Up, Up, and a Koopa
Up, Up, and a Koopa is the eleventh episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3; it aired alongside another The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 entitled "7 Continents for 7 Koopas".
Plot Synopsis
In Toad's house, Toad is in the middle of cooking some food on his oven, which, after some stirring, he places in a bowl and gives to the nearby Princess Toadstool. Taking the bowl of food from Toad, Princess Toadstool glances at it and and says to Toad that she thought he was going to make her some bran; after saying this to Toad, Princess Toadstool gets the response from Toad that he was out of bran, but he did have some hay. As Toad explains this to Princess Toadstool, Mario and Luigi, who are nearby, say that atleast Toad's pancakes look edible and light and proceed to begin to eat the pancakes. As Mario and Luigi eat Toad's pancakes, everything in Toad's house begins to rise to the house's ceiling, including Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Toadstool. Watching as his furniture crashes into the roof of his ceiling, Toad accidentally bangs his head on the ceiling and begins to wonder what is going on.
Outside, the Doomship of King Bowser Koopa is flying through the air rapidly, blasting everything below it with a beam of light, with everything that is hit by the beam of light floating upwards. Onboard the Doomship, Bowser, along with Kooky Von Koopa, are overseeing the havoc they are wreaking in Mushroom Land, with Bowser saying the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper the Doomship is using is working perfectly and that soon, the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper will raise everything in Mushroom Land up to Sky Land; after Bowser announces all of this, Kooky goes on to say that he and Bowser also have Emperor Ed, the ruler of Sky Land, locked in a cage on the Doomship. Nearby, Emperor Ed, who is being guarded by a Rocky Wrench, begins to try and threaten Bowser and Kooky, saying that once his subjects discover he has been captured, they will revolt against Bowser and Kooky; ignoring Emperor Ed, who is quieted by his Rocky Wrench jailor, Bowser and Kooky continue to blast everything below the Doomship with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper.
Down below, everything in Mushroom Land is continuing to rise into the air as Mario, Luigi and Princess Toadstool, who are still inside Toad's house, look onward, confused. Elsewhere, on the Doomship, Bowser, becoming somewhat impatient, decides to increase the power of the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper; not hearing Kooky's objections, Bowser raises a switch on the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, causing it to malfunction and overload. As the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper shakes hazardously, the Doomship begins to rock back and forth, causing the cage Emperor Ed is in to fall over and be dumped out of a porthole of the Doomship. Sent tumbling through the air, Emperor Ed manages to safely land on a bed which was hit by the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper and after grabbing a nearby, rising teddy bear, crawls under the blankets of the bed, which is now descending to the ground.
Onboard the Doomship, Kooky is alerting Bowser to the fact that Emperor Ed is gone and begins to get into an argument with Bowser about how he wrecked his Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper. Irritated by Kooky, Bowser angrily commands Kooky repair the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper. Down below, everything the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper had made rise into the air is beggining to be lowered. Walking out of Toad's house, Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool and Toad begin to look around, with Mario wondering why everything had floated up into the air, only for Toad to reply that whatever it the reason, atleast its over now. As Toad says this though, a bed suddenly falls from the sky and Emperor Ed bounces out of it, landing on Toad.
As Princess Toadstool asks if Toad is alright, Mario and Luigi help Emperor Ed to his feet; after being greeted by Princess Toadstool, Emperor Ed begins to frantically say that he and Princess Toadstool are in trouble, stating that Bowser had abducted him from his castle and plans to raise everything in Princess Toadstool's kingdom into his kingdom of Sky Land. Hearing Emperor Ed's story, Mario begins to say that he and Luigi should take Emperor Ed back to Sky Land and defeat Bowser.
In a hilled area, Mario and Luigi are in the midst of bashing blocks with their fists, in search of Super Leaves, while Toad and Princess Toadstool begin to tie and hammer down everything they can, making sure that Bowser's Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper won't effect anything. Grabbing the Super Leaves they discovered, Mario and Luigi transform into Raccoon Mario and Raccoon Luigi and proclaim that they will fly to Bowser's Doomship and destroy the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper while Toad and Princess Toadstool secure everything they can on the ground.
Up in the sky, Mario and Luigi are carrying Emperor Ed through the air; eventually, after being given directions by Emperor Ed, Mario and Luigi drop Emperor Ed on a tower of his castle in Sky Land. After saying goodbye to Emperor Ed, Mario and Luigi continue to fly through the air and notice a large amount of furniture and houses floating by them and surmize that Bowser is using his Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper once again.
Nearby, on the Doomship, Kooky is in the midst of tinkering with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, which is continually firing a beam downwards. Eventually finishing his work on the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, Kooky turns around and tells Bowser that the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper now has ten times it's original power; glad to here this, Bowser proclaims that now he can have some real fun with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper.
Outside the Doomship, Mario and Luigi are sneaking into a porthole of the Doomship, planning to attack Bowser and Kooky from behind. Unfortunately, Bowser sees Mario and Luigi before they can attack him and pulls a nearby switch, lowering a cage on top of Mario and Luigi, which causes Mario and Luigi to lose their Raccoon Mario and Raccoon Luigi abilities. With Mario and Luigi trapped and a Rocky Wrench guarding them, Bowser turns on a nearby television screen and forces Mario and Luigi to watch as he uses the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper to decimate the Mushroom Land. Mario, enraged at Bowser, says that he will never get away with what he is doing, only to be taunted by Bowser, who says that nothing can stop him.
In the Mushroom Land, Toad can only watch in shock as all the houses surrounding him, which, despite being tied to the ground, begin to rise into the air. Onboard the Doomship, as Bowser watches in glee at the destruction he is causing with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, Mario attempts to bribe the Rocky Wrench guarding his and Luigi's cage, stating that if the Rocky Wrench lets him and Luigi out of the cage, he'll give it a chocolate bar. Seemingly annoyed by Mario, the Rocky Wrench begins to growl at him threateningly as it is asked by Luigi if he can borrow one of it's wrenches. After Luigi makes this request, the Rocky Wrench, clutching several wrenches, begins to throw them at both Mario and Luigi.
On the ground, Toad and Princess Toadstool are running into Princess Toadstool's Castle. Once inside her castle, Princess Toadstool and Toad enter the castle's dungeon, with Princess Toadstool stating that somewhere inside the castle dungeon is a golden treasure chest that contains a treasure that could help her and Toad reach Sky Land and find Mario and Luigi. Aboard the Doomship, Bowser begins to state that perhaps he should quadruple the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper's power, ignoring Kooky's protestation that he probably shouldn't do that.
Back in the basement of Princess Toadstool's Castle, Toad is bemoaning the fact that he can't find anything in Princess Toadstool's cluttered basement. As Princess Toadstool begins to try and defend why she has so much junk in her basement, the basement begins to shake violently. As her basement begins to shake, Princess Toadstool, as well as Toad, notice that, after some of Princess Toadstool's junk was knocked away, a door was revealed. Rushing through this door, Princess Toadstool and Toad find a treasure chest, which they open, releasing a pair of P-Wings, which Toad and Princess Toadstool grab.
After touching these P-Wings, both Toad and Princess Toadstool change into Raccoon Toad and Raccoon Princess and begin to fly towards the Doomship, with Toad complaining that flying is hard and also stating he must look ridiculous; hearing Toad's complaints, Princess Toadstool reassures him.
Onboard the Doomship, Mario and Luigi can only watch in despair as everything in Mushroom Land begins to rise into the sky; nearby, Bowser orders Kooky to put the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper on automatic, saying that, while he is up so high, he might as well conquer Sky Land. Going over to a nearby microphone, Bowser announces to the inhabitants of Sky Land below that he is their new leader; defying Bowser, Emperor Ed, as well as all his subjects yell their protestations at Bowser, who, after being informed by Kooky that the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper has been raised to chaos mode, begins to attack. Using the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, Bowser begins to manipulate various objects, dropping houses on the clouds of Sky Land and flinging apples at all of Sky Land's Mushroomer inhabitants.
As Bowser torments the inhabitants of Sky Land, blasting them with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, Princess Toadstool and Toad sneek, unnoticed, into the Doomship through one of it's portholes. Eventually, after sending several Mushroomers flying through the air with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, Bowser roughly drops them on to some clouds; after dropping on to these clouds, the Mushroomers, dazed, decide to surrender to Bowser, much to Bowser and Kooky's delight.
On the Doomship, Toad, after calling to the Rocky Wrench guarding Mario and Luigi, throws a large magnet on to a pipe attached to the Doomship's ceiling. After this magnet lands on the pipe, the Rocky Wrench is pulled through the air by it's metal wrenchs and becomes affixed to the giant magnet. With the Rocky Wrench defeated, Princess Toadstool goes over to Mario and Luigi's cage and releases the two, while Toad spots his house floating by the Doomship. Upon being alerted to the fact that Toad's house is nearby, Mario gets an idea and instructs Luigi, Toad and Princess Toadstool to help him move the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper to Toad's house.
Nearby, Bowser begins to gloat to himself and Kooky about how he conquered Mushroom Land and Sky Land, only to be shocked when Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Toadstool float by him in Toad's house with the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper. Before Bowser or Kooky can react, they are suddenly flung backwards to the Koopa Kingdom by a blast of the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, with Bowser blaming Kooky for the predicament they are in. With Bowser and Kooky gone, Mario and Luigi, using the Kooper-Dooper Raiser-Upper, begin to lower everything Bowser raised into the air back to the ground and into the Mushroom Kingdom; when Mario finishes returning everything to normal, Luigi inquires to what he was doing before this chain of events started.
On the ground, in Toad's house, Mario begins to tell Luigi that he was eating pancakes before he started floating to the ceiling. After hearing Mario state this, Luigi, grabbing a large amount of pancakes, devours them all, saying he'll make sure he is heavy enough to not start floating again, a statement which causes Mario, Toad and Princess Toadstool to begin laughing.