List of Super Mario 64 DS glitches

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These are the glitches found in Super Mario 64 DS.



If the player jumps backwards (holding the dash button in the middle of the first jump), then jump immediately after hitting the ground for the next two jumps, they can Triple Jump backward, although still doing a front flip.


The player must have rescued at least Mario for this glitch to work. As Yoshi, the player must enter either Whomp's Fortress, Cool, Cool Mountain, or Lethal Lava Land for the first time. Any cap can be selected. When Yoshi finally enters the level, the message box will appear, and the cap will spin around as if Yoshi was putting it on, but Yoshi does not move or change. After the message block is closed, Yoshi will act as if he was putting the cap on, but the cap is already on Yoshi. Dying and re-entering the level repeats the effect, as long as the player does not get any Power Stars in the level.


In the Big Boo's Haunt course, the player must make it to the attic area with the entrance to Big Boo's balcony. The player must position Mario next to the Boo painting and wait for a Boo to come out of it. The player must simply defeat the Boo to receive a Power Star. This Star is actually the same Star held by Big Mr. I inside the painting, but this glitch allows the player to beat the level without having rescued Luigi. This glitch doesn't work all the time, so the requirements are unknown.


This glitch must be done at the final battle with Bowser. Mario must have one point of health left and get Bowser to knock out an edge/point of the star arena. When the star part is falling into space, Mario must be hit by Bowser and fall on the star part when he is dead. If this is timed right, Mario will be teleported to the entrance of Peach's Castle on the Bridge. There won't be a cutscene, but Mario will die right when he hits the bridge.


This glitch can be used with any character. The player must go to Snowman's Land level and grab the box directly behind the starting point of the level. They then carry the box over to where the red Question Block is at, and go right past it onto a ledge with a tree on it, from which they can see Chill Bully and his platform. Line the character up with the tree and throw the box. It should land close to the edge of the platform. Now jump over to it and get the bully to chase the character. Run behind the box let him run on top of it. He will get stuck on the box, after a second he will fall off the box and start walking towards the edge of the stage, and will walk off. However if he is touched after he falls off the box a low humming noise will start and he will walk on air until he's touched again. If he walks off the screen. Everything except Mario and him will freeze, and if any enemies or coins or anything else is touched, the game will crash and need to be restarted.


Wario looking at Chill Bully.

This glitch can be used with any character, though if they're not using Wario, the player must go to Snowman Land level and grab a Wario Cap from a enemy. Then the player must get a metal cap or Power Flower from a Question Block and go to Chill Bully and his platform. Still under the effect of the metal cap, Chill Bully should be pushed off the platform but not die. After the use of the metal power-up he should be pushed out of the cold water and onto the snow. Oddly, he will walk back into the cold water if the player does not hit him. Also, if the player gets him into the other cold water that their character can swim in, Chill Bully will sink and walk on the bottom of the cold pond.


The player should enter Big Boo's Haunt and go to Big Boo Battle. Once there, the player should collect all red coins except the one in the very first room. After collecting the red coin in the black box, the player should jump into the abyss, reappearing in the first room. The player should then collect the last red coin, and the game will play the sound of a star appearing. Then, without having to restart, the player should go to the room with the Power Star to find that there are two stars mashed together. If the player has never collected this star, collecting the second star will not add the their star count.


As Mario, the player must go to any course that has a red box with a feather in it. The player has to get the Wing Cap and wait until the wings start to disappear, at which point they quickly Triple Jump. The player will then do a Triple Jump twice.


Sometimes, if the player grabs onto the edge of a moving platform, the character will make the climbing motion, but fall down, and though the floor. This can also be done on any fenced wall.


As any character, the player should run up the to the room with the Tick Tock Clock. They should head right, and climb up to the second step (not counting the ground). Then, they should slide (by running forward and pressing R and A) into the corner. It may take a few tries, but eventually, the character will pass through the wall, and lose a life. However, sometimes the player will be shot up into the sky and can guide themselves to the top of the endless stairs while still endless and thus enter Bowser in the Sky with as little as 50 stars. The glitch also allows the player to beat the game without Mario. However, if this happens, the player will eventually be sent back outside the castle and the game will lose some sound effects.


To perform this glitch, players must choose the Silver Star mission. The players must collect each Silver Star and then take damage to allow all five Stars to follow them. Next, players must cause every Star to fall into one cannon. After that, jumping in the cannon causes Mario to collect each Silver Star, inhibiting the cannon's launch animation. Due to this, Mario falls into the bottom of the cannon hole and because it is not solid, he falls through and into the abyss.


As any character, the player should go to Bob-omb Battlefield. Then they should go into the tall cannon near the Koopa. They should aim for the bottom of the floating island, and fire. If Up is held the entire time, the player will be pushed through the fence and end up extremely high in the air, above the mountain. They will eventually be sent out of the level's boundaries, making them lose a life after about ten seconds.


The player should go to the cannon in the area right past a Chain Chomp. They should aim all the way to the right, and then slowly down, until they can see a few pixels of a tree. After firing, if they hold Up, they can be forced high in the sky after crashing into the fence. They will eventually be sent out of the level's boundaries and lose a life. If the player, after hitting the fence, line his or herself up with cannon at the start of the level, the player will pass through it and another cannon will come up. The cannon aiming screen will come onto the screen and the player will be looking through both cannons.


In Bob-omb Battlefield , the player must go in the cannon by the tree and red brick. Then, the player must aim as far down as possible, as well as far left as possible, then shoot. They will fly out of bounds, and fall into a pit unless the player aims the character.


The player should go to any level with a Power Flower as Yoshi (because he breathes fire). Once in the level, the player should put a Goomba in their mouth and then go to the ? Block. Once there, the player should get the Power Flower out of the box. Now the player should swallow the Goomba and hit the flower at the same time. If done correctly, the player should have Yoshi's cheeks full and the music will be playing. The player then should make Yoshi breath fire five or more times, and when the song stops Yoshi's cheeks will still be full and he will still be able to breathe fire. To make it stop, either complete the current mission or simply exit the level.


In Cool,Cool Mountain as anybody except Yoshi, They must get to the star from Lil' penguin lost. Before they grab the star, they must pick up a penguin. When they touch the star with the penguin in hand, the penguin will not fall.


The player will have to go to Snowman's Land and do the Silver Stars level. The player has to collect all five Silver Stars, then go to the igloo. Once there, the player has to go back outside the igloo to find out that the Silver Stars have reappeared. Collecting one of them results in everything freezing except the player. Also, the enemies vanish completely. The player has only two choices on getting out: either jump into the pond and get knocked out by the freezing water, or simply turn the power off. Also, when the Silver Stars have reappeared, if the player were to collect one of the stars on a Green Shell, the game will completely freeze.


The player should enter Tall Tall Mountain as Yoshi and get anyone else's cap. With the cap on, Yoshi should go get the Power Flower atop the mountain, and then get Ukiki, while the power flower is still in effect. They should wait for it to wear off and, while they're flashing back to normal, they should hop into the water, but should be back to normal by the time they hit it. When in the water, the player should head back on land via the waterfall (if they go on land normally, Ukiki will give his speech, causing the character to return to normal). When they have climbed the waterfall a little, then they can get on land. The player should then get to the top of the mountain via the owl and get the Power Flower. Depending on which cap they got, the following effects will happen:

  • Luigi: His body will be invisible, but his head will remain the same.
  • Mario: Everything will be normal, but he will have wings growing out of his head.
  • Wario: The game will freeze the instant the Power Flower is touched, as shown here.


The player needs to enter the backyard as Wario because there is a rabbit for him there. The player should position the rabbit in between the Boo and Wario, and then face the Boo. Then, the player should charge for the rabbit, and, if lucky, they will catch the rabbit and the Boo will solidify and knock Wario away while holding the rabbit. Then, the player should return to the rabbit to find that the rabbit will not move, cannot be touched, and Wario can walk through it like a Boo when transparent. Players often use this glitch to get humorous screenshots of Wario standing inside the rabbit, making it look like he has rabbit ears.


In Chief Chilly Challenge, the player should make it to the end near the star marker. Then, heading toward the exit, they should come on a block that moves up and down, and a block that moves forward and back. There is a small space between the first block and the wall that the second block moves in. If the player slides forward into the space as the block is headed toward them, they may pass through it.


In Tall, Tall Mountain As Wario, they must go to the black bricks by the mushrooms and punch the one on the left to reveal a mega mushroom. They must grab it and quickly go to the teleporting mushroom. They must quickly press select while they are teleporting and go back to the game. When they emerge, Wario will be invisible. They only way to see where you are is by the smoke the comes out of his feet or by picking up something. The glitch ends when the player enters the teleporter again, enters a cannon,dies, or completes the level.


This glitch requires anyone other than Yoshi, due to the fact that he can not kick or punch. To perform the glitch, the player should first jump kick (jump,then press A.) The player must hold B after the jump, then land. The player should still be holding down B for the entire glitch. When landing, the player should press A. Instead of punching, the player will kick. It's actually possible to move around and kick by pressing any direction on the D-pad and the glitch together.


The player needs to set off into Shifting Sand Land as any character, but should choose any star besides Stars 1 or 5. This is because in Star 1, Klepto is carrying a star in his talons and is flying all over the course, and in Star 5, he isn't in the level.

After they enter Shifting Sand Land as anyone, the player should take someone's cap (it doesn't matter which cap they take, but the glitch will fail if they don't take one). When the hat is taken, they should head on over to the other side of the pyramid (the one with Klepto, the lake, and a Pokey in between the two pillars) and look for a non-bouncing cork box. If they spot it, the player should pick it up and go to where Klepto can get them and stand still (the glitch won't work if they move). When stationary, players should wait for Klepto to come get them and when he hits, if the player has Version 1, the game will freeze and will also produce a very loud screech-like noise. If the player did this glitch correctly, and the game did not freeze, they have Version 2.


In the two mirror rooms(King Boo's Lair and Snowman's Land room), the player must enter look mode, look in the mirror, then turn around. Lakitu will be out of the mirror.


When collecting any star, instead of jumping to collect it, the player should jump above it and ground pound. They will still collect the star normally but with the player's legs in the ground.


For this glitch the player must do the Underground Pool but not go in the cannon. Instead the player has to swim deep under the ground (not too deep, just a bit) and swim under the area where the player would be able to walk after draining the moat just in front of the castle. Then the player should swim up to the surface, where they should be inside the castle walls (which would be invisible). The player should turn the camera so they can see the small door which would let the player enter the basement from the outside of the castle, which would be submerged. The player must swim into the door from the behind, and then the screen will go white as if jumping into a painting. The player will now be inside the basement. If the player has not finished Bowser in the Dark World, going to the door that leads to the ground floor of the castle will just say that the player will need the key. And because the door that takes the player outside is submerged, it is impossible to get out of the basement. Since it is still possible to enter one of the three paintings in the basement like this, the player can get out by exiting the game or by choosing "Exit Course" from the Pause Screen, which will take them to the sun plate in the main room of the castle.


The player (any character, but works better with Mario.) must perform a long jump any where. In the long jump, the player should push up on the D-pad. As soon as the character begins to land, the player lets go of up and land. The player should quickly perform another long jump, but he or she press and hold down. If performed correctly, the character will long jump up (like a normal jump, but keep the long jump stance.) the player should keep quickly performing long jumps as the character lands to long jump in place for as long as the player wishes. The player should continue to hold down for the entire time.


As any character, the player should enter the character change room and immediately turn left; they will notice a corner where the wall with the door meets another wall. Players should position themselves so that their character is facing the corner and then they should start long jumping into the corner. If they keep it up for about a minute, eventually they will slide up the corner, into the wall, fall a long distance, lose a life and appear outside the castle. While falling, players will see a messed up graphic.


In order to do this glitch, play as Mario and go to Wet-Dry World and select any mission. Make sure the water level is at its lowest point. Go towards where the Heave Ho and have them sent Mario all way up or by having Mario use the Triple Jump on the wooden platforms to go up. Go to the Red Question Block and get the Power Flower and make Mario float to the grate in the corner of the level. Swim towards the downtown area and touch the Crystal Tap to lower the water level. Go to the other Red ? Block, grab the Power Flower and float towards the opening. Then run to where the hole is to the main area. Press X twice and make Mario look up to see that there is still water above. The next part can be tricky: have Mario triple jump on the sides of the wall and he will be back in the main area but still inside the grate. Swim back to the downtown area and when Mario is half way there, the water disappears. Mario can exit the level by exiting the course or by getting a star in the downtown area where Mario has to do the Wall Jump on the walls and go through the opening in order to get back to the downtown area.


As Yoshi, players should head in front of the castle and find three rabbits outside the bridge. Players must chase the left rabbit over the wooden bridge and try to catch it and go over the bridge at the same time, and should land in the water (it is highly recommended to do this before draining the moat, as the glitch will fail if they jump off the bridge and hit land). While in the water, players should try to get slightly on land so that the rabbit can give his speech and Yoshi can land back in the water right afterward, but before regurgitating the rabbit. With the rabbit still in Yoshi's mouth, players should swim back to jump back on land to find that Yoshi is uncontrollable. He will be moving in the same direction he jumped in, but he will be moving without moving his legs until he touches a steep slope, where he'll slide down. If Yoshi did not hit the water, he will remain stationary and still is uncontrollable. When this happens, the only way to escape is to turn off the game. If Yoshi hits the water, he can jump out and will move without moving his legs again, until he hits a slope, in which case, he will remain stationary.


Wario standing underwater, like on the surface.

With any character, the player should head to Jolly Roger Bay and select the Plunder in the Sunken Ship Power Star. Next, the player should head to the secret cave and grab Wario's Cap. By taking the Power Flower from the box the player should run onto the ship as fast as Wario can. When the player is flashing back into regular Wario, they should be sliding down on the nose of the ship. With luck, the metal will have worn off by the time players hit the sea floor. The player can then use the clam to take their cap off, and the other caps are waiting for them down there. The only way for things to be back to normal is to exit through menu, going inside the ship, or going back into the secret cave.


The player should enter Wet-Dry World with any character and they should set the water level so that the tip of the spiral platform is in the water. If done, the player should swim to the very back of the spiral and jump under it. If all goes well, the character will be forced under water and they can now walk under it like normal. To get out, players should simply get towards the surface of the water.


Mario is about to get to the door from behind.
Mario walking underwater after doing the Metal on the Inside 3 glitch.

The player must do the Underground Pool glitch. But, just when going into the basement, the player must go back through the door (because it is possible to walk then). The player will find himself/herself outside the castle, walking in the moat. If the player jumps, however, the glitch will end. But if the player goes to either one of the places in the moat where the bottom is covered in mud, it is possible to even do a triple jump and still be underwater.


This glitch can be done as anyone in the level with Bowser's submarine in Dire Dire Docks. This can also be done in any version, although it is by far easier to do in version 1.

The player should swim to the area of Dire Dire Docks with Bowser's submarine and go to the rear of the submarine where there are two propellers in the water sticking out of the submarine. The player should swim under one of the propellers and jump and do a ground pound at the same time. If successfully done, the player will be forced under the water and lose half their health. The player can walk around down there, but cannot get the star in the jet stream. To exit, the player has to either die or reset the level. This glitch only works when Bowser's sub is still there.


As Yoshi, the player should enter Bob-omb Battlefield and choose a level where the block containing a Mega Mushroom is present. The block should be near a Bob-omb and a wooden bridge. Yoshi should lick up the Bob-omb and spit it towards the block. The Bob-omb will explode, leave some coins behind, and the block will explode, revealing a Mega Mushroom. The player should then try to have Yoshi eat a coin and be touched by the mushroom at the same time. If it worked, Yoshi will be small, but the Mega Mushroom music will be playing. He walks as if he's big and will even break blocks and other things on contact. It's as if Yoshi is big and small at the same time.


In Whomp's Fortress, after passing the Sliding Stones, there are two Brick Blocks facing the mountaintop. The player has to look from any other direction and one of the Brick Blocks will be gone. The player can go right through the brick either way.


These are glitches that are not completable when doing this. There are two ways.

The first way works in the Silver Star level of Snowman's Land. First, the player should collect all the stars. Then, the player has to head for the igloo. After entering the igloo, the player should lose 1, 2, 3, 4, or all of their Silver Stars by bumping into enemies. After that, they exit the igloo and find that one of the/all of the Silver Stars have disappeared from anywhere in the entire level. Come back to the igloo and the Stars aren't there. The player's only choices are to complete another mission or exit the level.

For the second way, the player must again be in the Snowman's Silver Stars level in Snowman's Land. First, the player should then, again, collect all the stars the player should lose 1, 2, 3, 4, or all of their Silver Stars by bumping into enemies. After losing all the stars, the player has to head for the igloo. After entering the igloo, they exit the igloo and then, all the stars are again, disappeared into the igloo and the level.

This glitch was fixed for European releases of Super Mario 64 DS. As a side effect, the "Frozen Snowman's Land" glitch (which is arguably more serious) became possible.


As Yoshi, the player needs to go to the Tall, Tall Mountain. They should select Mission 2. Then they should get Hoot to fly them to the top of the mountain. The player should then eat the monkey on top. When the monkey asks for Yoshi to let him go, the player should select hold him. Next, the player should walk down the mountain, and spit him into the water. The player should fly back up to the top. Then, they should eat the monkey again. When he asks Yoshi to let him go, hit hold him, and walk to the fence in front of the waterfall. If the player faces the waterfall, and waits for the monkey to ask for freedom again, they should say yes. Yoshi will then spit the monkey into the waterfall. If the player walks down the mountain, then flies back up, they should eat the monkey again. The monkey will not ask for the player to let him go. If the player hits A again, Yoshi will make a swallowing motion, and the monkey will reappear where he last was. The player must now leave the area, or complete a different mission.


Mario with 4 caps around him.

In Snowman's Land the player needs to jump in the cannon and launch Mario/Wario/Luigi at the tree on the Snowman's mountain. After that, the player must get the character's hat, which was blown off by the Snowman. When the player lands, the player has to grab the box near the pile of ice blocks and throw it at the Snowman wearing the hat. After that the player needs to put the player's hat back on and repeat the process. When the player defeats the Snowman, two hats will appear. The player must collect both hats. The number of hats will double each time the player repeats this. After about sixteen hats the DS will begin to lag and there will be piles of hats (more than one hat in the same place).

When there are too many hats the game will crash. But if Mario gets rid of enough moving objects in the level (that means enemies, coins, etc.)then eventually it will get to the point that the snowman will stop giving out hats and Mario will be left without a hat.

Note: If the player has Version 2, the game will not freeze, but the DS will still lag and they can still get more and more hats.


On any mission where the owl is there, players should enter Tall Tall Mountain as any character. They should ride the owl to the top of the mountain near the ? box. Instead of taking the trails down the mountain, the player should jump off of various cliffs to get to the bottom. Players should land near the mushrooms and the black bricks, and go onto the warp mushroom. If all was successful, the player will come out of the warp to find that they are in water. Players can swim all about and when viewed from above, the character will appear as if they are swimming in thin air. Jumping out of the water or swimming to the other side of the mountain will result in everything returning to normal.


In the mirror room of the castle as Yoshi, the player must walk up to the mirror and go into first person view. They should then turn the camera all the way around and then move it downward. The player will see inside Yoshi with a grey triangular prism hanging from his neck.


In Wet-Dry World, the player should go to the underground area and drain the water. Go to the back to the building with a 2-tier roof and a pole on top leading to a higher platform. Get on top of the portion of the roof containing the pole. Walk slowly to the edge facing directly away from the wall. If the player stops at the right time, they will walk off the edge, but not fall. Zooming in shows that the heel of the character's foot is as much as the length of said foot away from the edge of the platform.


As any character, go to the slide in Tall, Tall Mountain. Make sure that the camera is on moderate range. Perform a dashing sweep kick (dash, crouch, then attack) onto the slide. Eventually, the camera will turn in odd directions on its own, and after some time, correct itself. If the player switches to far range camera at the right time, the camera will correct itself after a longer time. In either case, the player can manually correct the camera by pressing the L button.


The player should go to Hazy Maze Cave as Wario and go to Behind the Waterfall. The player should then defeat the two Snifits and then read the sign just ahead, but do not press A. Look left, and you see a strange sprite that can either be a Snifit, Bob-omb Buddy, a coin, or a red coin. If the player presses A, the sprite will dissapear.


Peach's Castle as seen from afar.

To do this glitch, the player must do the "Underground Pool" glitch but they must swim toward the boundaries instead. The player must swim under the ground and they will swim away from the castle. There is nowhere to go, so the player will swim forever. If the player jumps out of the water the water will disappear and the player will fall and die. Swimming back to the castle also triggers the "Metal on the Inside 3" glitch.


The player should head to Wet-Dry World and choose any star. Lower the water level then get to the top where you can push the block. Push it all the way to the left, then jump on top and run into the corner. Go into look mode and turn until the character is facing where he came from. Then exit look mode, and the character will be inside the block. This may take a few tries. Walk through the north wall and fall into the tunnel leading to the town. If the player looks where the town is supposed to be, it will not be there. If the player walks away and comes back, the town will reappear again, although all the water will be gone.


The player must do the "Metal on the Inside 1" glitch and head to the front of the ship. Then, run into the ship. If the player does it in the right spot, the player should walk through the ship's wood. The player can see a turned off jet stream here. If the player tries to head inside the ship while behind the wood, the player will end up sliding between the wood that is there and an invisible wall of shadows. To get inside the ship from here, walk up the wood floor. The player will go through that floor and end up inside the ship.


Players should enter Tall Tall Mountain as Yoshi and get anyone else's cap. With the cap on, they should grab Ukiki so that he can steal the cap. When Ukiki has the cap, the player should try to grab Ukiki to get the cap back. If they succeed, immediately after they get the cap, they should charge for Ukiki to grab him again and, if they grabbed him as Yoshi, Ukiki will try to steal Yoshi's cap despite him not having one. This will cause the game to freeze.


If the player manages to get Ukiki to the black blocks in Tall Tall Mountain, and jumps over them, Ukiki will walk through them.


To do this, the player must enter Tall, Tall Mountain as Yoshi and go on any level. They should go to where the rolling log is and chase Ukiki to where there is a slope leading to a ledge facing the water near where the player starts the level. They should then run, jump off the ledge and swallow Ukiki. If the player hits a flame spat out by the shy guy, Yoshi will run around crazily as normal, but should jump off the ledge. If the timing was correct and all was successful, Ukiki will give out his speech as normal, but the player will find themselves standing in midair. Then when Ukiki finishes his speech, Yoshi will spit him out while falling. If or when Ukiki hits water, he will disappear and reappear near the rolling log.


Mario performing the "Underground Pool" glitch.
Mario on the roof after performing the "Underground Pool" glitch.

First, as anyone other than Yoshi (sliding is involved, which is something Yoshi cannot do), the player needs to exit the castle and go to the left near the little lake with the cannon. Then, they should get onto the lake shore and just to the left of the cannon, on a steep hill, there will be a tree. If players position themselves correctly, they should slide towards the tree until half of their character is beneath the ground, while the other half is above it. If that is done correctly, they should slide down the tree (without jumping) and will eventually hit water. They can swim freely down there, but sometimes if the player jumps, they will keep falling until they lose a life. To get out, the player simply should swim into the lake from where the tree was. Or, if the moat was not yet drained, they can enter the cannon and get to the roof with as little as 8 Stars.


It is possible to use the cannon by the Bob-omb Buddies on the first mission in the Bob-omb Battlefield. If the player does the "Fence Flying 2" glitch, they should try to land in the first cannon. For unknown reasons, they will pass through the cannon shooting balls, and be in the usable cannon. When aiming, the player will be inside of the other cannon.


When the player enters the castle, they must go to the right. The player can jump on top of the door that leads them to the Rec Room and the Princess's Secret Slide. When on the white part, the player can go into first person view to see a carpet leading to a wall.


Yoshi holding the Invisible Object.

The player must go somewhere with at least two Goombas as Yoshi. Yoshi must swallow one of the Goombas and turn it into a Yoshi Egg. Then the player must jump on the other Goomba and press A. With good timing, the Egg will explode and Yoshi will be carrying an invisible object in his hands. Oddly, this might be something left over from a beta build of the game, since Yoshi never uses his hands in the final version. Sometimes when the player does this, parts of the level will be invisible but still touchable such as signs, red coins, posts and doors. Even the icons on the screen like the health meter, coin counter, etc. will vanish. If the player stays in the level for more than a few minutes the game will crash. Occasionally, if the player tries to exit the level, the game will crash. If neither of these things happen, chances are that if the player tries to enter another course, the game will freeze.


To do this, the player must perform Secret Pool in Tall, Tall Mountain glitch first, using Yoshi. Then, Yoshi must swim to the Chuckya, being careful not to make the water disappear. Then, still being careful, Yoshi must grab the Chuckya as if he is grabbing a Koopa Shell. After that, Yoshi should swim further with the Chuckya to make the water disappear. As the water disappear, Yoshi will be standing on his two feet with the Chuckya still in his hand. With Yoshi holding a Chuckya, his running speed and his jumping speed is not affected by the Chuckya in his hand. To undo the glitch, Yoshi can just simply throw the Chuckya.