This page is an appeal system for Reminders, Warnings, and Last Warnings. If you feel you have wrongly received a reminder or a warning, follow the instructions below to appeal the reminder/warning to the administrators. Please keep discussions civil.
Archived Appeals can be found here.
This page observes the No-Signature Policy.
If you feel that you have been wrongfully given a reminder and/or warning, you can have your case heard here. Please read through the "How To" and the "Rules" carefully. Please note that both the users appealing the reminder/warning and the users who issued the reminder/warning are given a chance to present the administrators with reasons to rule in their favor. However, said comments can only be edited once; this will not expand into lengthy, back-and-forth arguments such as the ones found in proposal comments and talk page discussions.
- Reminders and/or Warnings given by an administrator cannot be appealed.
- No case can be heard more than once. Once a decision is made, that decision is final.
- If the reminder or warning you issued is overturned, do not re-add it, or it will be removed immediately, and you may be reprimanded yourself if the administrators feel it is necessary.
This is an example of what your appeal should look like; improperly formatted appeals will be deleted. If you are inexperienced or unsure how to set up this format, simply copy the following template and paste it into the fitting section. Then replace the "[subject]" variables (including the squared brackets) with information to customize your proposal.
===[Your username here]=== *[Insert link to reminder/warning from your talk page] ====[Your username here]==== *[Insert your comments on why the reminder/warning was unnecessary] ====[The issuer of the warning's Username here]==== *[Insert your comments on why the reminder/warning was necessary (this section is for the issuer only)] ----
Important: After posting your appeal, make sure that you use {{AppealNotice}} to inform the issuer that his or her warning/reminder is under dispute.
Baby Luigi
Baby Luigi
- Just look at the recent revision history of this. I've clearly gave my reasoning for undoing his edit, yet Mario7 just undos MY edits for absolutely no reason whatsoever, other than "ummmm" and one reason, which I debunked. Then, he accuses me of "making obvious hoaxes" which is actually an insult for someone who has obviously played the game and not just looked at footage (I broke my back for a freaking Gold Glider if that's not proof enough that I played the game for QUITE some time. And then....I get this...WARNING...for undoing his edits even though I was clear and blunt with my revision, and I had to tell him to stop it or he'll get a warning for it.
- I would just like to request some time before this appeal gets "judged," as I need to write both my oppose for this as well as my argument for another warning (regarding the same subject). Thanks!
- Stonehill gave me a reminder about swearing which I did do slightly. It wasn't targeted towards anybody. According to the rules "the occasional use of profanity is allowed as long as it is not directed at another user, but it should generally be avoided.". I wasn't even trying to over do it like how the AVGN does in his videos. AVGN style swearing is if you do it 20 times or more.I don't do it all the time.
- [Insert your comments on why the reminder/warning was necessary (this section is for the issuer only)]