User talk:MrDrake

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Where did you get your name from

--Super mario97 17:08, 18 May 2007 (EDT)

Mario Strikers Charged

Hey, there! We were wondering what the source was for all of the great information that you wrote from teh Mario Strikers Charged article. Please respond soon! --Stumpers

I got the game 3 days early (Tuesday). It's awesome. If you doubt any information concerning the secret characters or stadiums, just keep an eye on the official site's updates, they should be getting to them soon enough. -MrDrake

Yo! So then maybe you could help out on the characters section a bit? A lot of stuff for a lot of people is still unknown and if you would be able to provide definitions for all the super abilities and mega strikes, along with defensive attacks, then we could make separate articles and templates for them.

--User: Fixitup