User talk:Ghost Jam/PIE
Fave Pies
Pie is good... My favorites are apple pie, blueberry pie, and, my mostly favoritest pastry pie, pumpkin pie. Snack 15:24, 9 December 2007 (EST)
- What about freedom flavor? You don't like freedom pie? --
00:47, 3 March 2008 (EST)
wow, Wayoshi must need to work pree-ety hard to hax0r that much pies! :P
ROFL Mr. Guy the GuyStill LOLing
- He'd have to code with all the precision of Wayoshi and the fury of Willie on Wheels. It would be a glorious hax0ring. --
00:47, 3 March 2008 (EST)
o geez, wayoshi and willy on wheels in the same sentance. Dangit, mario 3v must have talked.Caution! Your Buddy Bill was uniju is a joker, he shouldnt have been a stick in the mud.
(Yeah right! you and Snack make joke proposal and a few people vote on it, and when I make a joke proposal Revesinator came here and ruined everything and gave me a warning... ) And your proposal should have continued forever now that it is archived so other people like me can vote on it without risking being blocked... KS3 (talk · contribute)