Super Mario: Coole Klänge

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Mario performing a song in a club
Mario performing his song in a club, as seen in Super Mario: Die Blume meines Herzens.

Super Mario: Coole Klänge (English translation: Super Mario: Cool Sounds) is the name of a 4-page comic published in the 2/1993 issue of the German Club Nintendo magazine. Four years later, it was reprinted in issue 1/1997 of the same magazine, this time with different words and a different title: Super Mario: Die Blume meines Herzens (English translation: Super Mario: The Flower of My Heart).

Plot Synopsis

Mario and Luigi are having their breakfast. Luigi asks his brother to give him the "Koopa Butter", to which Mario replies a rhyme (roughly: "You can rap like a perky mother if your sandwich has Koopa Butter"). This gives him the idea to grab his guitar and go to "Koopa Records", a record company, despite Luigi putting his hands over his ears and requesting him to stop. Mario puts on his Cape and enters Koopa Records. Some famous musicians, amongst others Michael Jackson, are waiting for an appointment with Max Milliplatt, the boss of Koopa Records. Highly self-confident, Mario eludes Milliplatt's secretary Mona and makes his way straight to the boss. The latter is not excited about the disturbance, nevertheless he gives Mario a minute and a half to convince him of his talent. He starts to sing and play the guitar, and Mona puts her hands over her ears and even the flowers in the room are dying. Milliplatt, however, is totally enthusiastic and believes that Mario could be a great cash cow. First, however, Mario needs an appropriate outfit. Together with his fashion adviser, they try out different clothes and finally find a red jacket, a white shirt and black trousers for him. Milliplatt claims to even have a proper song for him.

Next, Mario can be seen in a club performing his song (which obviously is about stomping Koopa Troopas). However, the audience is not very fond of the performance and starts to throw objects at Mario, e. g. a hot dog and a Green Koopa Shell. Due to this flop, Max Milliplatt tries to find a new outfit for Mario. He tries out Punk, HipHop, Hippie, and Western style (the latter with Yoshi as his "horse") but nothing seems to fit. Annoyed, Mario puts on his normal clothes and explains that he would like to stay who he is. Once again, Milliplatt is enthusiastic, declaring the "plumber look" as the most suitable outfit. Mario, however, cancels their contract and instead sings just for Luigi, Toad, and Princess Peach Toadstool. At the end of the cartoon, a scene of a TV chart show can be seen. The presenter conveys the good news that Mario stays the same and that all his fans are sighing with relief.

Die Blume meines Herzens

The comic, with different words, was reprinted in Club Nintendo issue 1/1997. There were some minor story changes, those include the following:

  • During breakfast, Mario tells Luigi that he was dreaming of being a popstar and performing in front of 10,000 people.
  • Neither Max Milliplatt nor his secretary Mona are referred to by their names.
  • Instead of a minute and a half, Milliplatt gives Mario only fifteen seconds to prove his talent.
  • Milliplatt's plan is to turn Mario into the new Heino.
  • At the end of the comic, Mario performs a song called "Die Blume meines Herzens" ("The Flower of My Heart"), and the chart show presenter reports that he reached the top of the charts with this song.


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