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Flifits are snifit-like sunflowers who are first fought by Bowser in the overworld, during the events of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. In battle, Flifits spit seeds at the character which Bowser must counter, with a punch, or by hiding in his shell. If the Flifit keeps it's head still, then it will spit a seed at the ground, which will then bounce over Bowser. He must counter this by hiding in his shell to prevent the seed from damaging him. However, if the Flifit tilts its head backwards, then the Flifit will send a seed straight forward, which Bowser must punch, thus the seed bounces up, and he must hide in his shell again. Flifits are weak to fire (Obviously, for they are plants) and if Bowser uses the inhale ability, it will make the Flifit wilt, leaving it a lot more vulnerable than it was with its petals attached.