more effective. I don't see any supporters reviewing either.
Sorry, but I am Confused 21:33, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
It's a good idea, but no one is using it. Therefore, it is pointless. Plumber 20:48, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
Mario Awards: Wiki or Forum
The very exciting Mario Awards (Saturday August 11th), an all-day event, will cap off with a 4-hour ceremony (7-11p EDT), presenting the results of the 30 awards to be voted on starting Sunday June 10. However, should this excellent event be
- on the wiki, with more members, or
- on the forum, with a select but likely active group of members?
Here I list some facts (not pros/cons) for both. Look carefully.
Proposer: Wa TC@Y
Deadline: 17:00, 5 June
- More users can participate
- Open page: One long page shows it all
- Templates can be used to block off presentations from comments, or sections prepared ahead of time
- Edit conflicts can be severe problem if there are no premade sections
- Official record is where it all started
| Forum
- Less but maybe the most active users can participate
- Multiple pages: hard to navigate, 20 posts won't take long to fill up
- Flood control: have to wait 20 seconds between editing a post, which can be annoying
- Double/triple posting and beyond instead of editing original post may be common in excitement
- No edit conflicts
- Official record is on a sub-site, not the main site
- Stumpers
- Hk
- Silent but deadly! SuperLuigi821 You lost everything. Way to go genious.
- I agree. Forum should be used more. Plus there are a lot of wiki glitches.
Sorry, but I am Confused 23:44, 29 May 2007 (EDT)
- Forum. No offense, wiki.
TheGreatBlockyBoo, Filler 
- Phoenix Rider Original plan, and how it's going to stay.
Move Chat
In order to deter Willy and protect this silly little anniversary thing, it has come to the attention of many that the chat should be moved back to the forums. This move has not previously been opposed, it has merely been put off.
- Unfortunately, this might lower the number of users in chat. If enough users support with strong supporting arguments, we may get this through the system at a higher speed.
- This would deter Willy and other trolls.
- No real troll attack on the anniversary thing.
Proposer: Hk
Deadline: 17:00, 6 June
Let it lie where it is
- Wa
TC@Y – Willy will calm down. The chat needs to be open to everyone – compromise could be for Steve to unlock the restriction on the forum.
Aipom Sorry, but my vote is here.
Plumber, darkgreen
- Bottle Wizzerd - Nobody can troll forever. :/
- Stumpers It's much more appealing where it is... I mean you just click. Boom.
3D, we can just kick Willy when we comes. 
Move Chat to Forum
- Hk-As is said, many users are for this change, and this will definitely deter trolls.
- Willy has gone crazy, I dont really think that Willy will ever calm down. Full Metal Moogle

Bean Keeps trollers away from forum, some might not even know where the forum is
- Phoenix Rider
- While it is more convenient to use the Wiki Chat, the Forum Chat is less suceptible to hacking and random IP chatting.
Sorry, but I am Confused 21:31, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Forums, without a doubt. It'd prevent spammers and the like. If one is too lazy to simply go to the forums and access the chat, then they shouldn't be on it. Eggbert
People seem to believe this Willy guy is going away soon. Take a look-- he's been here forever. One of the first big things I did on this wiki a year ago was move pages back to their rightful name after Willy had his first bout of fun. He ISN'T going anywhere.SaudyTalk!
- This is what it says in the block log about Willy: 07:55, 18 June 2006 Porplemontage (Talk | contribs | block) blocked "Willy on Wheels (contribs)" with an expiry time of infinite (troll), and that was about a year ago. He's struck several more times, and keeps coming back.SaudyTalk!
- This Willy is another Willy who idolizes the first one.
Plumber 20:32, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- There have also been several other past Willy attacks that follow the same same pattern, plus Silly Dan, plus StarNeptune, equals Willy won't quit. Besides, Plumber, think of the horrible nasty things hes said about YOUR sister. Although, the entire thing could be WarioLoaf.SaudyTalk!
- Personally, Willy and all who worship him will never calm down. There is no educating the unreasonable. Phoenix Rider
- Exactly. How many of us have tried to reason with ALttP and failed? The unreasonable are, and I tried hard to figure out how to phrase this, but there really isn't a word, un-educatable.SaudyTalk!
- We have successfully reasoned with Willy already, and he wants to be a good user. I stopped him, also by reacting normally and continuing his remarks like he was starting a conversation.
Plumber 20:50, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Supposedly, in chat, he said that he wanted to become a good user, but can't control himself. Then he said something about p***s and p**p, so we don't believe him that much. >_<
3D, you're right. No rest for the wicked. And no education too.
- You reasoned with him? I doubt it.SaudyTalk!
- We talked to him, but I doubt he'll do anything to reform.
3D, Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Not.
- I wonder why nobody trusts anybody?
Plumber 20:57, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- Its tough to trust someone who acts like Willy. Savvy?SaudyTalk!
- He's had a lot of chances, and blew them all.
3D, I savvy.
- 3D, vote for the change.SaudyTalk!
- Maxlover2 had a lot of chances and blew them all but one.
Plumber 21:05, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
- OK, we know. But this guy, I beleive, will never change. And I think the chat should stay where it is. We can just kick Willy when we comes.
3D, don't knock me.
- Maxlover2 isn't a troll.SaudyTalk!
- When he first cmae here, he knew none of the rules. Like me.
3D, I blew all my chances but one! Look at me!
- And me. Maxlover2 was a troll, on Wikipedia. He came here to spam, but 3D was nice to him, so he stopped.
Plumber 21:11, 30 May 2007 (EDT)
Seriously? Wow. Anyway, I personally beleive he is a spammer, and a spammer he will stay. Sorry. Look at Peachycakes! 3D, you can debate now.
- Look, Willy is a buffoon, and he won't stop. Look at what he said to your sister, he's a sick freak, how can you forgive him?SaudyTalk!
- And all that stuff about "My p3|\|15 grows like ice cream" and "I like to eat creamy p**p".... AAAH! IT'S SICK!
3D, you, sir, ROFL my WFLEs.
- Personally, I never had a problem before on the forum. Plus, on the forum, it is required to give out e-mail confirmation. I don't think Willy is dumb enough to give out his e-mail just to harrass us.
Sorry, but I am Confused 21:31, 30 May 2007 (EDT)