Amazy Dayzee

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Amazee Dayzees are super rare and super powerful Crazee Dayzees found in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. The best way to defeat one is to use Art Attack continuasly, which can give out a maximum of 18 damage when done correctly. The player should then just attack it with a partner. If Mario loses, he should leave the area and come back in a few minutes. They player should be persistent, as they can give the player as much as 50 Star Points if they win, depending on their level.

Amazee Dayzees appear once again in Super Paper Mario. In Chapter 8-2, Mimi, disguised as Merlee, asks Mario several questions on which enemies scares Mario the most. Amazee Dayzee can be chosen as an answer, and later will be found as one of the traps set up by Mimi. They are very fast and can flip dimensions any moment they want.

They also are naturally found in Chapter 5-2 if Mario flips to 3-D in one specific area.

Related Species and Enemies
