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Magons are weird monsters in Wario World. They are very weak with a weak chomp attack, and a single punch will outright defeat them. They are first seen in Greenhorn Forest. Wario had to beat a lot of these. The first Magons seen in Greenhorn Forest and Greenhorn Ruins would not hurt Wario, but later they would.

Other varieties of Magons would appear is later levels, including Skeletal Magons, Clowns, Snowmen, Wolves, Puppet Magons, and Mummy Magons.

Every Magon or Magon-like enemy encountered also has a larger version. The Magons, Skeletal Magons and Snowmen try to hit Wario with a mere swipe. The Clowns, Wolves, Puppet Magons and Mummy Magons swipe too, but they also have a much more powerful tail spin that knocks Wario out for a few seconds! They must be stunned with a punch or three punches first, then Wario had to execute a Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding or Power Throw to defeat them.