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Mario GamesHere I list all my owned games, and my comments on them, my progress and whether I have completed them or not. Friends would really be interested in this (to become my friend, leave a message on my talk page, I accept anyone.) Maybe you can read my comments for games and see if you want to buy them or not. Super Mario GalaxyComment: I really love this game. It's full of excitement and action. My favourite thing about this game is that Mario can use his newly equipped power to Spin. It's really helpful because you can easily defeat enemies with it and get to higher places by Spin Jumping. If you haven't got this game already, which suprises me, you're missing out on loads of fun. Buy it straight away, It's a super-fun game with an awesome story. I have completed this game.
Super Mario Galaxy 2Comment: This is the amazing sequel of Super Mario Galaxy. I really love the idea of the starship being the shape of Mario. I love the newly added World Map, where you can explore galaxies and even whole worlds by one single button. I don't think the story is better than the original, but many glitches and 'annoying things' have been fixed from the original and are no longer do-able in this version. I have completed this game.
Super Mario Bros.Comment: This old side-scroller is one of my favourite classic games I've ever played. Since the beginning of the Mario Series, which includes this game, it has grown so large and so much better. But really, I love playing this game. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like a survival game because you don't get to save your worlds and you just have to continue until you die. When you save Princess Peach, however, you can choose a world and that's my favourite feature of the game. I haven't completed this game, and probably never will do.
New Super Mario Bros.Comment: This was actually my first Mario game ever. I wasn't into much games in 2006. I downloaded SMB on the virtual console on my owned 3DS. This game was a start of Modern 2D Mario. I absolutely loved it, I was getting the star coins in every single level, I was dieing... 100 times. The only complaint I have about the game is that the last level is too easy. I have completed this game.