Duh Stoopid Bomb!

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Duh Stoopid Bomb! was an issue of Valiant's Super Mario Bros. series of comics.

Plot Sypnosis

While Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool and King Toadstool discuss various matters in the castle war room, Wooster says that new information has been recieved from the F.B.I. (Fungus Bureau of Investigation). Luigi points out that it must be a message from Toad, who Princess Toadstool says had infiltrated King Bowser Koopa's headquarters.

At Bowser's throne room, Toad, disguised as a Shy Guy, listens in on a presentation, attended by Bowser, Fryguy and a Snifit, after delivering Bowser's Koopa Kola, which was the wrong brand to Bowser's frustration. Toad learns from the presenter, a red robed Snifit that the Stupid Bomb is ready and that the device will make anyone "reaaaaally stupid for hours".

After the Snifit presents the Stupid Bomb, Toad is discovered to be a spy accidently by Bowser. Running from Bowser, Toad asks the Snifit to give him the Stupid Bomb, the Snifit naively does so. Toad manages to escape Bowser's throne room when Bowser, for some odd reason, think that the Shy Guy costume left behind by Toad is an actual Shy Guy.

Back in the war room, Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool and Wooster are debating as to whether attack Bowser when Toad bursts into the room. Unfortunately, Toad accidently trips and drops the Stupid Bomb, causing it to explode.

Doused in the gas of the Stupid Bomb, everyone present, except King Toadstool, is instantly made dumber. A dopey Mario and Luigi, gaining permission from King Toadstool, decide to go out and attack Bowser's army single-handedly. Mario and Luigi then jump out the war room window and head toward a nearby Hawkmouth in order to get to World 2-1.

Meanwhile, a Snifit is currently preparing his Shy Guy army for combat by giving them Stupid Bombs, saying the bombs are perfectly safe, as long as they aren't dropped; soon after saying this, the Snifit hears an unerving "uh-oh!" from the crowd of Shy Guys. Before anything can be done, a dropped Stupid Bomb explodes, dousing everyone present in its intelligence-lowering gas.

AS the Shy Guys begin to party, Mario and Luigi appear. The Snifit, mistaking Mario and Luigi for party guests, gives them half-a-dozen Stupid Bombs as presents. Thanking the Snifit, Mario and Luigi walk away, when suddenly, the bombs explode.

Later, the Snifit is reporting what happened to Bowser, who is at first angered but then happy, saying that the stupified Mario and Luigi are probably going to set-off all the bombs they managed to take back to the Mushroom Kingdom, making the population idiotic. Bowser then proceeds to show the Snifit his "Smart Bombs", which will counteract the effects of the Stupid Bombs, making all the Shy Guys smart again. The Snifit, curious, grabs a Smart Bomb, the bomb proceeds to explode in the Snifit's hands, making him super-intelligent, it also, inexplicably, gives him a hat.

The Snifit proceeds to usurp Bowser of his kingship and dumpo him into the Fryguy Kindergarden, where Bowser is subsequently crowded by several overly-enthusiastic Fryguys. The Snifit proceeds to to try and think of what he should do next.

At the Mushroom Kingdom war room, the effects of the Stupid Bomb are beggining to wear-off Toad, Princess Toadstool and Wooster, who proceeds to make a list of people who thinks King Toadstool is stupid. As Wooster writes, Mario and Luigi burst into the room with their Stupid Bombs. As Wooster begins to warn Mario and Luigi to be careful of the Stupid Bombs, they suddenly explode, apparently making everyone dumb once again.

Back at the Koopa Kingdom, the Snifit begins attempting to train the Shy Guys, unfortunately, the Shy Guys, still plagued by the effects of the Stupid Bombs, simply ignore him and decide to do an experiment; slamming multiple Stupid Bombs together to see how big an explosion they can make....
