Super Mario World (album)
Super Mario World (sometimes referred to as Super Mario World Original Soundtrack) is a 2-disc CD set including virtually every original music track and sound effect from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario World, as well as several arrangements of original tracks. The first disc contains arrangements by Soichi Noriki, and the second contains Koji Kondo's original tracks. This list will use the localized names for the characters and areas mentioned.
Track List
Disc One
(Tracks 1-5 are arrangements of tracks from Super Mario World; tracks 6, 7, and 11 are arrangements of tracks from Super Mario Bros.; tracks 8-10 are arrangements of tracks from Super Mario Bros. 3.)
- Welcome to Mario World (Arrangement of "Title BGM")
- Super Mario World (Arrangement of "Overworld BGM")
- Morning of Yoshi's Island (Arrangement of "Swimming BGM")
- Mario! Stay Alert! (Arrangement of "Underground BGM", "Haunted House BGM", and "Sub Castle BGM")
- Thank You, Mario! (Arrangement of "Ending")
- Super Mario Bros. (Arrangement of "Overworld BGM" and "Underworld BGM")
- Shining Coral (Arrangement of "Swimming BGM")
- Go! Go! Raccoon Mario (Arrangement of "Overworld BGM")
- Mario Club Band (Arrangement of "Athletic BGM")
- Peaceful Mushroom-World (Arrangement of "Ending")
- Good Night, Mario (Arrangement of "Ending")
Disc Two
(Tracks 1-11 are from Super Mario Bros., track 12 is from Vs. Super Mario Bros., track 13 is from Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, tracks 14-43 are from Super Mario Bros. 3, and tracks 44-72 are from Super Mario World. Tracks 73-96 are sound effects.)
- Overworld BGM
- Underworld BGM
- Swimming BGM
- Castle BGM
- Invincible BGM
- Course Clear Fanfare
- World Clear Fanfare
- Time Up Warning Sound
- Player Down
- Game Over
- Ending
- Worker Mario Name Entry
- Ending
- World 1 Map
- World 2 Map
- World 3 Map
- World 4 Map
- World 5 Map
- World 5 Sky Map
- World 6 Map
- World 7 Map
- World 8 Map
- Whistle Sound + Warp Map
- Overworld BGM
- Athletic BGM
- Underworld BGM
- Swimming BGM
- Fortress BGM
- King's Chamber Appearance
- Airship BGM
- Invincible BGM
- Enemy Battle
- Fortress Boss
- The Evil King Bowser
- Toad's House
- Slot Screen BGM
- Music Box
- Course Clear Fanfare
- Fireworks Fanfare
- World Clear Fanfare
- Player Down
- Game Over
- Ending
- Title BGM
- MAP 1 (Yoshi's Island)
- MAP 2 (Overworld)
- MAP 3 (Vanilla Dome)
- MAP 4 (Star World)
- MAP 5 (Forest Of Illusion)
- Bowser Castle Emerges
- MAP 6 (Bowser Castle)
- MAP 7 (Special)
- Overworld BGM
- Athletic BGM
- Underground BGM
- Swimming BGM
- Haunted House BGM
- Sub Castle BGM
- Switch BGM
- Invincible BGM
- Bonus Screen BGM
- Bonus Screen Clear Fanfare
- Koopaling BGM
- Koopaling Castle Clear Demo &spac;Egg Is Rescued
- Koopaling Castle Clear Demo &spac;BGM
- Course Clear Fanfare
- Sub Castle Clear Fanfare
- Player Down
- Game Over
- The Evil King Bowser BGM
- Princess Peach Is Rescued
- Ending
- Sound Effects (SMB1 - Part 1)
- Mario Jump
- Super Mario Jump
- Power-Up
- Entering Pipe/Power-Down
- Fireball
- Sound Effects (SMB1 - Part 2)
- Enemy Stomp
- Shell Kick
- Underside Bump
- Coin Collected
- Power-Up Appearance
- Sound Effects (SMB1 - Part 3)
- Vine Growing
- Brick Smash
- 1-Up
- Flagpole
- Score Tally
- Sound Effects (SMB1 - Part 4)
- Bullet Bill Attack/Firework
- Bowser's Fire Breath
- Bowser Falls
- Sound Effects (SMB1 - Part 5)
- Wind Gust (The Lost Levels)
- Skid
- Sound Effects (SMB3 - Part 1)
- Raccoon Mario Tail
- Mario Jump
- Suit Power-Up
- Suit Power-Down
- Full P-Meter
- Sound Effects (SMB3 - Part 2)
- Map Start
- Course Space Selected
- Item Reserve
- Minigame Won
- Minigame Lost
- Sound Effects (SMB3 - Part 3)
- Course Start
- Wandering Hammer Bro
- (Unfinished)
- Sound Effects (SMB3 - Part 4)
- The Fall of King Bowser
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 1)
- Mario Jump
- Cape Spin
- Spring
- Power-Up
- Cape Power-Up
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 2)
- Pipe/Power-Down
- Item Storage
- Retrieving Stored Item
- Swimming
- Cape Flight
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 3)
- Power Balloon
- Egg Hatching
- Yoshi
- Yoshi's Tongue
- Yoshi Swallow
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 4)
- (Unused)
- Yoshi Flee
- Yoshi Fire Breath
- Yoshi Ground Pound
- Fire Flower Fireball
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 5)
- Enemy Stomped
- Enemy Smashed
- Dry Bones Stomped
- Boss Hit
- Shell Hit
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 6)
- Shell Hit (Higher Pitch due to Combo)
- Shell Bounce
- Coin
- Dragon Coin
- Item Comes out of Block
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 7)
- Beanstalk
- Turn Block Destroyed
- 1-Up
- Check Point
- P-Switch Pressed
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 8)
- P-Switch End
- Message
- Scroll Screen
- Score Drum Roll
- Door
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 9)
- Thwomp
- Key Exit
- Level Complete
- Magikoopa Magic
- Podoboo
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 10)
- Blargg
- Grinder
- Swooper
- Chargin' Chuck Whistle
- Chargin' Chuck Clap
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 11)
- Open Path
- World Map Walk
- (Unused)
- Castle Collapse
- Thunder
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 12)
- Entrance to Valley of Bowser Emerges
- Demolition Fuse
- Demolition Explosion
- Bonus Game Lose
- Bonus Game Win
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 13)
- Pipe Koopa Kid Killed
- Yoshi Spit
- Koopa Kid Falls in Lava
- Wall-climbing Koopa Kid Killed
- Bowser Flee
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 14)
- Bowser Fireball
- Bowser Returns
- The Princess
- Bowser Defeated
- Bowser Flies to Distance
- Shoot Firework
- Sound Effects (SMW - Part 15)
- Fireworks
External Links
[1] – The album at KHInsider.