User talk:Super Red Yoshi
Sure! I'll love to! |-
This user is best friends with User:Blue flying Yoshi! |
Dear Super Red Yoshi, It has come to our attention that you are currently in violation of the userspace policy. Please review the policy and abide by it, or else a warning will be issued. Thank you for your cooperation. |
YoshiwarningHi,Super Red Yoshi! Please finsh your task by no later than January 2th. Please remember to do it or it will not be good. If you can't figure out how to do it, tell me and I'll be sure to 'Yoshily yours, |
You've Been Warned, Super Red Yoshi |
The admin of writing, also known as the director of The Yoshi Club has regrettably determined that the quality of your section needs to be improved. Please meet the following requirements by January 3th or you will be fired. Please remember to send your section to Tails.
1. Proper Grammar and Spelling
2. At least 300 characters of writing
3. Proper formatting
4. If your section is not received or late you WILL be fired
If you have any questions, please contact Tails
Yours not truly,