MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template Poll Selection PageREORGANIZE 7-0 I looked at the Poll selection page, and I have to admit something: It is a disaster. So here is what I am proposing: We clean it up. To get more into detail:
If this is passed, and it works, we can make suggesting and voting on new polls easier, quicker, and more efficient. Also, this plan can reduce loading time for the pages. Proposer: Super Mario Bros. (talk) Reorganize Poll Selection Page
Leave It the Way It Is (Messy and Destroyed)CommentsPaper Yoshi, I'm sorry to say I can't have your help in reorganizing the page right now, but in helping to observe the rules and help keeping it cleaned after I finish reorganizing it will help me a whole lot, as we might as well not do the proposal if the page is going to get messed up again. So, once again, to help me, all you need to do is keep the page clean once I'm finished. Thank you for your wanting to help me though. Super Mario Bros. (talk) Zafum (talk) - How are you going to be able to get rid of the signatures that cover most of the polls already? I'm sure your not going to delete all those polls?
Enforce No-Signature PolicyAdd New Rules 3-0 I feel that the "No-Signature Policy" on many of the pages around the wiki have been utterly violated. Many of the users like to use the "letter of the law" technique as opposed to the "spirit of the law", which, in other scenarios, is okay, but is not good to this policy. Due to many pages that feature the "No-Signature Policy" having limited space, they cannot touch upon the many ideas that were originally expressed when this "policy" went into enactment. As of such, as I stated earlier, many users dodge the rules (see the second bullet in my above proposal about the Poll Selection page). As of such, I would like to create one page that has detailed rules on the subject, and that could be linked to pages that share these many ideas. The page, if created, would most likely be titled MarioWiki:No-Signature Policy. A rough draft of my proposed page can be located here. Proposer: Super Mario Bros. (talk) (With great advice from Walkazo (talk)) Make the New Page
Leave It the Way It IsCommentsOn what pages exactly has this rule been violated? What pages are under this rule, anyway? - Cobold (talk) 17:36, 29 June 2009 (EDT)
I made changes on the page that is linked to. Walkazo gave me some great suggestions, and I incorporated them into the rules list. Super Mario Bros. (talk)
I find it ridiculous and annoying that almost all proposals these days are about signature rules. Dom (talk)