The 'Shroom:Issue LXXXVI/Fake News

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< The 'Shroom:Issue LXXXVI
Revision as of 17:49, May 17, 2014 by Paper Yoshi (talk | contribs) (Minor mistake I noticed in my section)
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Hello and welcome to Fake News. Some of you more observant readers may have noticed that I am not MCD, this is because he’s extremely busy this month and has asked me to be Acting Fake News Director god knows why.

Last month’s Section of the Month’s winner was Monthly Inquisition, written by Lord Bowser (talk), with 31 votes, it’s a bit of a shame he didn’t submit it this month. Obituaries, written by myself and Peddler’s Place, written by Toadbert101 (talk) came joint second with 13 votes each.

Font PeddlersPlace.png

Written by: Toadbert101 (talk)



Written by: Yoshi876 (talk)

Mushroom Genie

The deceased

Tragedy struck earlier this morning as it was discovered that the Mushroom Genie had died. According to the Mushroom Jeanie, he passed away in his sleepwhich is incredibly boring as I refuse to make any sleeping puns at precisely 02:33 and 22 seconds, how the Mushroom Jeanie knew the precise time is still unknown, especially since she said she was asleep at the time of the incident.

Many lamented on this loss, most of all Wario, who had this to say “He took me to the Stars for free, which in my books is a good thing, more cash for Wario, WAHAHAHAHA!!!” Other people who joined Wario whenever he partied were also saddened by his death, Luigi was quoted as saying “Darn, I had just bought this Magic Lamp, now I’ll just have to sell it to someone who wouldn’t know better, someone get me Wario”, whilst Donkey Kong could only express shock at what had happened, pictures of this are unfortunately not allowed as humour should not be bought into an obituary. It should also be noted that many genies were also saddened by the loss of the apparently immortal being so why did he die again? and when asked to comment they said that they did not wish to.

Due to the Mushroom Genie’s death the Party Games have been temporarily stopped, again. This led to widespread anger throughout many party supporters because the games had only been reopened the week before. The Magic Lamp industry has also started suffering lower sales as people no longer buy the lamps, instead resorting to just buying normal lamps.

Ask Paper Yoshi

Written by: Paper Yoshi (talk)

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the May Issue of Ask Paper Yoshi!! I have news for you regarding the section, but we'll check that after the questions.

Anyway, I got a total of three questions from Koopartol Brick Block (talk) (Forum profile) after the section's absence fron the last issue. Let's see what he's got in store for us this time!

Now I'm running out of ideas..
okay that was bad..
Question 1: Do u liek memes?
Oh, yes, I do like them, as a matter of fact. I usually come across many memes those days, in different languages (as I am friends with and/or follow people from Brazil, United States, Spain, Mexico, etc.), so I always get a good laugh with them every now and then.
Question 2: Have you infected Madagascar?
Actually, I've never been to Madagascar, or the African continent for that matter, in my entire lif--
Wait. You know it. You know it!!
You shall be eliminated!!!
* Paper Yoshi falls from the couch while trying to stand on it
I give up...
Question 3: What kind of computer did you have BEFORE you joined the shroom? Was it paper apple? (Actually, what is paper apple?)
Let's see... That was in 2010, right? Oh, yes, exactly. Um... If I recall correctly, yes, I had a white PaperBook at the time. You know, the polycarbonate one they stopped manufacturing months ago. It was an amazing computer and I should have never swi--
I mean, I shouldn't have bought it just a few months before, as I got the best computer ever made by humankind when I joined The 'Shroom! Just look at this baby:

Computer Ask PY May14.jpg

Wait, that's just some random computer I found. Oh, guess I don't have my computer with me at the moment. Well, I assure you it's truly the best computer ever made! And it was given to me by The 'Shroom!! I mean, those guys are the best!!!
Ok, guys, I'll ask you one last time... Where's my paycheck???
Okay those were the questions. Here is a muffin-

Lemon Ask PY May14.jpg

Wait, you mean there's no muffin? But I want my muffin. Right. Now.

So, I guess it's time for that piece of news I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, due to the many problems I have been facing for the past months, I will have to resign from my position as Ask Paper Yoshi writer. However, I won't simply leave you guys; next month will mark the last issue in Season 4 of the "Ask..." series, so be sure to send as many questions as you can!! Anyway, I look forward to answering those questions!! See you all in June!!

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