User talk:Dom

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Status: Life is a paradoxical enigma; and as such, it is not worth explaining why I ever was a part of this site, or what my true intentions are in life. Well, I sort of know... but they are not achievable. Farewell to this site.


Please post new messages at the very bottom of the page, even if you're continuing a recent conversation that only has one small message after it. Otherwise I sometimes miss messages.

  • No evil swear-words.
  • Don't insult any religions... even though I'm not particularly religious.
  • No racism either
  • Don't insult ducks

Eight Archives:

I've made another archive of old messages. Do NOT read them - they're private :/

Dom's TOP SECRET Archives! Do NOT read!

Start messages here...

(if you dare...)

Shroom section


I'm Tucayo the new sub-director of The Shroom, i am here to ask you if you are going to continue writing for The Shroom. Please answer as soon as you can.

TucayoSig.png I dared


Joining fake news. I saw that Archive 8 on this page was a link to Archive 7, so I fixed it.

-Ralphfan (el t0rtuga)

Ducks are cool >_>

I mean __TOC__, the magic word, which allows you to place the table of contents anywhere in a page.
If red is hostile, could this work?
- 2257(Talk) 21:19, 23 January 2009 (EST)


That happens to me a lot as well. This laptop is a literal PoS.

I've seen that, and I remember when I had to sneak on my mom's computer to watch YouTube as well. Arthur's Massive, Throbbing hit" wasn't all that good, IMO, and I prefer it when someone poops Zelda CD-i rather than other cartoon shows, unless it's really funny. Here's a list of the YouTube Poopers you should subscribe to:

  • Deepercutt - His poops are much different than WalrusGuy's (he makes Arthur's hit) and are still funny. Most of his Sonic X poops are terrible, the funniest being "SHUT UP" and "The most epic card game ever played". His biggest failure was trying to poop Happy Tree Friends. I suggest you look at his old ones to get some REAL lulz. Oh, and don't try talking to him. He's a real jack@$$.
  • Kroboproductons - Like DC, he's a total jerk to anyone that doesn't broadcast fads or is not emo. He'll troll and spam you with multiple accounts if you post negative comments on his videos (he calls them "vidyas") or rate any of them 2 stars or below (so it's best not to rate them at all). Despite his facade, his poops are amazing, and he's really versatile, so he makes poops of all kinds (mostly classics, like Sonic series, his favorite).
  • SwishFilmsinc - His best poop was "The Kings Unreasonable demands", which made me ROFLMAO, something I barely ever do. I don't know much about his personal life, though.

Now that you have a feel for the poopers, here are some hits you should watch. The makers of these either stopped making poops or haven't made any funny ones in a while, which is why they aren't listed above.

  • Ganon thinks your face will burn him - My favorite of all. Just watch it.
  • What is Spaghetti? - A YTP classic, and is what sparked the arrival of the famous poopers above.
  • Mama Luigi Leaves the stove on - More like a YTPMV (I'll get into that later), but still hilarious. It was going to become a fad, but other YTPers thought it was a tad difficult to make with that hard-to-find MP3.

There are some poops that are INSANELY hilarious, but have inappropriate titles to them, which kinda sucks if you're trying to show them in a public area.

You're probably wondering what a YTPMV is, aren't you? Allow me to explain. YTPMVs are fads sparked by YouTube Poops, hence the name. Unlike YouTube Poops, the maker takes an unfamiliar MP3 and uses a YTP character's voice (like the King's, or Doctor Robotnik's) and makes them "sing". Look up "Robotnik's Tea Party" and "Mario Wario Lucario" to see what I'm talking about. While you're at that, you might wanna subscribe to Vorhias, a guy who specializes in making these kinds of videos.

I'll tell you about YT fads too, but I think I've explained a little too much for now. I should get to explaining that later. lol

"Oh my faithful God". Is there anything wrong with that? I thought you were Christian, dude. Try assuming good faith for once.

You complained about something, and I said it was ghey. What moar do you want?

Thank you for that. I wish there were some way to crop the whitespace, but I can survive.

Ummm..., yeah... I'm too 1337...

That Shaymin pic is pretty chill, but I can't believe I have yet to show you how skilled I am at finding lulz images. Here's one sure to knock your socks off (this got me started on maining Wolf in Brawl):


30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif "ily" means "I love you", but in this case, it's non-homosexual. If it's that serious, I can change it to "lurb". lol

Re: Shroom

Thanks! BTW i like tacos. Well as a Sub-director i do evreything Stooby is too lazy to do needs help with, and in case the director dies i become the new one TucayoSig.png I think so

Aussie Open (and other stuff)

Yeah, I'm sorta a l33t now...or something of that sort. The Aussie Open thing shows five channels with live coverage, three with wraparound, and one with a mix (smaller versions from all channels).

-Ralphfan (el t0rtuga)

My inactive is afecting myself ._.

My family is reforming our house and than I can't user the computer ._. And yes. IoDW is AWESOME :D Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario.Super Luigi! Number one!Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario.

And Happy Birthday (I'm late, I know) I didn't know your birthday ._. I should draw simething to you :) Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario.Super Luigi! Number one!Artwork of Luigi from Super Paper Mario. I drew Obama :P


Ummmm... yes.

Your computer must be shaped weird, because all keyboards are the same here. lol

No offense, but people who make such good quality videos have WAAAAAAY too much free time. I couldn't make a YouTube Poop like that if I was given a month! And lol, that poop wasn't really too funny. Especially after you watch it a couple of times...

Oh, I've got a lot moar in stock for you.

Atheists can burn in hell, because it's better than where they'll end up anyway. :p I honestly don't understand why people don't believe God is real, and counter all Biblical theories with Science (which, ironically, is one of my best subjects in school :p).

Never. <3

lolno, I'd have to put it on a card or something. By the way, I made a trainer card today. IMAGE HERE
You can make one here, if your "japoota" allows it.

I'm not really into sprite fusion, although back when I was twelve I made up a region where pokeyman fusion was possible. :p

Yeah, some of my Strategy guides have the WORST typos. The most ROFLtastic one is "To get to the edge, jumpo the edge, jump on the paratroopa for a boost in height edge." XD Yeah, that's one ****ed up guide. This one was for New Super Mario Bros., by the way. lol In my opinion, Prima makes the worst guides. It's Emerald guide is terrible, just to clarify. Nintendo Power is best.

So your friend is a bixual? Never heard of that type of sexuality. My guess is that he's fond of machines. I have many online friends that are homosexual, and some that are homophobic. IRL, however, I have friends that ACT gay, but get all the chicks. It's weird.

Done, done, and doner.

W00T, my image showededed!

Oh, by the way, here I am. It's an actual picture of me. IMIDGE

30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif Why thank you. My sig was based off of yours, you know, hence the messages at the end.

Woah, another Aussie! :o

Nice to meet you! Wow, sorry to hear about the heat...even here in Tasmania it was pretty hot, it didn't feel like our aircon did anything :< Sounds like it hit pretty hard there though o.o

Hopefully us Aussies will keep in touch! :)

Neu (edits|talk|irc) 07:54, 28 January 2009 (EST)


I bet I've been forgotten...XD

I would have completed MP3 WAAAAY sooner, but one of the missile expansions in Bryyo messed me up (the one where you have to destroy the statue) because I destroyed the statue when I first got there, but I never realized what it did, so I came back after I got the full map and I forgot all about it. XD

The final boss was too easy, though. :( Then again, I'm like GOD at FPSs, and I basically turned my arm cannon into a machine gun, killing everything on sight. I nevery really liked using Hypermode, because it drains your energy tanks. Missiles run out, and charge shots almost never hit. Rundas was ANNOYING, tho. WTF kind of weak spot is the neck?

Gyroid X

Re: Lol @ Tacos

The date is February the 14th TucayoSig.png Valentines Day

Dom's speed rose!

You've been such a good friend to me, so I caught a Chimecho and named it after you. The title of this message is correspondence to your replies, which have come to me quicker. Also, because this Chimecho is faster than usual.

Yeah, it could be like "The move did massive damage, it's super effective!" or some other line.

My hands are seven inches long (and I measured them a Year ago)

The internet is full of racists, dude, just as the world is full of hypocrites. It's all a matter of opinion, really. I dislike that poop because of the bad graphics and poor sound effects, but meh. I'd give it a 2.5. I like looking at Poops which are out-of-the-ordinary, ones like SpongeBob or something that originated as a video game (like Halo).



I couldn't pronounce the 'L' in "light" when I was younger. >_>

lol, I love being lazy!

If you thought that game was easy, you should play Pinobee. It's one of the most unpopular games EVER, and only caught attention when in the time span of 3 days. It was short, and boring. For some reason, I never listen to that voice in my head telling me not to buy a video game that will turn out to be a load of ****. >_> I had one of those for Ruby and Sapphire, but it was by Nintendo power. The only typo I found in it was the misplacement of the types of the moves for Ninjask. It said that Screech was a water type move and that Ninjask could learn take down (it was a copy of Slash).



I am considered handsome by many... thank you.

Not really. If you make a photobucket account, you can choose to make your account (and it's pictures) public or private. If you choose private, everything of yours will be hidden, and can only be accessed by manually typing in the URL.

30.pngR.O.B. 128User offline.gif NO U

Heat Wave? In MY Computer time?

It's more likely than you think.

I've heard of some people having power outages...and now I know why. Wow! :O If this is what global warming would be like in a few years, we sure are in for a bumpy ride. :(

I've been in Tassie for a few years now (since...2004/5) and have since gotten used to its usual cold temperatures. It feels a lot hotter to us, then. D: But I haven't heard of any of my friends here being powerless. Definitely we're all bothered about it. :<

Man, I really feel your pain on the aircon thing. Our heatpump actually has a fan function but unfortunately it doesn't seem to circulate into my computer/bedroom. Talk about annoying! I hope this heat wave goes away soon, and we can all get back to our normal lives. D: Neu (edits|talk|irc) 06:03, 30 January 2009 (EST)

(PS: Yes, I understand the joke. We get a lot of carp about that kind of doesn't really apply to us though, since we weren't born here xP)

Root beer is the elixir of life...

Sadly, I did NOT get TP. :( However, I do have a rom of OoT and it's pretty good. I still don't know where the sword is, so I can't do anything. The Lost Woods is annoying. It has about twelve mystery exits, most of them lead you back to the start, one leads you somewhere else that's useless, and some other places.

Rundas was a cool boss, but he was just really annoying. He took so long, I actually had to take a break cause my hand was getting sore from my machine-gun firing. I made my fire button B, since it makes more since. (B as a jump button is screwed up.) My "shoot like hell" tactics didn't work, because he has such strong defenses. This tactic involves shooting so much that you beat enemies before they can hurt you, but about halfway through the battle I realized I was dying. Luckily his projectiles give health.

Bryyo was an awesome level. Awesome music, awesome scenery, and bosses that actually can stand up for themselves. (Mogenar and Rundas were the only bosses that actually took a while to defeat.) I love the last Metroid Hatcher you find. By then you have the Nova Beam, and after one hit he's dead. But even funnier is when you shoot it, it acts like it got its tentacles ripped off, so apparently damaging it's head makes its bottom bleed. :)

A secret nobody's found yet? Again? TELL THE GYROID.

I need a new sig, apparently.

Gyroid X