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Chompasaurus are plant-like enemies appearing in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
Chompasaurus attack by grabbing the Kongs with their tongues, chewing them up and then spitting them back out, however, the player does not take damage from this attack if they repeatedly press the Ground Pound buttons. The player can defeat one by jumping on it. There is a few species of Chompasaurus. The first one is a black headed plant with green vines for hair, green vines for feet and pink lips. The next ones are two plants that are related to a Chompasaurus. The first one is a green headed, orange lipped Chompasaurus like plant that hangs on a vine and when a kong comes near, tries to fall their teeth on them.The second Chompasaurus has a green vine on the ground with a pink head and orange lips that can be defeated by getting jumped on three times,and it does a pattern of opening and closing its mouth. Warning, when a Chompasaurus opens its mouth you can not jump on it.