User talk:SKmaric

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SK's Talk Archive Current Talk


SKmarioman's Rules
  • No cussing, swearing, flamming, or spamming (you may say crap, damn and hell but no others).
  • Don't insult me or insult another user.
  • Sign all your comments.
  • Don't insult Mario characters(if you say Wario's fat, it is okay because it's true, but if you say he's stupid or insult him with swearing words, I will not accept that.
  • Don't remove other users or my comments.
  • Try to write correctly.
  • Don't make pictures too big (no bigger than about 300px)


i wasnt on agian my computer broke how about the day after easter chicken
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Chicken (talk).

sorry agian

dude lets set up this saturday how about noon my computer crashed so i couldnt get on
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Chicken (talk).

Hey SK

It's- a-me! Your Cousin!

I just read the whole ness Article and the whole Tabuu article! Can't wait to be autocompleted!!!



P.S if ya still don't know who I am, my initials are M.D.

finally gonna do it

how about 6pm my time i in nj so message me if u k with that and do u have roblox account chicken
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Chicken (talk).

i know y it aint workin

it aint workin out cuse i play on roblox for a long time and forget 2 come on chicken i think lets try to get lucky when we both online in mariokart
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Chicken (talk). lol

Hi again!


Can you help me with my autocomplete task?

Signed: DarkArcher.M

=Damnit Patrick!!!


Paddy's being a DAMN IDIOT!!!

He is REALLY fu***ng annoying!!!