Can anyone thin of a use for this image, its of Kooky Von Koopa's baby form from The Adventures of Super Mario bros. 3 episode "Toddler Terrors of Time Travel". -- Sir Grodus
- Is this him as a baby in the past, or transformed into a baby, but still taking place in the present? -- Son of Suns
Transformed into a baby, the same thing happened with Toad in the same episode, as well as Bowser, Mario and Luigi. -- Sir Grodus
- You could put it in that episode's article. Or if there's significant content about Kooky in that episode, put it in the other appearances section with a brief synopsis. -- Son of Suns
"He's also known for being an evil genius too, and the smartest of all the Koopalings. In the games though Iggy replaces him in that title." In what game is Iggy smarter than Ludwig? This statement is baseless and poorly written. Should I take this out, or is Iggy smarter in some game I haven't played? GreenKoopa - Comments or questions? · :eekdance::
?Answer asap
In the magikoopa article it says Ludwig is a Magikoopa is this true and where does the source come from