User talk:Walkazo/Archive 11

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Status: School's out for summer, but I've still got lots of work to do. Nevertheless, if you have any questions about the wiki, ask away, and I'll get back to you ASAP.

{{Super Mario Bros.}}

Hey Walkazo, it's me Coincollector. As I'm seeing you changing the nav Templates regarding to the new proposal you made for them, Do you remember our talk in the forums about this template that has this particular header? Is it still possible to have this header for the gallery template? ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png

What was the proposal about, exactly? Because I noticed that you changed the color of the {{WL4}} template to a greenish color, but that doesn't really suit anything in the game. The previous colors of yellow and purple matched Wario's clothes. But my question is, under what circumstances was the template made green?
'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)
The proposal was about approving an overhaul to the Navigation Template policy, which involves changing all the colours of all the game/series-based templates to fit this chart. It was greenish-yellow because the Wario Land games are part of the yellow Wario series, yet are related to the olive green Super Mario Land series. - Walkazo 19:05, 5 April 2012 (EDT)
I understand now. Thank you for the reply! So the other games in the Wario Land Series will get a template change too?
'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)
Yep. I've been updating the templates slowly yet steadily since the proposal passed, and with no school for the next few days, I'm planning to get the rest of them done. As I go through all the templates, I'm making notes of ones that'll need to be merged or fixed - or things that'll need to be written into the policy which I hadn't anticipated when I first wrote it. Fortunately, I quite like doing maintenance stuff like this by myself, so it'll be a fun couple days. - Walkazo 19:23, 5 April 2012 (EDT)
Okay! If I can help in any way, just let me know :)
'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)
Will do! =) - Walkazo 19:27, 5 April 2012 (EDT)

Was the removal of the images in the {{Super Mario Bros.}} template a part of your proposal as well? Because I was planning to put images in the {{WL4}} template, as seen here.

'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)

Yeah, sorry, removing the image is part of the plan. I do want to keep the SMB design for the Galleries and whatnot (see here for specifics), but that's it. - Walkazo 17:01, 8 April 2012 (EDT)
Fine with Mii!
'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)

Should I make this change?

If a page links to something like Atomic Boo and it redirects it to the Big Boo page, could I change that first page to link instead to Atomic Boo? BigDiesel2m 00:19, 10 April 2012 (EDT)

There is no "Atomic Boo" section so that wouldn't work; the specific game section can be linked to, but seeing as it's all the same thing, just with different names, there's not usually a huge need for that. - Walkazo 10:36, 10 April 2012 (EDT)
Yeah, I see my foolish formatting folly. If I instead had it link to Atomic Boo, it would be correct. Alternatively, we could adjust the redirect page itself, though I personally like it better when a page links straight to the appropriate section rather than through a redirect. BigDiesel2m 22:59, 10 April 2012 (EDT)
It's always better to avoid resorting to redirects: ideally, they're a tool for searching, not linking. - Walkazo 19:13, 11 April 2012 (EDT)
I love that opinion. I'm off to go make a few changes. I think my plan is to just empty out the "What Links Here" pages for the redirect pages. Sounds like fun. BigDiesel2m 23:50, 11 April 2012 (EDT)


That was for speedy placing, but… :/ (no, I'm not complaining that) But I can't edit the redirect, it's kinda protected :/. --Mario MarioSmasher SMAAASH! 02:00, 10 April 2012 (EDT)

By the way

Could you please check this please? I need to add some info on the template, but it's protected. --Mario MarioSmasher SMAAASH! 10:36, 10 April 2012 (EDT)

Done. --NewSMBU (talk) 11:50, 10 April 2012 (EDT)
:D --NewSMBU (talk) 11:51, 10 April 2012 (EDT)

Hello stranger

It's been a year since I last talked to you...literally. :O How have you been? SJ derp :P 00:21, 12 April 2012 (EDT)

Hectic as well. It turns out that a good friend I made last year ended up turning me into a person I didn't like. :S So I eventually made my way back to my old self and made an awesome new friend! Even though he and I are kind of struggling with each other right now. ^^; buuuut on the bright side I've gone 3 weeks without cutting now! :D SJ derp :P 20:47, 12 April 2012 (EDT)
Yeah. He's kinda been getting into some mischief lately. :/ But I think he's just going through a rebellion phase, since he's been raised to be a bigger goody two shoes than me. It'll take some time and what not, but he did reassure me that everything between us would be ok in the end. So all I can do is wait! SJ derp :P 21:34, 12 April 2012 (EDT)
I'm thinking that once he gets back up on his feet, being friends with him again should be a bit easier. :) But like I said, all I can do is wait, and eventually, me miraculously having patients will pay off :D SJ derp :P 21:45, 12 April 2012 (EDT)
Yeah, he assured me a couple times that everything will be ok in the end. And we're getting along pretty well right now which is good...even though starting Monday I'm not gonna talk to him much if at all for about a week...CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! xD SJ derp :P 23:09, 12 April 2012 (EDT)

I'm on two days in a row...OH MY GOD! SJ derp :P 20:48, 13 April 2012 (EDT)

haha for me it's kinda weird. He says he doesn't wanna be friends right now, then turns around and invites me to stay the night at his house. XD SJ derp :P 20:44, 14 April 2012 (EDT)
I think I've been around him too much though. That probably has something to do with it. I mean, I hadn't been bugging him a lot when he asked me. SJ derp :P 20:56, 14 April 2012 (EDT)
The deal is I *can* go cold turkey, I'd just rather not. :P But I know things will be ok in the end so yeah. xD SJ derp :P 21:30, 14 April 2012 (EDT)
So at that sleepover I talked to him. He reassured me again that everything will be ok in the end. It'll just take time. SJ derp :P 15:38, 15 April 2012 (EDT)


I just wanted to say thank you for that info you gave me about images. Thanks. The legend of zelda rocks 8:24, 12 Aprill 2012 (EDT)


I given this guy his second warning for making too much Userspace edits quite awhile ago and he still continued to make loads of Userspace edits. Can you please sort this out because he has been warned twice and he ignored both of them,--File:Yoshidarkblue.pngNew Super YoshiArtwork of Red Yoshi in Yoshi Touch & Go 14:23, 19 April 2012 (EDT)

He's made a couple mainspace edits in the past couple days, so I can't issue him another warning in good conscience at this time (I've seen people get away with far worse). However, I did notice he has too many PIs and sent him a message about that. - Walkazo 15:08, 19 April 2012 (EDT)

Re: Personal Images

Sorry. I didin't knew that. Thanks for the tip. But i don't know how to delete pics. But you can delete the Firefox, Chrome and both Internet Explorer images. That are four. When you deleted the pics, i'll erase the boxes. AC4-Edward.pngArmin00ConnorKenway.png

Thanks for deleting it. I deleted the boxes. And sorry that i didin't knew that, if i did, i would erase them earlier. Thanks alot. AC4-Edward.pngArmin00ConnorKenway.png


If i upload a picture and i put it on my userpage and then on a article, is it then a personal image? AC4-Edward.pngArmin00ConnorKenway.png

It's only a PI if it's only on your userspace; if it's on the mainspace too, then it's a regular image. Just remember that images should only be placed on articles because they're legitimately worth having up there, not as a way to sidestep the 4-PI max, which could land you in hot water. - Walkazo 22:16, 21 April 2012 (EDT)

I made a gallery in link page and putted one of my pics on the gallery. It's not that i wanted minus 1 personal image, i wanted to edit articles. What i mean is i didin't edited much articles earlier so that's why. AC4-Edward.pngArmin00ConnorKenway.png

No worries, I understood what you meant: I just make it a practice to fire off any sort of rules or whatever that pertain directly to the subject is at hand (for future reference and whatnot). - Walkazo 22:18, 22 April 2012 (EDT)


I think you should have warmed Meeper about sockpuppeting. He is a noob newcomer.
He doesn't know even what is a userbox.
My editcount Shell ShellMario3.gif Mario Blue Shell


Uh, he was warned. i did not knew he was fudy or something i know now. sorry
My editcount Shell ShellMario3.gif Mario Blue Shell


When will my username be approved? ---Yellow Toad NSMBW.PNG 100px MushroomMan3 14:20, 29 April 2012 (EDT)

Whenever we have time. Be patient. - Walkazo 18:59, 29 April 2012 (EDT)

Re: Spaces

My intention was to clean out Special:WhatLinksHere/Paper_Mario:_The_Thousand_Year_Door. Sorry, I didn't even realize the spaces were being added. --KPH2293 15:07, 2 May 2012 (EDT)

Oh, it's alright. I forgot about that too. I'll go back and fix the spacing when I have a moment. --KPH2293 15:26, 2 May 2012 (EDT)


Are "Strollin Stu", "Strollin Stus", and "Strolling Stu" acceptable redirects for Strollin' Stu?
The preceding unsigned comment was added by GreenDisaster (talk).

"Strollin Stu" and "Strolling Stu" are fine, but not the pluralization. - Walkazo 20:54, 2 May 2012 (EDT)

My archives

Hello again! I just need to sort something out. I've noticed the text at the top of this page gives various tips. At the time of writing this, it reads "Ideally, to archive their talk page, users should move the current page to a new archive subpage, rather than simply cutting and pasting the text." It changes every now and then, eh? It's all good advice, and I try to follow it where possible. A month or so ago, it read something like "User's should only archive talk pages when they get too long. Frequent archiving is unnecessary and should be avoided." I admit that it applied to me, since I was archiving quite often. From that point onward, I archived much less frequently. But this new tip regarding new archive subpages, I regret to say that I may find hard to follow. You see, I wish two organise my archives by year, in order to find comments more easily. My first two archives are for 2011 and 2012 (one and two), and I cut and paste my talk content into the corresponding year whenever it get's too long. Therefore, I am asking if an exception can be made for me here. I promise to not archive talk content more often than every two months, I just don't wish to make another archive subpage until 2013. When you have time, could you please help me out of this sticky situation - thanks in advance!

'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)

Sorry, if we make an exception for you, we'd have to make them for everyone else who asks, and then the whole regulatory process simply breaks down... Cutting-and-pasting like that really messes up the histories of the pages and makes it hard to dig through them if we need to find a certain comment or edit. Plus, the whole point of archives is to avoid super-long pages, which are a pain to load and difficult to navigate, so an entire year's worth of chatter would sorta defeat that purpose. Just archive every few months, so that each year has three or four archives (depending on how fast you rack up talk sections), rather than a single subpage. - Walkazo 21:07, 3 May 2012 (EDT)

Hey, that's fine! I think I will divide it by four months for each archive, three to a year. I thank you for your reply, and the constant advice and help you give me :)

'Shroom Spotlight Shokora (talk · edits)

Could you delete my proposal?

My proposal is somewhat useless, and it's too late for me to delete it myself, so could you please delete it? Thank you. Humbug (talk)

Frankly, having your proposal deleted this late in the game just looks like you're trying to avoid it failing on you, which isn't a valid cancellation reason. Proposals are more useful when they pass or fail, since a definite decision is made and can be referred back to. Deletions should be requested when the proposer has come up with a better order to replace the original proposal (it failing would force the proposer to wait a month to tackle the issue in the meantime, and it passing would result in a less-than-optimal setup having to be used for a month - in both cases, it would be better to replace the proposal and get the best setup in only a week). Unless you want to replace the proposal with a new idea, just let it run its course. - Walkazo 18:52, 4 May 2012 (EDT)

Codec Conversation Characters

Sorry to bother, but I'd like your advice on something. A little bit back, I made a proposal that resulted in Krystal, Panther Caroso, Leon Powalski, Colonel Roy Campbell, Mei Ling, and Otacon into one article. I've tried creating a rough draft here, but it needs some work. My biggest concern is the quotes section: Is it too cumbersome for the article, or should it stay? If you have the time, could you please look at it and give some advice to improve it? Thanks, GreenDisaster 19:11, 4 May 2012 (EDT)

Thanks. Also, there is a page for the Lylat Cruise conversations at Lylat Cruise/Conversations, though the Melee conv. don't have an article yet. Perhaps they could be merged into an article called "List of Star Fox conversations" or something similar? GreenDisaster 22:34, 4 May 2012 (EDT)


TheBlitty7.pngWho Loves Dots...

Still too big. - Walkazo 22:18, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

Just to let you know...

It wasn't me who was Ladybug! That was my friend and she's only 7! Yes, I did create it for her on her computer, but I didn't mean any harm! (P.S. can you please give a warning before you block? Also, if you think I'm also Smb2 & Smb3, They popped up while I was online!) (P.S.S. I don't want to insult you, I just wanted to let you know about this.)

It's a-me, Mario! (Nah, it's me smb1.) 19:19, 14 May 2012 (EDT)


you deleted my pipeproject?! why? now i'm gonna have to tell people to get rid of those userboxes!! TheBlitty7.pngWho Loves Dots...

The admins decided we wanted to clean up the archive clutter pertaining to the now-defunct PipeProject system. Sorry about that - it's nothing personal, just housecleaning. - Walkazo 22:18, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

Wanna be FRIENDS?

Walkazo! I was thinking, since you have no friends, can you be my friend? I made my own userbox!

{{Userbox|border=#ff0|mainbkgd=#f00|codebkgd=#ffffff|codecolor=black|code=[[Image:Redddtoaddd.PNG|40px]]|msg=<span style="color:black">This user is friends with [[User:Super Nintendo 64|Super Nintendo 64.]]<span>}}

--Super Nintendo 64 (talk) 19:15, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

Thanks, but I don't accept friend requests. I prefer to be friends with everyone, no lists involved. - Walkazo 22:18, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

Black Boo's talk page

I was wondering if you can take a look on the Black Boo's talk page. I don't know how else it can get noticed. Zakor1138 23:16, 21 May 2012 (EDT)

Name change

Is it ok if I can have that name change to Lily as I got told to message you Lily 03:05, 23 May 2012 (EDT)

Done. - Walkazo 14:32, 23 May 2012 (EDT)

Thank you very much or5tvp.png 17:43, 24 May 2012 (EDT)


Do you ever come on the chat? And if u do, can you come? --AC4-Edward.pngArmin00ConnorKenway.png 14:28, 23 May 2012 (EDT)

Nope: no time, no interest. - Walkazo 14:32, 23 May 2012 (EDT)


fixed, please excuse it today, tomorrow it'll look better(i reuploaded something)

Userpage deletion

Can you please delete my userpage? I don't want it here anymore now. --NewSMBU (talk) 12:31, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Done. But you could've just labelled it for deletion. - Walkazo 12:32, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Hello. I'm YoshiDaisyfan9's brother. Could you not block me? I created my account on my brother's account, though. Shadowboy103

Yes, Walkazo, Shadowboy103 is my brother. It's not a sockpuppet. I'm never making those again. YoshiYoshiDaisySSBM (talk)Princess Daisy
Okey-dokey. Thanks for letting me know right away before any misunderstandings could happen. - Walkazo 14:27, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Naming policy

Sorry if this sounds rude, but has the change to the naming policy been discussed? I mean, changing it from the first official international English name to the most commonly used English name seems a bit drastic. Also, isn't it subjective as to which name is used? If this has been discussed with the other admins, then disregard this comment, but shouldn't the change have been proposed first in the proposals page or something? GreenDisaster 16:42, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Porplemontage decided to switch it back from the First English Name policy to the old NA-only style. There was no discussion. He said it was to increase traffic, since most Google/whatever searchers are American, and for the PAL-named games, we're not at the top of the results pages, so everyone goes to Wikipedia instead: we can't afford that. Plus, most of the wiki users are American, and if the name's going to seem wrong for a group of readers no matter what, might as well make it so that the least amount of people are inconvenienced. It also brings uniformity to the wiki, whereas a smattering of games being named according to their PAL release would seem inconsistent to anyone unfamiliar with the release dates and the old policy. - Walkazo 16:55, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

Socktalk Deletion Request

I'm found sockpuppet block account in Recent Changes. Windy Walk

Done. Thanks for the heads-up. - Walkazo 19:20, 29 May 2012 (EDT)

RE:New categories


Okay, could you also take care of the warioware category page, from what you say on my talkpage?

I could use some help please.

Okay, Thank you.

Alien Bunny Sprite.pngL151Onnanoko

My forum account doesn't appear

Hey Walkazo. I'm Coincollector, Recently I couldn't log in to the Mariowiki Boards because the login page says my "username doesn't exist". Do I have to make another account or it's just a technical issue? ¢oincollctor rsitem209.png


I'm really sorry about that. Before I left for a few months, I used to go through links on talk pages and change/remove them if they were broken. It kind of became a habit for me. Again, sorry. GreenDisaster 16:21, 11 June 2012 (EDT)

Uh, this is wierd, but...

Can we be friends? I know, I was annoyed with you, but still! We have to put the past behind us and continiue our lives, and I've gotten over the block thing. So, I hope I didn't make you mad after that last post, so, bye...I geuss?

Paper MP9 Luigi Artwork.png Smb1

I never say who is or isn't my friend, since I want to be on good terms with everyone. That being said, I'm glad to hear you're no longer upset about the blocking stuff. And as for your last comment here, I didn't even remember it until you mentioned it: I don't like dwelling on the past either. - Walkazo 16:37, 11 June 2012 (EDT)


Could Category:Dr. Mario & Germ Buster Images be moved to Dr. Mario Online Rx, as per the North American name policy? GreenDisaster 18:48, 11 June 2012 (EDT)

Yep: it should be replaced by Category:Dr. Mario Online Rx Images whenever possible. - Walkazo 18:51, 11 June 2012 (EDT)
Well, could you replace it? Considering I'm not an admin and all, so I can't delete categories, plus you've already done it before... GreenDisaster 19:04, 11 June 2012 (EDT)
All done (I should be doing homework now, but there were only a couple images, so I figured, what the heck). But you know, you don't have to be an admin to make new categories: it's pretty easy. Just copy the old category, but switch the name (and rewrite the summary if it's crappy). Once the images have been switched to the new category, just labeling the old category for deletion is all that needs to be done: the actual deletion part's the least important step. - Walkazo 19:17, 11 June 2012 (EDT)


Mr. concrete donkey thought I was a sockpuppet without any proof, and as I type this, I am Toolsotrade and I use a legit reason sockpuppet to give you this message. I want a discussion via email to see if i am eligible to be unbanned from editing. I have made some contributions to the wiki and I need your help. Sincerely, Pleaseforgiveme 20:44, 13 June 2012 (EDT)User Talk:Pleaseforgiveme