User talk:Stooben Rooben
Merry ChristmasWell, here's your Christmas surprise! I know its pretty shabby, but I'm proud of it and hope you like it (if you don't, feel free to tell me). The quality sucks, but I may scan these pics in the future. Merry Christmas and Laters! MisterJaffffey Merry Christmas!!!!! ^o^Collapsible table (now this will work)Hey stoob, recently I found a short code for making templates collapsible by just adding the determined class instead of using the long and tricky code that I created. If this works as expected, we can prevent such glitch that some articles have - where the showhide extention didn't work :D You can visit my User:Coincollector/test zone to see the rest of the info I had found ;]
Mah boiMerry Christmas! :D □R.O.B. 128□ 00:57, 26 December 2008 (EST)
Can you block KrackoYoob14-64 (talk) he/she has about four sockputtets so far. 78-Bits (talk)KrackoYoob100 (talk)KrackoYoob102 (talk)KrackoYoob104 (talk) Hey St00by, I thought you were only gonna come on in the afternoon lol. oh but anyway, im thinking that KrackoYoob 14-64 is Sonic Rocks, CheckUser him. His IP ranges are all in 189.13.x.x, also im guessing he has a proxy server cause he later changed it to 201 or something like that. uper-Yoshi
Collapsible GalleryHey Stooben I fixed your template. Also I have used it on Toad's page. (BTW I am sorry for not asking permission first before using or fixing your template.) =|
All crap. Really. Oh well I'll keep trying. Fair Enough... and strangely, that's all I have to say. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you just deleted that GIF from your japoota, but all that matters is that I made something in return.
Umakuittara! Hai tacchi! Hekonjattemo motodoori! SJ derp :P
Mario just beat a flower-like boss. Peach thanks mario for saving her, but tells Mario she hates him for hurting a flower. Peach jumps into a hole, and comes out riding a Banzai Bill. Then the fight stars. What do you think? BTW, this would be the battle theme. SJ derp :P
The pit Peach jumped into is split into 2 by a wall. You have to chase her into the wall. You must hit the wall 5 times on each side. Here are her attacks: The first 2 hits, she just chases you. After the 3rd hit, she throws bombs. After the 5th his, the Banzai bill breathes fire. After the 6th hit, it swoops down at you. After the 7th hit, Peach throws a series of bombs and then attempts to jump on you. After the 10th hit, the wall breaks and Peach falls in the pit a final time. She gets buried by rubble, and the banzai bills are destroyed, and the fight is over. SJ derp :P
"PM2 sprites"?Unfortunately the sprite for PM2 are disassembled pieces. It's kind a fuzzy memory but every sprite pieces is posted somewhere in some forum. Maybe MFGG. Sadly, I think it disappeared. I even can't find the disassembled pieces of Hooktail I once found. :( I'll try searching it further... for now, I have other stuff to do. Hey, speaking of images; I saw some of the gif images that you made in the wiki, the animated ones. Do you know a program about it or is it just a trial like shareware...? The GroxI need you to unban me from the Userpedia forums so I can set that idiot straight. He honestly believes such bullsh*t is true, ROB being cheap, every he sucks against being a scrub, and characters he sucks with terrible. □R.O.B. 128□ 00:15, 1 January 2009 (EST) I tried telling him that high tier characters are not to be labeled as "cheap" by scrubs such as himself, and he replies rudely by calling me a liar. Then we go through a n00by quote editing argument and he loses his temper and has the audacity to refer to one of his housemates as a "pro", making me look stupid, and completely stealing my words, adding his own faggotry. So I give a long, reasonable reply telling him exactly what a "scrub" and a "n00b" is. Being angry that he was outsmarted by a 15 year old, he bans me, with this suspension message to my e-mail address: "Learn to debate without flaming and without pulling shit out of your ass. ^_^" I never even flamed at that basement dwelling troll! He's finding ways to make me look bad! I have a VERY short temper, and I had to take in his insults (despite how weak and pathetic they were) and reply as calmly as possible. He needs to get demoted. Srsly? Banning me over a game? What a complete idiot.... □R.O.B. 128□ 00:29, 1 January 2009 (EST) I can't. Being that I'm banned, I can't forward it to you in any way. =( I assure I'm telling nothing else but the solid truth. You have to believe me! □R.O.B. 128□ 02:24, 1 January 2009 (EST) Dokiri! Majiku Pawaa!Hi! Listen to this please. SJ derp :P
Happy New Year!!Happy New Years!!!!!! Hello!Thanks for the welcome! ^^ I have some pretty good experience with wiki editing... I was a beuracrat of a Club Penguin Wikia but I left because I am 13 and rather old for that game, but luckily, Mario games are all ages. So I starteded editing again because I needed editing. I was itching to edit. ITCHING. So expect great contributions from me :) [[Image:Isamu sprite.png]] 23:42, 1 January 2009 (EST) RE: EditsThanks! Now just imagine what that number would be if I was actually fully active all these years. o_O And you're on the road to that milestone, and at a much quicker pace than me! You should be proud of all that you have accomplished in such a short period of time!! =D -- Son of Suns (talk) Haha. Rambling is good! Yeah...I think we are probably one of the most successful video game wikis out there, especially for a non-Wikia wiki!! (I think our independence is one of our strongest qualities.) Hell, we were even cited in a published book. However, there is a lot to be done - our articles are not always complete or always of the highest quality writing. I look at some of my past articles and realize I only touched the surface of a topic. There is so much information buried in Mario games, especially newer ones. One random comment from an NPC may open up a wealth of content. Now I am trying my hardest to record as much as possible while I play. Of course now I don't have the time to get my notes into the wiki while also patrolling new edits and trying to manage the edits made to pages in my watchlist. So much to do. Blah. Oh well, I'll do my best (and hopefully not get burnt out from it). =) -- Son of Suns (talk) My ultimate hope is that someday, somehow, the Super Mario Wiki will be as highly regarded and complete as Wookiepedia, the Star Wars wiki. There is so much information I never even knew about Star Wars on that site! Although Star Wars may have more media products, it is very similar to Mario in that both are gigantic franchises that have branched off into so many different types of media and indeed into other franchises. Mario is a huge undertaking, but I think we are slowly but surely getting there. All the PMTTYD articles? Good luck with that. Yeah, I usually just pursue my own independent projects based on my mood at the time (which sometimes results in me abandoning projects). I think that helps keep me sane, as I can pick and choose what I want to work on. If I don't finish everything, at least I got something down, which is better than nothing. And I probably won't make any major edits to the Mario series article, but I will likely check it from time to time to make sure everything is accurate. ;) -- Son of Suns (talk) Rudolph ate the Wi-Fi before Flying Off...Yeah, that GIF you can just copy the link from this page onto your Userpage - should be easy. It is a privilege to have my stuff on your highly-viewed page! (speaking of which, my User page has a pretty high view-count now... I wonder if the Imidge of da Week attracts people...?). Oh yeah, forums. Did you know I don't like forums? I find them weird. But I did read your response a while ago while sneaking onto the computer, didn't have time to reply. I'll do so when I get a chance. (soon, I hope) Nah, my Christmas wasn't bad... it just wasn't as special as many previous years. My best was 2004, as it got PM:TTYD and Pikmin 2. Oh, and also 2007, as I got SMG and SPM. I got Wario Land: The Shake Dimension (seriously, why does the game have different names in different regions? You don't suppose they found "Shake It!" to sound rude or something? o_O), and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. Both are very challenging, so I should be busy for a decent time. I doubt I'll ever 100& complete Wario. On Xmas Day, I took my DS to the place we went to - with a maximum of 35 "relatives" and assorted strangers at any one time. I just sat in a chair in the corner and played the Pokemon game the whole day, barely hearing the sound even at full volume. That was my Christmas. Bleck, I don't want to think how long it is until next year's. Way too long. Oh, and the one thing I didn't get which I really badly wanted was Wi-Fi. I was hoping to be able to Brawl against you and other Wiki people by now... :( Well, my birthday is the 21st, so not much time to decide what I want. Maybe I can convince my dad to get Wi-Fi then? So, how was your 25th December? I also got a pen with a wobbly wombat on it. And a big book of insane true facts and stories - possibly the most mind-blowing book ever. And other miscellaneous items. And here's my new sig with 2 of your awesome sprites! (added glowing edges to avoid merging in with certain pages) Oh, and I'm about to add your art of me to my page, but I had some technical problems trying to shrink it. (the full size would be way to big on my page)
9000th ArticleBro I made article number 9000 :D! BTW hope you win director election.--Luigibros2 14:20, 4 January 2009 (EST) I'm not rushing you to reply to my message above, but just asking if you could delete the image that was in my old sig, please. Don't need it no more.
FA NominationHey Stoobs! I thought I'd let you know that the Geno nomination is currently not featured because of one single oppose. Since you support the article, would you mind reviewing the oppose and possibly vote for its removal? Thanks! . PS: LOL, like my generic, polite message? :P
My Anime...I just thought of a really scary episode for my anime. SJ derp :P